Sobran2005-08-27 04:23:43
As the sunset meets your eyes
While they sing their quiet lullaby
Your thunderous brow lit aflame
By the sun's hand this May
Lightning strikes as if it were meant to cry
Setting its hair into the sky
Gently enough to calm the breeze
But loud enough to break my knees
But your hands- they catch me
Wring away the melancholy
And you laugh like you meant to give whispers
We; I; You; the sinners
With lips as fine as an empire's shout
And hands as equally strong as your mouth
I swear I might see wings sprout from your back
Catching the wind with an audible crack
And all is silent; nothing moves
It is just I with you
A moment or a second to believe
That lovers exist such as we
Or you, perhaps I this night
Make quick like the storm's plight
Darkness will set in soon and bring the dawn
Will you arise and tell me this is all wrong
But you and I- we, the countered pair
Like statues of ebony and marble fair
We watch; you listen and I speak
Whispers I wish I could both hear and see
Imagine your smile, enchanting too fast
That I fear it may not last
But still; the dawn has come
I sleep now and you yawn
You stretch like a house cat
Purring and smiling on your back
With me nestled against your side
And the dawn held between us this time
Should you leave? Should you stay?
Would it matter what they say?
You ask a question but it is lost in a kiss
If my heart is meant to be broken; let it be broken like this.
"Quixotic Lovers"
While they sing their quiet lullaby
Your thunderous brow lit aflame
By the sun's hand this May
Lightning strikes as if it were meant to cry
Setting its hair into the sky
Gently enough to calm the breeze
But loud enough to break my knees
But your hands- they catch me
Wring away the melancholy
And you laugh like you meant to give whispers
We; I; You; the sinners
With lips as fine as an empire's shout
And hands as equally strong as your mouth
I swear I might see wings sprout from your back
Catching the wind with an audible crack
And all is silent; nothing moves
It is just I with you
A moment or a second to believe
That lovers exist such as we
Or you, perhaps I this night
Make quick like the storm's plight
Darkness will set in soon and bring the dawn
Will you arise and tell me this is all wrong
But you and I- we, the countered pair
Like statues of ebony and marble fair
We watch; you listen and I speak
Whispers I wish I could both hear and see
Imagine your smile, enchanting too fast
That I fear it may not last
But still; the dawn has come
I sleep now and you yawn
You stretch like a house cat
Purring and smiling on your back
With me nestled against your side
And the dawn held between us this time
Should you leave? Should you stay?
Would it matter what they say?
You ask a question but it is lost in a kiss
If my heart is meant to be broken; let it be broken like this.
"Quixotic Lovers"
Unknown2005-08-27 15:43:49
I looooove it. <3 The rhyme scheme, the flow, the imagery. I looove it. Period.
Unknown2005-08-27 21:00:10
oooh, nifty 

Unknown2005-08-28 00:36:59