
by Graal

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Graal2005-09-02 05:50:08
Saw thorgal's little bit of script in another section, and decided hmm maybe i can use it ... course its not really workin once modified, can anyone tell me why

#if (@fd>=@forgeddamage and @fp>=@forgedprecision and @fs>=@forgedspeed) {#show --- SUCCESS!!! ---} {smelt @currentforge}

always returns a true even if the first variables are smaller then the second (already setup to capture the weapon stats into fd fp and fs, the second set is the intented results (i have tried it just > instead of >= no diference, infact it seems to trigger true twice on true, and the times its false, trigger true once, and no false)

Edit : Prob helps if i say Zmud too
Corr2005-09-02 05:53:59
try && instead of AND
Graal2005-09-02 06:22:30
jus get a syntax error on that (least in the autocheck)
and isnt & jus used to assign a value to the variable?
Ekard2005-09-02 07:22:20
No & dont assign value to variable in zmud, its like AND i use it and it works, try it.