Joli2005-09-08 22:30:58
This is the main part of my wedding.. I'll be posting bits and pieces later once I get done fixing the log. This is the very edited version.. I had to cut out people teleporting in, emoting, and that rabbit that wouldn't stop exiting and entering over and over and over.

You follow Geb west to placid lakeside.
Geb leads Joli along the edge of the lake by the arm keeping a precise, yet
casual, stride.
Sylphas's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
The Divine voice of Hajamin, the Golden Lord echoes in your head, "100% sure?"
You tell Hajamin, the Golden Lord, "Yes."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "Who brings this woman to marry this man?"
Geb says, "I do."
Geb loosens his grip on Joli's arm and steps to the side, before taking his
place in the audience.
Joli steps next to Sylphas and smiles softly at him.
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "We come here today to witness the joyous
celebration of the love between Joli and Sylphas , supporting them in their
decision to be joined as one in the sight of this company and of the Divine."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "Joli, please face Sylphas, and hold his hands,
palms up, so you may see the gift that they are to you."
The wind whistles eerily through the trees.
Joli turns to face Sylphas and takes his hands in hers.
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "These are the hands, young and strong and
vibrant with love, that are holding yours on your wedding day, as he promises
to love you all the days of his life."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "These are the hands that will passionately love
you and cherish you through the years, for a lifetime of happiness."
The night sky is clear, and the stars twinkle like diamonds.
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "These are the hands that will countless times
wipe the tears from your eyes: tears of sorrow and tears of joy."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "These are the hands that will comfort you in
illness, and hold you when fear or grief rack your mind."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "These are the hands that will tenderly lift
your chin and brush your cheek as they raise your face to look into his eyes:
eyes that are filled completely with his love and desire for you."
The night sky is clear, and the stars twinkle like diamonds.
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "Sylphas, please hold Joli's hands, palms up,
where you may see the gift that they are to you."
Sylphas gently takes Joli's hands in his own.
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "These are the hands that will massage tension
from your neck and back in the evenings, after you've both had a long hard
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "These are the hands that will hold you tight as
you struggle through difficult times. They are the hands that will comfort you
when you are sick or console you when you are grieving."
The night sky is clear, and the stars twinkle like diamonds.
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "These are the hands that will passionately love
you and cherish you through the years, for a lifetime of happiness."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "These are the hands that will hold you in joy
and excitement and hope."
The wind whistles eerily through the trees.
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "These are the hands that will give you support
as she encourages you to chase down your dreams. Together, everything you wish
for can be realized."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "I bless the hands that you see before you this
day. May they always be held by one another. Give them the strength to hold on
during the storms of stress and the dark of disillusionment. Keep them tender
and gentle as they nurture each other in their love. Help these hands to
continue building a relationship founded in My grace, rich in caring, and
devoted to reaching for Divine perfection. May Joli and Sylphas see their four
hands as healer, protector, shelter, and guide."
The bright sun shines down upon you.
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "What is your name?"
The profound silence lifts from your surroundings.
The force that grips you suddenly loosens, allowing you to emote.
Sylphas says, "Sylphas."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "And what is your desire?"
Sylphas says, "To join with she whom I love."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "Sylphas , will you have this woman to be your
partner, to live together in marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honour
and keep her in sickness and in health, for as long as love may last?"
Sylphas says, "I will."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "Sylphas you stand before Me and this company,
having desired the bond of marriage. Do you do this of your own free will,
coming here today without coercion or pressure from other persons?"
Sylphas says, "I do."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "Will you seek to do her harm?"
Sylphas says, "I will not."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "And if harm is done, will you seek to repair
Sylphas says, "I will."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "Will you seek to be honest with her in all
Sylphas says, "I will."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "Will you support her in times of distress?"
Sylphas says, "I will."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "Will you temper your words and actions with
Sylphas says, "Always."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "These things you have promised to your partner,
before this company and the Divine. May you ever be mindful and strive to keep
the vows you have spoken."
The bright sun shines down upon you.
Hajamin, the Golden Lord turns His gaze from Sylphas to Joli.
Continuing her journey, a dwarven pilgrim trudges off to the east.
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "What is your name?"
You say, "Joli."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "And what is your desire?"
You say, "To join with he whom I love."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "Joli , will you have this man to be your
partner, to live together in marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honour
and keep him in sickness and in health, for as long as love may last?"
You say, "I will."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "Joli, you stand before Me and this company,
having desired the bond of marriage. Do you do this of your own free will,
coming here today without coercion or pressure from other persons?"
You say, "I do."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "Will you seek to do him harm?"
You say, "I will not."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "And if harm is done, will you seek to repair
You say, "I will."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "Will you seek to be honest with him in all
You say, "I will."
The bright sun shines down upon you.
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "Will you support him in times of distress?"
You say, "I will."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "Will you temper your words and actions with
You say, "I will."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "These things you have promised to your partner,
before this company and the Divine. May you ever be mindful and strive to keep
the vows you have spoken."
A thin golden strand of ethereal thread appears in midair and circles the
couple’s hands, gently binding them together.
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "And to these promises you both are now bound."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "And now for the rings. By the exchange of these
tokens of your love for one another, so are your lives interlaced. What one
experiences, so shall the other; as honesty and love build, so will your bond
strengthen and grow."
Sylphas raises Joli's hand, and slips a ring onto it.
Sylphas says, "I commit myself to the bond and the unique relationship that
exists between us, and pledge to keep it alive. As this ring has no end,
neither shall my love for you."
Joli smiles and places a ring on Sylphas' finger.
You say, "I commit myself to the bond and the unique relationship that exists
between us, and pledge to keep it alive. As this ring has no end, neither shall
my love for you."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "You have made your vows, one to the other,
before Myself and this company, and exchanged tokens of your love. By the power
of your love, I do pronounce you Husband and Wife."
Laquatus says, "Congratulations Sylphas and Joli!"
Geb says, "Perhaps you two should kiss?"
Sylphas places his arms around Joli's neck, and leans in to kiss her softly.
Sylphas's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Luxis cheers wildly!
Laquatus shouts WOOHOO!!!
Joli2005-09-08 22:34:44

Geb says to you, "I am off. Take care you two."
Geb inclines his head politely to those around him.
You follow Geb ether to the Higher Planar Fulcrux.
You give Geb a compassionate hug.
You say, "Be well."
"Oops!" Geb exclaims with a bashful expression.
You give Geb the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Geb doubles over in laughter, wiping the tears from his eyes.
You follow Geb down to the Lower Planar Fulcrux.
You follow Geb down to the Prime Fulcrux.
You follow Geb northwest to among some solitary trees.
You say, "Stealing the bride?"
You see Geb shout, "Oops."
Geb searches the air in front of him, then tugs upon an invisible strand of
Eyod Mes'ard, Moondust's Sage shouts, "Congratulations!"
Acolyte of the Moon, Tiran shouts, "Congratulations newlyweds, Sylphas and
You follow Geb ether to placid lakeside.
Sylphas's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Nejii giggles happily at you.
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Sylphas grabs protectively at you.
Seneschal Nejii Talnara, Moonguard says, "Darn Geb."
Luxis says, "Geb's just a little overly emotional right now... his god
daughter, after all..."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "Geb just doesn't want to let her go
Eyod Mes'ard, Moondust's Sage says, "Just better hope he dosen't want to come
on the honey moon."
Murphy2005-09-08 22:49:14
why wasn't I invited!!!
Richter2005-09-08 22:50:04
QUOTE(Murphy @ Sep 8 2005, 02:49 PM)
why wasn't I invited!!!
Because you would have spouted off about the honeymoon and box-smashing, then there would have been weapon brandishing, and killing of the serenwilders tehre.
Stangmar2005-09-08 23:16:59
noticed Laquatus was there, good thing he didn't start singing about the navy.
Terenas2005-09-08 23:30:55
QUOTE(Richter @ Sep 8 2005, 10:50 PM)
Because you would have spouted off about the honeymoon and box-smashing, then there would have been weapon brandishing, and killing of the serenwilders tehre.
Somehow I doubt he would have lived long enough to do that in a room with Hajamin.

Murphy2005-09-08 23:38:26
psh, hajamin has earnt himself 2 stumpy legs so far from trying to attack me publically and hitting my parry
Joli2005-09-09 05:28:34
QUOTE(Murphy @ Sep 8 2005, 05:49 PM)
why wasn't I invited!!!
Cos you're all evil and stuff.
QUOTE(terenas @ Sep 8 2005, 06:30 PM)
Somehow I doubt he would have lived long enough to do that in a room with Hajamin. 

Hajamin let a gorgog loose at the wedding..

Sylphas2005-09-09 06:03:51
QUOTE(stangmar @ Sep 8 2005, 07:16 PM)
noticed Laquatus was there, good thing he didn't start singing about the navy.
I'd have killed and/or ostracised him for insanity.
Joli2005-09-09 06:05:52
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Sep 9 2005, 01:03 AM)
I'd have killed and/or ostracised him for insanity.
He did it in tells to me.
oh and here's the gorgog bit:
Hajamin drops a cold wine.
Hajamin drops a cold wine.
Raeynna takes a glazed shrimp kabob from a wicker basket.
Diamante picks up a cold wine.
Diamante picks up a cold wine.
"Oooooooooh!" you say to Hajamin, eyes wide with wonder.
"Oooooooooh!" Sylphas says, eyes wide with wonder.
Hajamin drops a slice of raspberry-flavoured cheesecake.
You say, "Lord Hajamin has booze?"
Luxis peers at Diamante unscrupulously.
Sylphas says, "Of course!"
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "I can have anything."
Zenji giggles happily.
Hajamin drops a gorgog of gargantuan proportions.
Eyes burning with rage, a gorgog of gargantuan proportions leaves to spread its
madness elsewhere.
Filling the air with deafening howls of madness, a gorgog of gargantuan
proportions enters from the west.
You look on in astonishment as a gorgog of gargantuan proportions fades away
into the ether.
Hajamin reaches into the ether and pulls out a gorgog of gargantuan
Nejii peers about himself unscrupulously.
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "Didn't mean to drop that..."
Joli2005-09-09 06:34:53
Hajiboo on fireworks:
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "Oh, it isn't really fireworks."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "It's random Magnagorans exploding."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "Oh, it isn't really fireworks."
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says, "It's random Magnagorans exploding."
Joli2005-09-09 06:47:16
More Hajiboo quotes:
Hajamin bows His head in great concentration, then slowly raises His hands, which tremble with exertion. In moments, a doorway shimmers into existence.
Laquatus staggers around, very blind.
You tilt your head curiously.
"Oooooooooh!" Sylphas says, eyes wide with wonder.
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says to you, "I think you'll need that doorway later."
You blink.
Luxis snickers softly to himself.
"Tsk, tsk," you say to Hajamin as you waggle a finger at Him.
Hajamin bows His head in great concentration, then slowly raises His hands, which tremble with exertion. In moments, a doorway shimmers into existence.
Laquatus staggers around, very blind.
You tilt your head curiously.
"Oooooooooh!" Sylphas says, eyes wide with wonder.
Hajamin, the Golden Lord says to you, "I think you'll need that doorway later."
You blink.
Luxis snickers softly to himself.
"Tsk, tsk," you say to Hajamin as you waggle a finger at Him.
Malicia2005-09-09 11:50:38
Aww. Nice wedding, Joli and Sylphas. Seemed like you had fun too.

Manjanaia2005-09-09 15:28:35
Continuing her journey, a dwarven pilgrim trudges off to the east.
How rude!

Joli2005-09-09 22:08:23
QUOTE(Manjanaia @ Sep 9 2005, 10:28 AM)
How rude! 

Yeah.. there were a lot of rude people, but I cut that stuff out.. must have missed that bit.

Eyod2005-09-10 10:17:58
and then Hajamin made an excellent entrance but loses points on the exit, he just vanished
Shayle2005-09-10 16:06:42
That was an absolutely beautiful wedding. Hats off to Hajamin for such a lovely ceremony. 

Joli2005-09-10 20:53:48
QUOTE(Shayle @ Sep 10 2005, 11:06 AM)
That was an absolutely beautiful wedding. Hats off to Hajamin for such a lovely ceremony. 

I'm the one that wrote it! well.. put it all together once I found what all I wanted.

Sylphas2005-09-10 22:18:44
Yeah, Joli worked her ass off for it. Not that Hajamin wasn't good.
I just kinda blinked and said "Huh?" alot. And picked where we were going to have it.
I just kinda blinked and said "Huh?" alot. And picked where we were going to have it.
Joli2005-09-10 23:36:50
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Sep 10 2005, 05:18 PM)
Yeah, Joli worked her ass off for it. Not that Hajamin wasn't good.
I just kinda blinked and said "Huh?" alot. And picked where we were going to have it.
I just kinda blinked and said "Huh?" alot. And picked where we were going to have it.
Shows who cared about the marriage..