Chess Boards and "resetters"

by Richter

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Richter2005-08-10 19:40:39
Artifact idea: Portable chess board

I was thinking, why can't someone carry a chess board around in a carying case or a box? Carry it in your inventory, set it on the ground, and start a game of chess like normal!

Manse idea: "resetters"

I really have no better thing to call the idea right now, but it just struck me as the solution to two of my problems.

These items would work like this.

1. Someone has a pet, and wants it to reset to a room. Now, while you can already do this (Nocturne resets to Deepnight's plaza), you cannot call them from other planes, and there's sometimes when you want your pet around, and sometimes when you might want it to reset to a room when you're not there. Purchase this resetter item, and you can do RESET -pet- to -resetter number-. Doing the manse room upgrade command will let you see how many resetters are there, and which ones have things linked to them. Note that it would only work with pets or artifacts. If you ever call the pet to you, it makes it so that you are now the person it resets to again.

2. Now, for artifacts. Maybe you want to leave out your weapon on display, or you want to be nice and leave your arti rings out in your home for your family members to use. You RESET the item to that particular resetter, and it will repop there on the same kind of timer as it would reset to you. If anyone takes this item, it goes back to that resetter, and if you take the item, you once again become the repop target.

Go ideas!
Galatae2005-08-10 19:48:03
I like both ideas. Especially if Josun ever gets a family going and one of them happens to buy lots of nice rings 'n' things.

Richter2005-08-18 21:21:23