I'm not roleplaying.

by Ialie

Back to Mechanic's Corner.

Ialie2005-09-13 07:38:43

Baat0;37maskeleton standss,A shadow swirlhtup nters the gaping knothole in the Master Ravenwood Treeu,content8lomdoring26h, 3680m, 2863e63e,36m7mhe
Baat0;37maskeleton standss,A shadow swirlhtup nters the gaping knothole in the Master Ravenwood Treeu,content8lomdoring26h, 3680m, 2863e63e,36m7mhe
Baat0;37maskeleton standssr
Ialie2005-09-13 07:40:00
You give an exotic rainbow cookie to Master Nyla, the Resurrected.
4026h, 3605m, 2863e, 10p, 19030en, 19030w ex-give cookie to gw

You give an exotic rainbow cookie to Gwynevere Drakonis.
4026h, 3605m, 2863e, 10p, 19030en, 19030w ex-
Gwynevere snuggles up close to you, looking happy and content.
4026h, 3605m, 2863e, 10p, 19030en, 19030w ex-
"Oooooooooh!" Gwynevere says, eyes wide with wonder.
4026h, 3605m, 2863e, 10p, 19030en, 19030w ex-give cookie to bau

You give an exotic rainbow cookie to The Wanderer's Child, Mistress Bau
d'Illici Sayelle.
aranTh3605m, 2863e, 10p, 19030en, 19030w ex-bw
tendn t.ll ow s inev imme you, looking happy and content8lomdoring.
blaanThter Ra37mal chmnd resimnd, draws you into her, a7mispers, "I love you,,9ed.
Ialie."3605m, 2863e, 10p, 19030en30w ex- Citera, Vanthan, Bau, Martel, Nymerya,
4026h, 3680m, 2863e0en,ouA exore34mVipa, shrby. a
Shiri2005-09-13 07:48:30
With a telepathic giggle, a pooka tells you that he is in control of Ialie's actions.
3380h, 4226m, 3842e, 10p, 14623en, 18110w exk-
You tell Gwynevere Drakonis, "Hmm."
3380h, 4226m, 3842e, 10p, 14643en, 18110w exk-
You issue the command, but Ialie just ignores you.

Attempts to rescue = fail. dry.gif
Richter2005-09-13 15:27:19
Looks like the new cookie my cartel came out with for Ialie is slowly causing the destruction of her world.
Cwin2005-09-13 16:55:45
I want some of those cookies.

Not just IG, but IRL as well, though perhaps not if any of you guys are cops. quickexit.gif
Joli2005-09-14 04:41:54
Is that a bug.. or what..? I want to avoid it if it is those cookies causing it.
Corr2005-09-14 05:57:53
Looks like you accidently made a few triggers to do subsitutions.
Eyod2005-09-14 13:46:49
I say it's Bau's last name, all her fault!
Bau2005-09-14 15:46:50
... random.
Bau2005-09-14 15:49:14
Darn Mes'ard kids!
