Autowalking problem

by Jalain

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Jalain2005-09-21 00:55:51
For some reason, when ever I double click on a square or use #walk to try to take me somewhere, it always leads me to the Ravenwood in Glomdoring. Anyone know why this might be happening/how to fix it?
Unknown2005-09-21 01:20:35
The zmud mapper is evil, and the walk functions are even worse.

...I could never get those stupid things to work.
Unknown2005-09-21 13:06:05
My mapping and speedwalking works extremely well. You must have some triggers that mess with your speedwalk or else you may just be using #WALK in some strange, undocumented way. Without having a copy of your maps and settings, it's nearly impossible to figure out why you would always walk to the same spot.
Unknown2005-09-21 13:58:41
Do not use #walk
Use your map w/ double-click

Make sure your Speedwalk Properties are as follows:

Speedwalking Mode:
Fast - NO
Safe - YES
Slow - NO

Automatic Step Confirmation:
Match first line of room description - NO
Match room name - YES
Disable automatic confirmation - NO

Center map after every movement - YES
Speedwalk when double-click on room - YES
Update map on each step - NO
Highlight speedwalk path - YES
Add door commands to saved paths - NO
Warn about long speedwalks - NO

Maximum steps in safe mode - 0
Step delay - 650

You should be fine after that. Those are my settings for both Achaea and Lusternia and I've been speedwalking with double-click no problem.
Unknown2005-09-21 21:42:08
My settings differ from those a bit. I use Slow mode, and I update my map on each step. Using #WALK works great if you know your room numbers by heart or if you're smart and give them short names in the room properties. You shouldn't tell someone not to use it just because you don't understand how it works. tongue.gif
Acrune2005-09-23 15:39:09
Speedwalking is for bums.

And people who are too lazy to learn how to use the mapper, like me. sad.gif
Unknown2005-09-23 17:37:33
Heh, I speedwalk AND I have triggers to update my map when I teleport/catacombs, transverse, etc. wink.gif Thanks Thorgal for the maps! (though a few are my own, like the updated Nil and that one new place).
Bau2005-09-23 18:19:48
My speedwalking involves tapping the numpad a lot. And it's damn speedy. I make maps when I'm not sure about an area, but I still walk em.

You lazy buggers, you.
Jalain2005-09-25 04:24:22
Yeah, those are pretty much how all my settings are, and I have some rooms with shortnames so I can #walk to them without having to use the find feature. It did it if I used #walk (shortname), number or double clicked. Not sure if it's still having troubles with it or not. Will check later
Jalain2005-10-03 23:57:43
I worked out the problem. I have the Ethereal linked to my Prime on the map, so when it tries to find the shortest path, it wants to take me through the Ethereal (and through Seren's guards. That wouldn't have been fun)
No idea why it stopped at the tree and didn't transverse though.
Unknown2005-10-04 02:49:02
You should up the room cost for those rooms, to make the speedwalk avoid them. If you set the 'do not enter' flag, it will bump that room cost up to the maximum (about 2.4 billion).