Unknown2005-09-19 01:50:55
Was looking at some code that Dagnev or whatever wrote in the the afflictions post in combat http://lusternia.ire-community.com/index.p...indpost&p=22838. I for one have a long history of graphical RPGs so I cannot continue playing for long without a map (thanks Thorgal!) and some fancy bars. So I changed the codes so most everyone can use it and made it so there is prompt tracking.
Just google for bodyscan and insert, and change the name button to your name (or make it update for your multi-chars). Fiddle with the spacing in the stats if it doesn't update after typing stat and score.
#CLASS {Status}
#VAR currentsize {15}
#VAR totalgold {38856}
#VAR currenthealth {768}
#VAR currentmana {524}
#VAR currentego {524}
#VAR currentpower {0}
#VAR maxmana {2335}
#VAR currentstr {21}
#VAR currentdex {8}
#VAR currentCon {16}
#VAR Currentcredits {122}
#VAR currentrank {173}
#VAR currentlevel {55}
#VAR currentTNL {17}
#VAR currentCha {16}
#VAR Currentlessons {47}
#VAR currentendurance {2740}
#VAR currentwillpower {1660}
#VAR maxhealth {3160}
#VAR currentint {11}
#TRIGGER {Health : (%d)/(%d) Endurance : (%d)/(%d)} {#VAR maxhealth %2;#var maxendurance %4}
#TRIGGER {Mana : (%d)/(%d) Willpower : (%d)/(%d)} {#VAR maxmana %2;#var maxwillpower %4}
#TRIGGER {  Strength   : (%d)  Dexterity : (%d)  Constitution : (%d)} {currentstr=%1;currentdex=%2;currentCon=%3}
#TRIGGER {  Intelligence :  (%d)  Size    : (%d)  Charisma   : (%d)} {currentint=%1;currentsize=%2;currentCha=%3}
#TRIGGER {You currently possess (%d) lessons, (%d) Credits.} {Currentlessons=%1;Currentcredits=%2}
#TRIGGER {You are ranked (%d){th|rd|st|nd} in Lusternia} {currentrank=%1}
#TRIGGER {Level : (%d) ~((%d)~%~)} {currentlevel=%1;currentTNL=%2}
#TRIGGER {(%d) gold sovereigns.} {totalgold=%1}
#TRIGGER {(*)h, (*)m, (*)e, (*)p, (*)en, (*)w (*)-} {currenthealth=%1;currentmana=%2;currentego=%3;currentpower=%4;currentendurance=%5;currentwillpower=%6} "" {nocr|prompt}
#BUTTON 39 {wounds} {} {} {} {} {} {Lusternia\\BodyScan.bmp} {Size} {146} {227} {Pos} {350} {0} {8} {} {} {} "" {Inset|Top} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 41 {Kullian} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {119} {21} {Pos} {0} {0} {12} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 42 {Str: @currentStr} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {35} {23} {Pos} {20} {0} {31} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 43 {Int: @currentInt} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {35} {23} {Pos} {42} {0} {31} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 44 {Con: @currentCon} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {42} {23} {Pos} {20} {77} {31} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 45 {Cha: @currentCha} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {42} {23} {Pos} {42} {77} {31} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 46 {Size: @currentSize} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {45} {23} {Pos} {42} {33} {31} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 47 {Dex: @currentDex} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {45} {23} {Pos} {20} {33} {31} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 48 {@currentLessons lessons, @currentcredits credits} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {120} {23} {Pos} {64} {0} {9} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 49 {Level: @currentLevel} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {64} {23} {Pos} {86} {0} {12} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 50 {Rank: @currentRank} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {57} {23} {Pos} {86} {63} {12} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 53 {Gold: @totalGold} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {120} {27} {Pos} {108} {0} {6} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 54 {H : @currenthealth/@maxhealth} {} {} {} {@currenthealth} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {32832} {} {Gauge||7|@maxhealth|@maxhealth-@currenthealth|7} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {}
#BUTTON 55 {M : @currentmana/@maxmana} {} {} {} {@currentmana} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {32784} {} {Gauge||7|@maxmana|@maxmana-@currentmana|7} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {}
#BUTTON 56 {E : @currentendurance/@maxendurance} {} {} {} {@currentendurance} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {32864} {} {Gauge||7|@maxendurance|@maxendurance-@currentendurance|7} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {}
#CLASS {Status|bodypart damage} {enable}
#ALIAS puer {chant puer @limbheal;#T+ limbhealing}
#VAR limbheal {none} {none}
#VAR headwounds {100}
#VAR chestwounds {100}
#VAR gutwounds {100}
#VAR rightlegwounds {100}
#VAR leftlegwounds {100}
#VAR leftarmwounds {100}
#VAR rightarmwounds {100}
#TRIGGER {Your wound status is:} {#T+ wounds}
#TRIGGER "limbhealing" {As you chant the ritual of Puer over your (*), you feel your skin} {#IF ("%1"="head") {#ADD headwounds 46};#IF ("%1"="chest") {#ADD chestwounds 46};#IF ("%1"="gut") {#ADD gutwounds 46};#IF ("%1"="left arm") {#ADD leftarmwounds 46};#IF ("%1"="right arm") {#ADD rightarmwounds 46};#IF ("%1"="left leg") {#ADD leftlegwounds 46};#IF ("%1"="right leg") {#ADD rightlegwounds 46};#IF @headwounds>100 {headwounds=100};#IF @chestwounds>100 {chestwounds=100};#IF @gutwounds>100 {gutwounds=100};#IF @leftarmwounds>100 {leftarmwounds=100};#IF @rightarmwounds>100 {rightarmwounds=100};#IF @leftlegwounds>100 {leftlegwounds=100};#IF @rightlegwounds>100 {rightlegwounds=100};limbheal=none;#T- limbhealing} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER {*|*|*~(%1~)*|*|*Gut*} {chestwounds=%1;#T- wounds}
#TRIGGER {*~(%1~)*~(%2~)*Larm} {rightarmwounds=%1;leftarmwounds=%2;#T- wounds}
#TRIGGER {*|*|*~(%1~)*|*|*Rarm} {gutwounds=%1;#T- wounds}
#BUTTON 4 {@headwounds} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {35} {20} {Pos} {355} {57} {15} {} {} {} "" {Top} {} {bodypart damage} {2}
#BUTTON 5 {@chestwounds} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {35} {20} {Pos} {400} {57} {15} {} {} {} "" {Top} {} {bodypart damage} {2}
#BUTTON 6 {@rightlegwounds} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {35} {20} {Pos} {504} {14} {15} {} {} {} "" {Top} {} {bodypart damage} {2}
#BUTTON 7 {@leftlegwounds} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {35} {20} {Pos} {504} {94} {15} {} {} {} "" {Top} {} {bodypart damage} {2}
#BUTTON 8 {@rightarmwounds} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {35} {20} {Pos} {422} {3} {15} {} {} {} "" {Top} {} {bodypart damage} {2}
#BUTTON 9 {@leftarmwounds} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {35} {20} {Pos} {422} {110} {15} {} {} {} "" {Top} {} {bodypart damage} {2}
#BUTTON 10 {@gutwounds} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {35} {20} {Pos} {444} {57} {15} {} {} {} "" {Top} {} {bodypart damage} {2}
#VAR currentsize {15}
#VAR totalgold {38856}
#VAR currenthealth {768}
#VAR currentmana {524}
#VAR currentego {524}
#VAR currentpower {0}
#VAR maxmana {2335}
#VAR currentstr {21}
#VAR currentdex {8}
#VAR currentCon {16}
#VAR Currentcredits {122}
#VAR currentrank {173}
#VAR currentlevel {55}
#VAR currentTNL {17}
#VAR currentCha {16}
#VAR Currentlessons {47}
#VAR currentendurance {2740}
#VAR currentwillpower {1660}
#VAR maxhealth {3160}
#VAR currentint {11}
#TRIGGER {Health : (%d)/(%d) Endurance : (%d)/(%d)} {#VAR maxhealth %2;#var maxendurance %4}
#TRIGGER {Mana : (%d)/(%d) Willpower : (%d)/(%d)} {#VAR maxmana %2;#var maxwillpower %4}
#TRIGGER {  Strength   : (%d)  Dexterity : (%d)  Constitution : (%d)} {currentstr=%1;currentdex=%2;currentCon=%3}
#TRIGGER {  Intelligence :  (%d)  Size    : (%d)  Charisma   : (%d)} {currentint=%1;currentsize=%2;currentCha=%3}
#TRIGGER {You currently possess (%d) lessons, (%d) Credits.} {Currentlessons=%1;Currentcredits=%2}
#TRIGGER {You are ranked (%d){th|rd|st|nd} in Lusternia} {currentrank=%1}
#TRIGGER {Level : (%d) ~((%d)~%~)} {currentlevel=%1;currentTNL=%2}
#TRIGGER {(%d) gold sovereigns.} {totalgold=%1}
#TRIGGER {(*)h, (*)m, (*)e, (*)p, (*)en, (*)w (*)-} {currenthealth=%1;currentmana=%2;currentego=%3;currentpower=%4;currentendurance=%5;currentwillpower=%6} "" {nocr|prompt}
#BUTTON 39 {wounds} {} {} {} {} {} {Lusternia\\BodyScan.bmp} {Size} {146} {227} {Pos} {350} {0} {8} {} {} {} "" {Inset|Top} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 41 {Kullian} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {119} {21} {Pos} {0} {0} {12} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 42 {Str: @currentStr} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {35} {23} {Pos} {20} {0} {31} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 43 {Int: @currentInt} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {35} {23} {Pos} {42} {0} {31} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 44 {Con: @currentCon} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {42} {23} {Pos} {20} {77} {31} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 45 {Cha: @currentCha} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {42} {23} {Pos} {42} {77} {31} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 46 {Size: @currentSize} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {45} {23} {Pos} {42} {33} {31} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 47 {Dex: @currentDex} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {45} {23} {Pos} {20} {33} {31} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 48 {@currentLessons lessons, @currentcredits credits} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {120} {23} {Pos} {64} {0} {9} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 49 {Level: @currentLevel} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {64} {23} {Pos} {86} {0} {12} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 50 {Rank: @currentRank} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {57} {23} {Pos} {86} {63} {12} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 53 {Gold: @totalGold} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {120} {27} {Pos} {108} {0} {6} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}
#BUTTON 54 {H : @currenthealth/@maxhealth} {} {} {} {@currenthealth} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {32832} {} {Gauge||7|@maxhealth|@maxhealth-@currenthealth|7} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {}
#BUTTON 55 {M : @currentmana/@maxmana} {} {} {} {@currentmana} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {32784} {} {Gauge||7|@maxmana|@maxmana-@currentmana|7} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {}
#BUTTON 56 {E : @currentendurance/@maxendurance} {} {} {} {@currentendurance} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {32864} {} {Gauge||7|@maxendurance|@maxendurance-@currentendurance|7} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {}
#CLASS {Status|bodypart damage} {enable}
#ALIAS puer {chant puer @limbheal;#T+ limbhealing}
#VAR limbheal {none} {none}
#VAR headwounds {100}
#VAR chestwounds {100}
#VAR gutwounds {100}
#VAR rightlegwounds {100}
#VAR leftlegwounds {100}
#VAR leftarmwounds {100}
#VAR rightarmwounds {100}
#TRIGGER {Your wound status is:} {#T+ wounds}
#TRIGGER "limbhealing" {As you chant the ritual of Puer over your (*), you feel your skin} {#IF ("%1"="head") {#ADD headwounds 46};#IF ("%1"="chest") {#ADD chestwounds 46};#IF ("%1"="gut") {#ADD gutwounds 46};#IF ("%1"="left arm") {#ADD leftarmwounds 46};#IF ("%1"="right arm") {#ADD rightarmwounds 46};#IF ("%1"="left leg") {#ADD leftlegwounds 46};#IF ("%1"="right leg") {#ADD rightlegwounds 46};#IF @headwounds>100 {headwounds=100};#IF @chestwounds>100 {chestwounds=100};#IF @gutwounds>100 {gutwounds=100};#IF @leftarmwounds>100 {leftarmwounds=100};#IF @rightarmwounds>100 {rightarmwounds=100};#IF @leftlegwounds>100 {leftlegwounds=100};#IF @rightlegwounds>100 {rightlegwounds=100};limbheal=none;#T- limbhealing} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER {*|*|*~(%1~)*|*|*Gut*} {chestwounds=%1;#T- wounds}
#TRIGGER {*~(%1~)*~(%2~)*Larm} {rightarmwounds=%1;leftarmwounds=%2;#T- wounds}
#TRIGGER {*|*|*~(%1~)*|*|*Rarm} {gutwounds=%1;#T- wounds}
#BUTTON 4 {@headwounds} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {35} {20} {Pos} {355} {57} {15} {} {} {} "" {Top} {} {bodypart damage} {2}
#BUTTON 5 {@chestwounds} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {35} {20} {Pos} {400} {57} {15} {} {} {} "" {Top} {} {bodypart damage} {2}
#BUTTON 6 {@rightlegwounds} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {35} {20} {Pos} {504} {14} {15} {} {} {} "" {Top} {} {bodypart damage} {2}
#BUTTON 7 {@leftlegwounds} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {35} {20} {Pos} {504} {94} {15} {} {} {} "" {Top} {} {bodypart damage} {2}
#BUTTON 8 {@rightarmwounds} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {35} {20} {Pos} {422} {3} {15} {} {} {} "" {Top} {} {bodypart damage} {2}
#BUTTON 9 {@leftarmwounds} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {35} {20} {Pos} {422} {110} {15} {} {} {} "" {Top} {} {bodypart damage} {2}
#BUTTON 10 {@gutwounds} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {35} {20} {Pos} {444} {57} {15} {} {} {} "" {Top} {} {bodypart damage} {2}
Just google for bodyscan and insert, and change the name button to your name (or make it update for your multi-chars). Fiddle with the spacing in the stats if it doesn't update after typing stat and score.