Totally New (Curing System)

by Unknown

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Unknown2005-10-11 16:45:06
Hi you guys. I just started playing Lusternia yesterday... and I'm kinda hooked on it *cough*... I'm at like level 5, because I spent 2 hours mapping Magnagora instead of trying to figure things out at Newtons Cave... my friends been playing Achaea and he gave me a copy of his Zmud so I can have an easier time playing Lusternia (since he told me that they use the same engine and basically the same command setups)...

He also showed me a log of him fighting on Achaea and mentioned that the fighting system is as complicated if not more here in Lusternia than in Achaea. I know that I have nothing to worry about until level 21... but... I guess I want a heads start with this...

So heres my plan... I know zilch about real coding, since I only know how to make triggers, aliases, macros and variables... and the most complicated thing I've done is hilighting the values on a stringlist that I use for keeping track of friends and enemies...

Since I have no idea what I'm doing....

1. I'm gonna start by getting all the messages for the afflictions and their cures...
2. Seperate the list into what cures what.
3. Make variables for each affliction.
4. Trigger the messages I get from an affliction to make the proper variable turn to state 1.
5. Trigger the cures to make the proper affliction variable turn to 0.
6. Set up triggers that does an alias that outr (do we have a rift?) herbs, eat herbs.

Alright... soooo.... tell me what I have to do other than that... I mean it looks REALLY simple from me just saying it... but it doesn't always work so well when I map it out in my mind...

When I look through the ACP files... there's massive amounts of codes that I have no comprehension of... Can someone give me some ideas on what to do? Or where to start from? And since I'm using Zmud, could someone give me a list of help topics I need to read important to making a curing system. And also... what happens if you get so many afflictions that are cured by the same thing, or get two at the same time that don't allow you to cure one without curing the other first? Like how do I set up priorities... and whats a que system? Be as explain-ative as possibl please? I'm an idiot at coding and I'm really new, but I'm really interested in learning.
Unknown2005-10-11 16:57:57
I could explain the ACP, but I'd have to charge you for about 80 hours worth of my life. tongue.gif

I'd strongly suggest that you read over the pinned topics in this forum on building a curing system and the messages for various afflictions. Both are a bit out of date now, but they're good starting places, especially for someone who is a self-proclaimed idiot. Heh.
Vesar2005-10-12 02:14:25
Well, I think you're starting in the right place. I taught myself to code by fooling around with the ACP (Thanks, Zarguan!).

The base of any curing system is the prompt. That's your main control. Start by picking up your current health, mana, balances, etc from the prompt and build up from there.