Unknown2005-10-12 05:57:22
Hello! I am new to lusternia, and I have to say... I love it. Im not completly new to muds, but it has been awhile. Playing lusternia for the past week or so has made my eyes red, but Im loving every minute of it. Anyhoo, lets get down to my questions.....
Any tips on group battle? How do tactics work when it comes to gigantic groups?How to win a town?
What are some good affliction combo's? At least five
Whats the deal with Ketheru?
Any tips on fighting a mage in his or her demense? My strategy has been: dont go any where near a demense, becuase if you do, your dead D:
What exactly IS a demense? How does it work? I was told something about a demense can be upto 200 rooms. Any truth to that?
What is a dreamweaver? How does it work? What does it do?
How can I deal with Aeon tarots?
What do the different scrolls do? (healing,curses,etc)
What's in the ' Arts ' skillset?
Whats the skill in discernment that has to do with demenses?
Whoo. Thats alot of questions. If anyone could be so kind, I would greatly appreciate it.

Any tips on group battle? How do tactics work when it comes to gigantic groups?How to win a town?
What are some good affliction combo's? At least five

Whats the deal with Ketheru?
Any tips on fighting a mage in his or her demense? My strategy has been: dont go any where near a demense, becuase if you do, your dead D:
What exactly IS a demense? How does it work? I was told something about a demense can be upto 200 rooms. Any truth to that?
What is a dreamweaver? How does it work? What does it do?
How can I deal with Aeon tarots?
What do the different scrolls do? (healing,curses,etc)
What's in the ' Arts ' skillset?
Whats the skill in discernment that has to do with demenses?
Whoo. Thats alot of questions. If anyone could be so kind, I would greatly appreciate it.

Shryke2005-10-12 06:10:34
just to cop out and answer the easy one.. Yes demesnes can be 200 rooms
Thaemorn2005-10-12 06:52:49
QUOTE(B_a_L_i @ Oct 12 2005, 03:57 PM)
Any tips on group battle? How do tactics work when it comes to gigantic groups?How to win a town?
Group battle - focus your targets and pick them off one by one. Very difficult for any individual to withstand being afflicted/hindered/damaged by multiple people at once. Yeah, there are some out there that just won't dieÂ
But the principle is the same.
As for the towns - I assume you mean the villages? HELP VILLAGE INFLUENCE is the one to read for that.
Every so often a village revolts from it's current 'controller', and then it's basically 'up' for re-influencing.
What are some good affliction combo's? At least five
Depends on your guild/class and even race.
But things like anorexia+asthma+paralysis are great. However, it's rare for a class, and often difficult, to have the means to lock up anyone entirely.
Whats the deal with Ketheru?
Kethuru, a Soulless God. Basically, an entity that is intent on destroying everything
Read the histories on the website for more info.
Any tips on fighting a mage in his or her demense? My strategy has been: dont go any where near a demense, becuase if you do, your dead D:
Get a protection scroll - while your protection is up, you'll be immune to some of the effects. Be prepared, learn to fight in it, and learn to get away quickly if you need.
What exactly IS a demense? How does it work? I was told something about a demense can be upto 200 rooms. Any truth to that?
Mages and Druids can 'meld' their magics in appropriate terrain - and continue to meld rooms around it, so long as they are adjacent to one another. This is the mages/druids demesne, or domain. They can affect you quite nastily in it.
What is a dreamweaver? How does it work? What does it do?
Focuses mainly around putting the target to sleep and doing nasty sorts of things to them. Also means you can separate your dreambody from your physical and float around in dreamform - once again, doing nasty things to people.
How can I deal with Aeon tarots?
Too big to go into here. Mainly, learn what they do, you'll figure it out
What do the different scrolls do? (healing,curses,etc)
Healing scrolls - heals you (either health/mana/ego).
Curses - gives a random, masked affliction.
Protection - raises an aura of protection, protects you from some demesne effects.
Disruption - breaks a Telepath/Telekinetics psychic channel.
What's in the ' Arts ' skillset?
Abiltiy to craft stuff like pipes, vials, make tints, statues, paintings. Other stuff. Not really sure, don't know much of it.
Whats the skill in discernment that has to do with demenses?
Perceive, I think you mean, which is in Environment, not Discernment. Allows you to see if a mage/druid is melded in a room.
Any tips on group battle? How do tactics work when it comes to gigantic groups?How to win a town?
Group battle - focus your targets and pick them off one by one. Very difficult for any individual to withstand being afflicted/hindered/damaged by multiple people at once. Yeah, there are some out there that just won't dieÂ

As for the towns - I assume you mean the villages? HELP VILLAGE INFLUENCE is the one to read for that.
Every so often a village revolts from it's current 'controller', and then it's basically 'up' for re-influencing.
What are some good affliction combo's? At least five

Depends on your guild/class and even race.
But things like anorexia+asthma+paralysis are great. However, it's rare for a class, and often difficult, to have the means to lock up anyone entirely.
Whats the deal with Ketheru?
Kethuru, a Soulless God. Basically, an entity that is intent on destroying everything

Read the histories on the website for more info.
Any tips on fighting a mage in his or her demense? My strategy has been: dont go any where near a demense, becuase if you do, your dead D:
Get a protection scroll - while your protection is up, you'll be immune to some of the effects. Be prepared, learn to fight in it, and learn to get away quickly if you need.
What exactly IS a demense? How does it work? I was told something about a demense can be upto 200 rooms. Any truth to that?
Mages and Druids can 'meld' their magics in appropriate terrain - and continue to meld rooms around it, so long as they are adjacent to one another. This is the mages/druids demesne, or domain. They can affect you quite nastily in it.
What is a dreamweaver? How does it work? What does it do?
Focuses mainly around putting the target to sleep and doing nasty sorts of things to them. Also means you can separate your dreambody from your physical and float around in dreamform - once again, doing nasty things to people.
How can I deal with Aeon tarots?
Too big to go into here. Mainly, learn what they do, you'll figure it out

What do the different scrolls do? (healing,curses,etc)
Healing scrolls - heals you (either health/mana/ego).
Curses - gives a random, masked affliction.
Protection - raises an aura of protection, protects you from some demesne effects.
Disruption - breaks a Telepath/Telekinetics psychic channel.
What's in the ' Arts ' skillset?
Abiltiy to craft stuff like pipes, vials, make tints, statues, paintings. Other stuff. Not really sure, don't know much of it.
Whats the skill in discernment that has to do with demenses?
Perceive, I think you mean, which is in Environment, not Discernment. Allows you to see if a mage/druid is melded in a room.
Cwin2005-10-12 07:09:15
What are some good affliction combo's? At least five
Personaly, I think this is WAYYY too hard to offer, because each guild will have their own focus and availible ailments. Saying 'Anorexia + Asthma' doesn't mean much to a Warrior for example. Best bet is to just ask your guild what works well. One thing you have the right mentality on: damage alone isn't enough usualy.
Whats the deal with Ketheru?
Read the histories for detail, but to cut it short, he's a very destructive god that's been trapped for our safety. He's responsible, in one way or another, for much of the pain that's been inflicted in our world. He's also the reason the Taint exists.
Any tips on fighting a mage in his or her demense? My strategy has been: dont go any where near a demense, becuase if you do, your dead D:
Another tip: bring an ally druid/mage that can kill off the demesne.
What exactly IS a demense? How does it work? I was told something about a demense can be upto 200 rooms. Any truth to that?
It's an area that a mage or druid has bonded to. In truth, they are limited to bonding only one type of area (i.e. Aquamancers can only bond water filled areas) but they can also convert an area to that very type so it's a minor detail. Basicly, they go to each room, convert it if needed, bond it, then repeat till they have one large area. Then they sprinkle in their demesne skills and you have one big pain in the Nil for people.
Yes, the max size is 200, which is actualy a downgrade from 400. If it makes you feel any better, a mage/druid usualy has a hard time surviving outside that demesne.
What is a dreamweaver? How does it work? What does it do?
Ask a dreamweaver for details. Overall: Dreamweavers are about as 'assassiny' as we'll probably get. They can go into dreamform (think out of body experience) and spy/harrass/hurt others, among other things. As you might imagine, falling asleep is a very deadly thing when one wants you dead.
How can I deal with Aeon tarots?
Quaffing Quicksilver supplies a defense against Aeon. The first tarot will just strip the Quicksilver instead of slowing you down. After that, you need to hinder, run, shield, or something to avoid another Aeon until you can quaff another quicksilver and regain the defense. Aeon is curable (melachonic I think) but a BIG issue for fighting Tarot users.
Answered all I could.
What are some good affliction combo's? At least five

Personaly, I think this is WAYYY too hard to offer, because each guild will have their own focus and availible ailments. Saying 'Anorexia + Asthma' doesn't mean much to a Warrior for example. Best bet is to just ask your guild what works well. One thing you have the right mentality on: damage alone isn't enough usualy.
Whats the deal with Ketheru?
Read the histories for detail, but to cut it short, he's a very destructive god that's been trapped for our safety. He's responsible, in one way or another, for much of the pain that's been inflicted in our world. He's also the reason the Taint exists.
Any tips on fighting a mage in his or her demense? My strategy has been: dont go any where near a demense, becuase if you do, your dead D:
Another tip: bring an ally druid/mage that can kill off the demesne.
What exactly IS a demense? How does it work? I was told something about a demense can be upto 200 rooms. Any truth to that?
It's an area that a mage or druid has bonded to. In truth, they are limited to bonding only one type of area (i.e. Aquamancers can only bond water filled areas) but they can also convert an area to that very type so it's a minor detail. Basicly, they go to each room, convert it if needed, bond it, then repeat till they have one large area. Then they sprinkle in their demesne skills and you have one big pain in the Nil for people.
Yes, the max size is 200, which is actualy a downgrade from 400. If it makes you feel any better, a mage/druid usualy has a hard time surviving outside that demesne.
What is a dreamweaver? How does it work? What does it do?
Ask a dreamweaver for details. Overall: Dreamweavers are about as 'assassiny' as we'll probably get. They can go into dreamform (think out of body experience) and spy/harrass/hurt others, among other things. As you might imagine, falling asleep is a very deadly thing when one wants you dead.
How can I deal with Aeon tarots?
Quaffing Quicksilver supplies a defense against Aeon. The first tarot will just strip the Quicksilver instead of slowing you down. After that, you need to hinder, run, shield, or something to avoid another Aeon until you can quaff another quicksilver and regain the defense. Aeon is curable (melachonic I think) but a BIG issue for fighting Tarot users.
Answered all I could.
Exarius2005-10-14 22:48:47
QUOTE(B_a_L_i @ Oct 12 2005, 12:57 AM)
Whats the deal with Ketheru?
Try spelling "Ketheru" as "Cthulhu" and see if that helps. If it doesn't, then refer back to what everyone else said.
Shorlen2005-10-15 02:09:56
Arts skill also increases the duration clothing and jewelry you make lasts. I think it effects other trades, like artisan, but I'm not sure.
Jack2005-10-15 02:45:41
QUOTE(Cwin @ Oct 12 2005, 07:09 AM)
Aeon is curable (melachonic I think)
Exarius2005-10-15 05:18:48
QUOTE(Jack @ Oct 14 2005, 09:45 PM)
Shorlen2005-10-15 07:51:54
QUOTE(Jack @ Oct 14 2005, 10:45 PM)
And you can set up a defence with Quicksilver that will protect you once against Aeon. If you trigger yourself to sip quicksilver when your speed defence goes down, you will only get aeoned if they whore it. I highly recommend turning off all curing triggers from the time you get aeoned until it's cured (except for the trigger to cure aeon, of course).
Aeon is annoying, but not THAT bad. Sap is similar but MUCH worse, since it doesn't go away after a short time, and since the cure is different, and requires you to be unparalyzed, unentanged, and have both arms free and unbroken.
Unknown2005-10-16 01:07:33
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Oct 15 2005, 12:51 AM)
And you can set up a defence with Quicksilver that will protect you once against Aeon. If you trigger yourself to sip quicksilver when your speed defence goes down, you will only get aeoned if they whore it. I highly recommend turning off all curing triggers from the time you get aeoned until it's cured (except for the trigger to cure aeon, of course).
Aeon is annoying, but not THAT bad. Sap is similar but MUCH worse, since it doesn't go away after a short time, and since the cure is different, and requires you to be unparalyzed, unentanged, and have both arms free and unbroken.
Aeon is annoying, but not THAT bad. Sap is similar but MUCH worse, since it doesn't go away after a short time, and since the cure is different, and requires you to be unparalyzed, unentanged, and have both arms free and unbroken.
But how do I deal with complete aeon whores? Im a nihilist, I dont use tarot. Hexes. I am a pretty darned good fighter. It seems when I fight one of my fellow guildmates ( most use tarot ), they whore aeon like no tommorow. I really need to get that aeon defense pinnned down. I was told if you hord multiple quicksilvers, that might work.
And my curiosity grows on the ' arts ' skillset. Anyone know the exact trans skill? Any good?
Unknown2005-10-16 01:11:54
Ok, Quicksilver protects you from it(one time each sip), and phleg cures it instantly, so with both of them it really should be much of a problem it and of itself.
Unknown2005-10-16 01:17:26
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Oct 15 2005, 02:51 AM)
I highly recommend turning off all curing triggers from the time you get aeoned until it's cured (except for the trigger to cure aeon, of course).
Turn everything off except aeon and anorexia. Can't cure aeon without curing anorexia first.
Unknown2005-11-15 00:44:54
QUOTE(B_a_L_i @ Oct 16 2005, 01:07 AM)
But how do I deal with complete aeon whores? Im a nihilist, I dont use tarot. Hexes. I am a pretty darned good fighter. It seems when I fight one of my fellow guildmates ( most use tarot ), they whore aeon like no tommorow. I really need to get that aeon defense pinnned down. I was told if you hord multiple quicksilvers, that might work.
And my curiosity grows on the ' arts ' skillset. Anyone know the exact trans skill? Any good?
And my curiosity grows on the ' arts ' skillset. Anyone know the exact trans skill? Any good?
And to think people in Achaea have been dealing with this for such a long time, I wonder how they survive. Oh yeah, they have systems to deal with it.
Cwin2005-11-15 02:33:13
QUOTE(B_a_L_i @ Oct 15 2005, 09:07 PM)
But how do I deal with complete aeon whores? Im a nihilist, I dont use tarot. Hexes. I am a pretty darned good fighter. It seems when I fight one of my fellow guildmates ( most use tarot ), they whore aeon like no tommorow. I really need to get that aeon defense pinnned down. I was told if you hord multiple quicksilvers, that might work.
And my curiosity grows on the ' arts ' skillset. Anyone know the exact trans skill? Any good?
And my curiosity grows on the ' arts ' skillset. Anyone know the exact trans skill? Any good?
Aeon is the cornerstone of a tarot user, in all truth. Those who aren't 'aeon whores' are the more 'sneakier aeon whorer' type that'll wait for the perfect moment to plant it.
Preventing it requires you to have quicksilver quaffed and triggered (second it's gone, reapply) and to have some preventative measure to stop the second Aeon from hitting. As a Nihilist, I'd say that'll involve Web, shield, shackles on the demon, paralysis, or, I think, messing up the arms. Vapors might work as well though I wouldn't trust it completely. If you're going through Player-panic, Shield will suit you fine.
If/when Aeon hits you, keep track of what ailments they give you but DO NOT try to cure them. A system might work, but simply making the Aeon trigger shut down your active system (the part that actualy tries to do things: Any passive parts that keep track of ailments can stay on) and just hand quaffing Mel will do nicely. Aeon death, in truth, usualy comes from the player panicing and, thus, not curing the thing for a long period of time, or else not getting to quicksilver in time which allows for Aeon after Aeon after Aeon. Stay calm, don't worry, and just cure the ailment, then play defensive until you can get rid of the 3724394274 things you picked up during the Aeon effect (which is only 6 more than a player normaly has fighting a Nihilist at any one time).
It's annoying, but dealable and, truthfully, just another tactic, like a warrior mixing raw damage with wounds so curing either one with Health still leaves you dead.
Can't say much about Art. From what I know of it, though, it's useful but you generaly master after getting your guild skills, planar, combat, and a few others. Don't quote me there, though.
Shiri2005-11-15 02:53:30
Never seen trans arts used. All I know is cures illusions (phantoms) for 8p, then they put it on again for 0.
Ashteru2005-11-15 04:02:21
Aeon really isn't the curing. Prioritize it in your curing chain and that's it, it should always be healed first. Sap is a bit trickier, there are many cures against aeon. Reishi, Quicksilver and phlegmatic, as has been said.
Aiakon2005-11-15 11:48:22
I stopped at mythical arts...
apparently trans makes yer paintings/statues last longer, and helps you see illusions or something. Some day I'll trans it.. but it doesn't sound particularly monumental so I'm not in any hurry.
apparently trans makes yer paintings/statues last longer, and helps you see illusions or something. Some day I'll trans it.. but it doesn't sound particularly monumental so I'm not in any hurry.
Unknown2005-11-15 12:05:57
QUOTE(Aiakon @ Nov 15 2005, 12:48 PM)
I stopped at mythical arts...
apparently trans makes yer paintings/statues last longer, and helps you see illusions or something. Some day I'll trans it.. but it doesn't sound particularly monumental so I'm not in any hurry.
apparently trans makes yer paintings/statues last longer, and helps you see illusions or something. Some day I'll trans it.. but it doesn't sound particularly monumental so I'm not in any hurry.
realitycheck removes reality, trans illusion. Other way to get rid of it: leave the room.

EDIT: According to Narsrim, scary = Geb + demesne + reality