Ialie2005-09-13 07:38:43
Baat0;37maskeleton standss,A shadow swirlhtup nters the gaping knothole in the Master Ravenwood Treeu,content8lomdoring26h, 3680m, 2863e63e,36m7mhe
Baat0;37maskeleton standss,A shadow swirlhtup nters the gaping knothole in the Master Ravenwood Treeu,content8lomdoring26h, 3680m, 2863e63e,36m7mhe
Baat0;37maskeleton standssr
Ialie2005-09-13 07:40:00
You give an exotic rainbow cookie to Master Nyla, the Resurrected.
4026h, 3605m, 2863e, 10p, 19030en, 19030w ex-give cookie to gw
You give an exotic rainbow cookie to Gwynevere Drakonis.
4026h, 3605m, 2863e, 10p, 19030en, 19030w ex-
Gwynevere snuggles up close to you, looking happy and content.
4026h, 3605m, 2863e, 10p, 19030en, 19030w ex-
"Oooooooooh!" Gwynevere says, eyes wide with wonder.
4026h, 3605m, 2863e, 10p, 19030en, 19030w ex-give cookie to bau
You give an exotic rainbow cookie to The Wanderer's Child, Mistress Bau
d'Illici Sayelle.
aranTh3605m, 2863e, 10p, 19030en, 19030w ex-bw
tendn t.ll ow s inev imme you, looking happy and content8lomdoring.
blaanThter Ra37mal chmnd resimnd, draws you into her, a7mispers, "I love you,,9ed.
Ialie."3605m, 2863e, 10p, 19030en30w ex- Citera, Vanthan, Bau, Martel, Nymerya,
4026h, 3680m, 2863e0en,ouA exore34mVipa, shrby. a
4026h, 3605m, 2863e, 10p, 19030en, 19030w ex-give cookie to gw
You give an exotic rainbow cookie to Gwynevere Drakonis.
4026h, 3605m, 2863e, 10p, 19030en, 19030w ex-
Gwynevere snuggles up close to you, looking happy and content.
4026h, 3605m, 2863e, 10p, 19030en, 19030w ex-
"Oooooooooh!" Gwynevere says, eyes wide with wonder.
4026h, 3605m, 2863e, 10p, 19030en, 19030w ex-give cookie to bau
You give an exotic rainbow cookie to The Wanderer's Child, Mistress Bau
d'Illici Sayelle.
aranTh3605m, 2863e, 10p, 19030en, 19030w ex-bw
tendn t.ll ow s inev imme you, looking happy and content8lomdoring.
blaanThter Ra37mal chmnd resimnd, draws you into her, a7mispers, "I love you,,9ed.
Ialie."3605m, 2863e, 10p, 19030en30w ex- Citera, Vanthan, Bau, Martel, Nymerya,
4026h, 3680m, 2863e0en,ouA exore34mVipa, shrby. a
Shiri2005-09-13 07:48:30
With a telepathic giggle, a pooka tells you that he is in control of Ialie's actions.
3380h, 4226m, 3842e, 10p, 14623en, 18110w exk-
You tell Gwynevere Drakonis, "Hmm."
3380h, 4226m, 3842e, 10p, 14643en, 18110w exk-
You issue the command, but Ialie just ignores you.
Attempts to rescue = fail.
3380h, 4226m, 3842e, 10p, 14623en, 18110w exk-
You tell Gwynevere Drakonis, "Hmm."
3380h, 4226m, 3842e, 10p, 14643en, 18110w exk-
You issue the command, but Ialie just ignores you.
Attempts to rescue = fail.

Richter2005-09-13 15:27:19
Looks like the new cookie my cartel came out with for Ialie is slowly causing the destruction of her world.
Cwin2005-09-13 16:55:45
I want some of those cookies.
Not just IG, but IRL as well, though perhaps not if any of you guys are cops.
Not just IG, but IRL as well, though perhaps not if any of you guys are cops.

Joli2005-09-14 04:41:54
Is that a bug.. or what..? I want to avoid it if it is those cookies causing it.
Corr2005-09-14 05:57:53
Looks like you accidently made a few triggers to do subsitutions.
Eyod2005-09-14 13:46:49
I say it's Bau's last name, all her fault!
Bau2005-09-14 15:46:50
... random.
Bau2005-09-14 15:49:14
Darn Mes'ard kids!