Daevos2005-09-21 02:06:41
Notes: This test was conducted without the use of any regeneration at all for the best accuracy.
Attacker - Me
Relevant Skills:
Transcendent Pureblade
Strength - 17
Dexterity - 12
Claymore - Damage: 408 Precision: 311 Speed: 170
Test Dummy - Alger
Relevant Skills:
Transcendant Resilience
Great Helm - Cutting Defense: 84 Blunt Defense: 88
Field Plate - Cutting Defense: 91 Blunt Defense: 99
Without Puissance
01. Focusing on his gut, you strike at Alger with a dragon-hilted claymore. You strike into his gut, which opens up and pours blood in a pool at his feet.
Alger eats a sparkleberry.
Alger eats a sprig of marjoram.
Alger takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his gut.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Alger takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his gut.
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "443 gut." (medium wound state)
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "998 damage."
02. Focusing on his gut, you strike at Alger with a dragon-hilted claymore. You prick him in the gut causing him to bleed slightly.
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "998."
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "443 wounds." (medium wound state)
03. Focusing on his gut, you strike at Alger with a dragon-hilted claymore. You
strike into his gut, which opens up and pours blood in a pool at his feet.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "998."
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "443 wounds medium."
With Puissance
01. With total concentration, you focus your next attack for a most puissant blow.
4975h, 2680m, 2935e, 5p lrx-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4975h, 2680m, 2935e, 5p elrx-
Focusing on his gut, you strike at Alger with a dragon-hilted claymore. You prick him in the gut causing him to bleed slightly.
Your blow was of puissant strength!
Alger eats a sparkleberry.
Alger takes a drink from an amethyst vial.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
You glance over Alger and see that his health is at 3291/3783.
You assess the bodily wounds as follows:
* Head has no wounds wounds.
* Chest has no wounds wounds.
* Gut has light wounds.
* Left arm has no wounds wounds.
* Right arm has no wounds wounds.
* Left leg has no wounds wounds.
* Right leg has no wounds wounds.
You have recovered equilibrium.
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "332 wounds."
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "That cant be right."
You tilt your head and listen intently.
You say, "Light?"
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "748 damage."
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "Yeah light.
02. With total concentration, you focus your next attack for a most puissant blow.
You have recovered equilibrium.
Focusing on his gut, you strike at Alger with a dragon-hilted claymore. You prick him in the gut causing him to bleed slightly.
Your blow was of puissant strength!
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "440 damage."
You glance over Alger and see that his health is at 3154/3783.
You assess the bodily wounds as follows:
* Head has no wounds wounds.
* Chest has no wounds wounds.
* Gut has light wounds.
* Left arm has no wounds wounds.
* Right arm has no wounds wounds.
* Left leg has no wounds wounds.
* Right leg has no wounds wounds.
4975h, 2680m, 2935e, 7p lrx-
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "332 wounds."
You have recovered equilibrium.
You give a pained sigh.
03. With total concentration, you focus your next attack for a most puissant blow.
You have recovered equilibrium.
Focusing on his gut, you strike at Alger with a dragon-hilted claymore. You prick him in the gut causing him to bleed slightly.
Your blow was of puissant strength!
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "748 damage."
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "332 wounds."
Without Puissance
Damage: 998, 998, 998
Damage Average: 998
Wound Damage: 443M, 443M, 443M
Wound Damage Average: 443M
With Puissance
Damage: 748, 440, 748
Damage Average: 645
Wound Damage: 332L, 332L, 332L
Wound Damage Average: 332L
Now it should be obvious from this basic test that Puissance not only doesn't increase either health or wound damage, but actually lessens both. It is my opinion that the fault lies in the change to Puissance to lessens it's effect for two handers. Because I remember testing back when that change was first implemented and receiving similar results. I didn't really care enough back then to make a issue of it though, since I believed and still do that the skill can not be balanced in it's current form. To me, the skill will always be either too weak or too strong, but despite my opinion I believe that this bug should be looked into and corrected. I'll also be doing a follow up test later on with a one hander using puissance to see if my theory is incorrect and the problem is not unique to two handers.
Attacker - Me
Relevant Skills:
Transcendent Pureblade
Strength - 17
Dexterity - 12
Claymore - Damage: 408 Precision: 311 Speed: 170
Test Dummy - Alger
Relevant Skills:
Transcendant Resilience
Great Helm - Cutting Defense: 84 Blunt Defense: 88
Field Plate - Cutting Defense: 91 Blunt Defense: 99
Without Puissance
01. Focusing on his gut, you strike at Alger with a dragon-hilted claymore. You strike into his gut, which opens up and pours blood in a pool at his feet.
Alger eats a sparkleberry.
Alger eats a sprig of marjoram.
Alger takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his gut.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Alger takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his gut.
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "443 gut." (medium wound state)
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "998 damage."
02. Focusing on his gut, you strike at Alger with a dragon-hilted claymore. You prick him in the gut causing him to bleed slightly.
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "998."
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "443 wounds." (medium wound state)
03. Focusing on his gut, you strike at Alger with a dragon-hilted claymore. You
strike into his gut, which opens up and pours blood in a pool at his feet.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "998."
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "443 wounds medium."
With Puissance
01. With total concentration, you focus your next attack for a most puissant blow.
4975h, 2680m, 2935e, 5p lrx-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4975h, 2680m, 2935e, 5p elrx-
Focusing on his gut, you strike at Alger with a dragon-hilted claymore. You prick him in the gut causing him to bleed slightly.
Your blow was of puissant strength!
Alger eats a sparkleberry.
Alger takes a drink from an amethyst vial.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
You glance over Alger and see that his health is at 3291/3783.
You assess the bodily wounds as follows:
* Head has no wounds wounds.
* Chest has no wounds wounds.
* Gut has light wounds.
* Left arm has no wounds wounds.
* Right arm has no wounds wounds.
* Left leg has no wounds wounds.
* Right leg has no wounds wounds.
You have recovered equilibrium.
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "332 wounds."
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "That cant be right."
You tilt your head and listen intently.
You say, "Light?"
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "748 damage."
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "Yeah light.
02. With total concentration, you focus your next attack for a most puissant blow.
You have recovered equilibrium.
Focusing on his gut, you strike at Alger with a dragon-hilted claymore. You prick him in the gut causing him to bleed slightly.
Your blow was of puissant strength!
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "440 damage."
You glance over Alger and see that his health is at 3154/3783.
You assess the bodily wounds as follows:
* Head has no wounds wounds.
* Chest has no wounds wounds.
* Gut has light wounds.
* Left arm has no wounds wounds.
* Right arm has no wounds wounds.
* Left leg has no wounds wounds.
* Right leg has no wounds wounds.
4975h, 2680m, 2935e, 7p lrx-
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "332 wounds."
You have recovered equilibrium.
You give a pained sigh.
03. With total concentration, you focus your next attack for a most puissant blow.
You have recovered equilibrium.
Focusing on his gut, you strike at Alger with a dragon-hilted claymore. You prick him in the gut causing him to bleed slightly.
Your blow was of puissant strength!
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "748 damage."
Houndless Alger, Venenum Celer says, "332 wounds."
Without Puissance
Damage: 998, 998, 998
Damage Average: 998
Wound Damage: 443M, 443M, 443M
Wound Damage Average: 443M
With Puissance
Damage: 748, 440, 748
Damage Average: 645
Wound Damage: 332L, 332L, 332L
Wound Damage Average: 332L
Now it should be obvious from this basic test that Puissance not only doesn't increase either health or wound damage, but actually lessens both. It is my opinion that the fault lies in the change to Puissance to lessens it's effect for two handers. Because I remember testing back when that change was first implemented and receiving similar results. I didn't really care enough back then to make a issue of it though, since I believed and still do that the skill can not be balanced in it's current form. To me, the skill will always be either too weak or too strong, but despite my opinion I believe that this bug should be looked into and corrected. I'll also be doing a follow up test later on with a one hander using puissance to see if my theory is incorrect and the problem is not unique to two handers.
Daevos2005-09-21 02:42:18
Notes: This test was conducted without the use of any regeneration at all for the best accuracy.
Test Dummy - Me
Relevant Skills:
Transcendent Resilience
Great Helm - Cutting Defense: 94 Blunt Defense: 94
Full Plate - Cutting Defense: 113 Blunt Defense: 108
Attacker- Shiro
Relevant Skills:
Transcendant Bonecrusher
Strength - 16
Dexterity - 11
Hammer 1 - Damage: 34 Precision: 215 Speed: 214
Hammer 2 - Damage: 54 Precision: 219 Speed: 201
Without Puissance
01.4975h, 3445m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are tapped in the stomach with little effect.
4766h, 3445m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are tapped in the stomach with little effect.
4583h, 3445m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
Your wound status is:
/ \\
@ ( 0) @
\\_ _/ Deep Wounds:
| | -------------
_____/___\\_____ Head: no wounds
/ \\ Chest: no wounds
| | ( 0) | | Gut: light
( 0) ( 0) Larm: no wounds
| | (408) | | Rarm: no wounds
\\___|_______|___/ Lleg: no wounds
R | | | L Rleg: no wounds
| | |
( 0)|( 0)
| | |
_| | |_
02.4583h, 3445m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are tapped in the stomach with little effect.
4374h, 3445m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are tapped in the stomach with little effect.
4191h, 3445m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
Your wound status is:
/ \\
@ ( 0) @
\\_ _/ Deep Wounds:
| | -------------
_____/___\\_____ Head: no wounds
/ \\ Chest: no wounds
| | ( 0) | | Gut: light
( 0) ( 0) Larm: no wounds
| | (408) | | Rarm: no wounds
\\___|_______|___/ Lleg: no wounds
R | | | L Rleg: no wounds
| | |
( 0)|( 0)
| | |
_| | |_
03.4191h, 3445m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are
tapped in the stomach with little effect.
4087h, 3445m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
"Meh," says Shiro nonchalantly.
4087h, 3445m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are tapped in the stomach with little effect.
3968h, 3445m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
Your wound status is:
/ \\
@ ( 0) @
\\_ _/ Deep Wounds:
| | -------------
_____/___\\_____ Head: no wounds
/ \\ Chest: no wounds
| | ( 0) | | Gut: light
( 0) ( 0) Larm: no wounds
| | (408) | | Rarm: no wounds
\\___|_______|___/ Lleg: no wounds
R | | | L Rleg: no wounds
| | |
( 0)|( 0)
| | |
_| | |_
With Puissance
01.A look of complete concentration and menace glitters in Shiro's eyes.
4975h, 3355m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are tapped in the stomach with little effect.
4557h, 3355m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are struck in the gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
4374h, 3355m, 2935e, 10p elr-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
4374h, 3355m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
Your wound status is:
/ \\
@ ( 0) @
\\_ _/ Deep Wounds:
| | -------------
_____/___\\_____ Head: no wounds
/ \\ Chest: no wounds
| | ( 0) | | Gut: medium
( 0) ( 0) Larm: no wounds
| | (613) | | Rarm: no wounds
\\___|_______|___/ Lleg: no wounds
R | | | L Rleg: no wounds
| | |
( 0)|( 0)
| | |
_| | |_
02.A look of complete concentration and menace glitters in Shiro's eyes.
4975h, 3310m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are
tapped in the stomach with little effect.
4557h, 3310m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are struck in the gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
4374h, 3310m, 2935e, 10p elr-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
4374h, 3310m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
Your wound status is:
/ \\
@ ( 0) @
\\_ _/ Deep Wounds:
| | -------------
_____/___\\_____ Head: no wounds
/ \\ Chest: no wounds
| | ( 0) | | Gut: medium
( 0) ( 0) Larm: no wounds
| | (613) | | Rarm: no wounds
\\___|_______|___/ Lleg: no wounds
R | | | L Rleg: no wounds
| | |
( 0)|( 0)
| | |
_| | |_
03.4975h, 3265m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
A look of complete concentration and menace glitters in Shiro's eyes.
4975h, 3265m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are tapped in the stomach with little effect.
4557h, 3265m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are struck in the gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
4374h, 3265m, 2935e, 10p elr-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
4374h, 3265m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
A small furry creature darts across the road in front of you.
4374h, 3265m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
Your wound status is:
/ \\
@ ( 0) @
\\_ _/ Deep Wounds:
| | -------------
_____/___\\_____ Head: no wounds
/ \\ Chest: no wounds
| | ( 0) | | Gut: medium
( 0) ( 0) Larm: no wounds
| | (613) | | Rarm: no wounds
\\___|_______|___/ Lleg: no wounds
R | | | L Rleg: no wounds
| | |
( 0)|( 0)
| | |
_| | |_
Without Puissance
Damage: 392, 392, 223
Damage Average: 336
Wound Damage: 408L, 408L, 408L
Wound Damage Average: 408L
With Puissance
Damage: 601, 601, 601
Damage Average: 601
Wound Damage: 613M, 613M, 613M
Wound Damage Average: 613M
Seems to be no problem with puissance when used by one handers, it's still not worth it in my opinion. But, this test also confirms that the problem lies solely in the use of puissance with two handed weapons.
Test Dummy - Me
Relevant Skills:
Transcendent Resilience
Great Helm - Cutting Defense: 94 Blunt Defense: 94
Full Plate - Cutting Defense: 113 Blunt Defense: 108
Attacker- Shiro
Relevant Skills:
Transcendant Bonecrusher
Strength - 16
Dexterity - 11
Hammer 1 - Damage: 34 Precision: 215 Speed: 214
Hammer 2 - Damage: 54 Precision: 219 Speed: 201
Without Puissance
01.4975h, 3445m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are tapped in the stomach with little effect.
4766h, 3445m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are tapped in the stomach with little effect.
4583h, 3445m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
Your wound status is:
/ \\
@ ( 0) @
\\_ _/ Deep Wounds:
| | -------------
_____/___\\_____ Head: no wounds
/ \\ Chest: no wounds
| | ( 0) | | Gut: light
( 0) ( 0) Larm: no wounds
| | (408) | | Rarm: no wounds
\\___|_______|___/ Lleg: no wounds
R | | | L Rleg: no wounds
| | |
( 0)|( 0)
| | |
_| | |_
02.4583h, 3445m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are tapped in the stomach with little effect.
4374h, 3445m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are tapped in the stomach with little effect.
4191h, 3445m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
Your wound status is:
/ \\
@ ( 0) @
\\_ _/ Deep Wounds:
| | -------------
_____/___\\_____ Head: no wounds
/ \\ Chest: no wounds
| | ( 0) | | Gut: light
( 0) ( 0) Larm: no wounds
| | (408) | | Rarm: no wounds
\\___|_______|___/ Lleg: no wounds
R | | | L Rleg: no wounds
| | |
( 0)|( 0)
| | |
_| | |_
03.4191h, 3445m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are
tapped in the stomach with little effect.
4087h, 3445m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
"Meh," says Shiro nonchalantly.
4087h, 3445m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are tapped in the stomach with little effect.
3968h, 3445m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
Your wound status is:
/ \\
@ ( 0) @
\\_ _/ Deep Wounds:
| | -------------
_____/___\\_____ Head: no wounds
/ \\ Chest: no wounds
| | ( 0) | | Gut: light
( 0) ( 0) Larm: no wounds
| | (408) | | Rarm: no wounds
\\___|_______|___/ Lleg: no wounds
R | | | L Rleg: no wounds
| | |
( 0)|( 0)
| | |
_| | |_
With Puissance
01.A look of complete concentration and menace glitters in Shiro's eyes.
4975h, 3355m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are tapped in the stomach with little effect.
4557h, 3355m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are struck in the gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
4374h, 3355m, 2935e, 10p elr-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
4374h, 3355m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
Your wound status is:
/ \\
@ ( 0) @
\\_ _/ Deep Wounds:
| | -------------
_____/___\\_____ Head: no wounds
/ \\ Chest: no wounds
| | ( 0) | | Gut: medium
( 0) ( 0) Larm: no wounds
| | (613) | | Rarm: no wounds
\\___|_______|___/ Lleg: no wounds
R | | | L Rleg: no wounds
| | |
( 0)|( 0)
| | |
_| | |_
02.A look of complete concentration and menace glitters in Shiro's eyes.
4975h, 3310m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are
tapped in the stomach with little effect.
4557h, 3310m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are struck in the gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
4374h, 3310m, 2935e, 10p elr-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
4374h, 3310m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
Your wound status is:
/ \\
@ ( 0) @
\\_ _/ Deep Wounds:
| | -------------
_____/___\\_____ Head: no wounds
/ \\ Chest: no wounds
| | ( 0) | | Gut: medium
( 0) ( 0) Larm: no wounds
| | (613) | | Rarm: no wounds
\\___|_______|___/ Lleg: no wounds
R | | | L Rleg: no wounds
| | |
( 0)|( 0)
| | |
_| | |_
03.4975h, 3265m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
A look of complete concentration and menace glitters in Shiro's eyes.
4975h, 3265m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are tapped in the stomach with little effect.
4557h, 3265m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Shiro strikes at you with a brutal war hammer. You are struck in the gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
4374h, 3265m, 2935e, 10p elr-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
4374h, 3265m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
A small furry creature darts across the road in front of you.
4374h, 3265m, 2935e, 10p elrx-
Your wound status is:
/ \\
@ ( 0) @
\\_ _/ Deep Wounds:
| | -------------
_____/___\\_____ Head: no wounds
/ \\ Chest: no wounds
| | ( 0) | | Gut: medium
( 0) ( 0) Larm: no wounds
| | (613) | | Rarm: no wounds
\\___|_______|___/ Lleg: no wounds
R | | | L Rleg: no wounds
| | |
( 0)|( 0)
| | |
_| | |_
Without Puissance
Damage: 392, 392, 223
Damage Average: 336
Wound Damage: 408L, 408L, 408L
Wound Damage Average: 408L
With Puissance
Damage: 601, 601, 601
Damage Average: 601
Wound Damage: 613M, 613M, 613M
Wound Damage Average: 613M
Seems to be no problem with puissance when used by one handers, it's still not worth it in my opinion. But, this test also confirms that the problem lies solely in the use of puissance with two handed weapons.
Thorgal2005-09-21 07:47:00
Yeah I noticed the same, I didn't really expect a big boost, but I boggled when it actually lessened the damage I do.
Icarus2005-09-21 08:11:47
Arg! Being the trusting person that I am, I have been using puissance ever since I changed to Axelord. That's just...sad, all those power I wasted... ![sad.gif](style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif)