Shamarah2005-09-09 01:18:13
(You probably shouldn't watch this if you're prone to seizures/epilepsy
(You probably shouldn't watch this if you're prone to seizures/epilepsy

Navaryn2005-09-09 01:21:41
*starts foaming at mouth*
Unknown2005-09-09 01:24:37
A warning to those who suffer epilepsy...
Shamarah2005-09-09 01:26:17
You know, you're probably right Laneth...
Athana2005-09-09 01:26:35

Unknown2005-09-09 01:55:03
Unknown2005-09-09 02:26:01
I don't think I've ever suffered from epilepsy before, but I think I did after that... (note to self, do not click on suspicious looking links after spending hours doing your homework)
Unknown2005-09-09 11:01:03
*is blind* 

Ceres2005-09-09 11:39:53
Unless there's something good at the end?
Unless there's something good at the end?
Richter2005-09-09 13:52:42
QUOTE(Ceres @ Sep 9 2005, 03:39 AM)
Unless there's something good at the end?
Unless there's something good at the end?
Oh, there is Ceres, you just have to watch it long enough.
Anisu2005-09-09 15:02:00
QUOTE(Quidgyboo @ Sep 9 2005, 03:24 AM)
A warning to those who suffer epliepsy...
Wish I read that before I clicked that link....
Acrune2005-09-09 15:29:05
Heh, not watching that today because my eyes already hurt, but I remeber watching some flashing things with seizure warnings, and I don't have seizures, but I felt really weird after watching it for 5 minutes or so, hehe.
Unknown2005-09-09 15:33:11
OWIE!! That's NASTY!!
Eyod2005-09-10 09:57:03
Aww, I want to look but I know I'll just end up vomiting for hours on end. Hurrah!
Bau2005-09-10 10:45:00
My retinas! 
Seriously, does this thing end? I swear it's been going for ten minutes now, and I'm not even scared to look away in case it ends anymore. *mumbles*

Seriously, does this thing end? I swear it's been going for ten minutes now, and I'm not even scared to look away in case it ends anymore. *mumbles*
Lisaera2005-09-10 10:56:35
My eyes hurt now. 

Malicia2005-09-10 11:22:23
I was mesmerized for a minute or so, then grew impatient waiting for something more and exited. 

Munsia2005-09-11 03:53:54
What are yall complaining about... I was wiggling to the music cause it sounded like mario speeded up 

Acrune2005-09-11 03:58:00
Its sooooo beauuuuuuutifulllllllll *eyes glaze over**falls off chair*