
by Richter

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Richter2005-08-27 18:25:11
Sweat flies from your brow as you continue to refine the quality of a wicked
darksteel mace.

#TRIGGER {Sweat flies from your brow as you continue to refine the quality of a wicked } {#gag}

You have recovered balance on all limbs.
4740h, 1428m, 2900e, 10p exdb-
darksteel mace.

Any help on how to gag the second line, without doing a seperate one that will remove "darksteel mace" from everything?
Ialie2005-08-27 18:43:51
Why don't you just set your line limit longer?
Unknown2005-08-27 18:44:20
Um. You can't?
Richter2005-08-27 18:49:16
You can do that?
Ialie2005-08-27 18:50:05
oops..sorry in another game you can..
Unknown2005-08-27 19:05:35
Conditional with * as a pattern, within lines set to 1.
Richter2005-08-27 21:53:19
You've lost me.
Unknown2005-08-27 22:25:55
#TRIGGER {^Sweat flies from your brow as you continue to refine the quality of} {#GAG}
#CONDITION {*.$} {#GAG} {within|param=1}

Will gag the line "Sweat flies..." and then the next line, provided it ends with a period (in case it's only one line message, won't gag the prompt then).
Corr2005-08-28 01:43:56
Another, more usefull way is to do #gag 2.

That will gag the line of the trigger and the next line. #gag 3 will do 2 lines after the trigger. etc.
Sylphas2005-08-30 00:48:28
I prefer #GA -1;#GA to #GA 2 for one line messages, so that you keep the newest prompt instead of the next to newest.