Questions about Rapscallion

by Ihvan

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Ihvan2005-09-12 09:50:37
I got a mac a while ago, and I downloaded Rapscallion to use with it. I like it so far, but for some reason the formatting is strange whenever I look at a room's description. The first few lines will be fine, but where the last line should end, there is instead a continuation, repeating the words that already appear one line above. For example, this is what I see:

is here. He wields an iron shield in his right hand. Mistress Syrienne, Dark
Maiden of winter is here.n s

I think it has something to do with the return characters not registering properly, because when I copy/paste the text into another window, it shows up perfectly and in one paragraph, as it should be.

The weird formatting is also messing with my ability to set up triggers, since the formatting can get thrown off mid-line too, such as in tells.

Anyone else seen this problem or have any idea how to deal with it?
Tiran2005-09-13 06:25:55
Is it Carbon or Classic Rapscallion? That could make a difference to the exact workings, especially since the Carbonized version is rather buggy
Ihvan2005-09-13 16:29:47
It's the version that runs in Classic mode when I open it in OS X.

It's the one that the creator posted the source code to, and also gave out the registration code for. It does seem kind of buggy though, because I've also been having trouble with the window resize commands. I can get the output window to enlarge to fill most of the screen, and I can get the input window right under it, but assigning a width for the window greater than a certain number just makes the windows go nuts, and I end up having to manually resize thema gain.

So I don't know.
Tiran2005-09-13 18:09:39
That sounds to me more like the half-Carbonized version, which is the one he posted the source code for. From what I know, there shouldn't be any major problems with the full Classic version, so make sure you have that one (far left link on the app's web page). The half-Carbonized version is agreed by most people to be not worth trying to run, and you'd probably be better off with something else like TF, MudWalker, Savitar or Cantrip.