Elder Gods

by Unknown

Back to Common Grounds.

Unknown2005-10-15 02:13:43
So, I'm working on a list of Elder Gods and brief facts about them. Let me know if I'm missing any of the Gods/Entities, or if anything is wrong/missing.

|----Name----|-Sex-|---Splintered?---|---------Known for.....-------------------------------------|
|--Fates-----|--F--|-----Whole-------|------Claim to exist wherever the wave of Creation is-------|
|--Yudhe-----|--I--|-----Whole-------|------Father of Dynara, Magnora, and the Nameless Son; MIA--|
|--Nameless--|--M--|-----Splintered--|------The Nameless Son; Taught Dynara secret to creating----|
|------------|-----|-----------------|--------souls. Splintered into Humans in the Void-----------|
|--Dynara----|--F--|-----Merged------|------The Creator; Many failed attempts made Soulless, with-|
|------------|-----|-----------------|--------Yudhe's help, discovered the secret to souls--------|
|--Magnora---|--F--|-----Merged------|------The Destroyer; Used Soulless as Handmaidens instead---|
|------------|-----|-----------------|--------Of destroying them----------------------------------|
|--Estarra---|--F--|-----Whole-------|------The Eternal; Melding of Dynara and Magnora in the-----|
|------------|-----|-----------------|--------Void. Freed by Roark, She returned with the Humans--|
|-1st Circle-|-----|-----------------|------------------------------------------------------------|
|--Fain------|--M--|-----Whole-------|-----Banished to the void for releasing Soulless; now crazy-|
|--Meridian--|--M--|-----Merian------|-----Lead efforts against Fain and the Soulless; one of-----|
|------------|-----|-----------------|-------first Elders to splinter, Greeted Soullss------------|
|--Amberle---|--F--|-----Unkown------|-----Sister-mate of Meridian, Thought Soulless came in peace|
|-2nd Circle-|-----|-----------------|------------------------------------------------------------|
|--Hajamin---|--M--|-----Whole-------|------Protected Viravain during their time in the Void------|
|--Shikari---|--M--|-----Whole-------|------Known as Viravain's brother - protects Glomdoring-----|
|--Terentia--|--F--|-----Whole-------|------Was a Lieutenant of Meridian--------------------------|
|-3rd Circle-|-----|-----------------|------------------------------------------------------------|
|--Lacostian-|--M--|-----Whole-------|------Melded with the Akashic Records; Is a star-shaped god-|
|--Dracnoris-|--M--|-----Dracnari----|------Brother to possibly Illith - foresaw doom--Primal Doom|
|--Kephra----|--F--|-----Whole?------|------She of Many Eyes-Primal God---------------------------|
|--Vrandrac--|--I--|-----Whole?------|------A huge amorphous mass---------------------------------|
|--Lantra----|--F--|-----Whole-------|------Part of the Hamandri (Those who cared for the --------|
|-4th Circle-|-----|-----------------|------------------------------------------------------------|
|--Isune-----|--F--|-----Whole-------|------Sacrificed Herself to reseal Kethuru; Returned by the-|
|------------|-----|-----------------|--------efforts of Lacostian and mortals; Sees all things---|
|------------|-----|-----------------|--------as Tainted. Slowly recovering in Her fulcrux.------|
|--Trillil...|--F--|-----Trill-------|------Was in love with Xyl----------------------------------|
|--Crumkane--|-----|-----------------|------Made great sugary sweets, associated with sugar pixies|
|------------|-----|-----------------|------and spice spirits. Creator of Crumkidivia-------------|
|-5th Circle-|-----|-----------------|------------------------------------------------------------|
|--Mugwumpois|--F--|-----Mugwump-----|------Was able to tell if animals were able to form a-------|
|------------|-----|-----------------|--------Nature Spirit; enjoyed company of Bloodredi; Swamps-|
|--Raezon----|--M--|-----Whole-------|------Banished to the Void with Fain - Used Viravain in ----|
|------------|-----|-----------------|--------an attempt to control Kethuru/His Powers------------|
|--Roark-----|--M--|-----Whole-------|------Freed Estarra from the Void---------------------------|
|--Xyl-------|--M--|-----Lucidian----|------Emotionless; lover of Trillillial; Mugwumpois says----|
|------------|-----|-----------------|--------has same range of facial expressions as crocodiles--|
|--Elcyrion--|--M--|-----Whole-------|------Lacostian's brother; Held off Soulless while Lacostian|
|------------|-----|-----------------|--------prepared. Split body/soul, essence shattered into--|
|------------|-----|-----------------|--------wind. Has returned, and is very anti-violence.-----|
|-6th Circle-|-----|-----------------|------------------------------------------------------------|
|--Auseklis--|--M--|-----Whole-------|------The Wanderer - Workings largely unknown - carries big-|
|------------|-----|-----------------|--------arse tree around to hit things with-----------------|
|--Elfeneh...|--F--|-----Elfen-------|------Lead Awakener for Mother Night------------------------|
|--Lisaera---|--F--|-----Whole-------|------Lead Awakener for Mother Moon - Once lover of Fain----|
|--Bollikin--|--M--|-----Furrikin----|-----Created most small animals; including rockeaters-------|
|------------|-----|-----------------|-----Tae's lover--------------------------------------------|
|--Tae-------|--M--|-----Tae'dae-----|-----Only true success were bears, Found Draconis and ------|
|------------|-----|-----------------|-----"protected" the forest from bees and wasps. -----------|
|--Viravain--|--F--|-----Whole-------|-----Created bluejays and ravens, fleas, other small life---|
|------------|-----|-----------------|-------once possessed by Kethuru, now insane----------------|
|--Blooredi--|--M--|-----Unknown-----|-----Known for creation of alligators and crocodiles;-------|
|------------|-----|-----------------|-------Never successfully created a Greater Spirit----------|
|--Charune---|-----|-----Unkown------|------Created White Hart, Brother of Centaubi---------------|

Lisaera2005-10-15 02:43:00
Yes, you have omitted the facts that I am "super uber" and "t3h h4x0r".
Tsuki2005-10-15 02:46:02
Unknown2005-10-15 02:46:40
Well, see, they were in consideration, however to put them in, for the sake of being fair, I had to put in "73|-| 1@|\\/|Z04z 1317C|-|" and "angry masochist". I figured I'd let them cancel one another out.

Although I did miss something..

EDIT: There, added in.
Richter2005-10-15 03:09:25
Bollikin and Tae were gay gods?
Jack2005-10-15 03:10:47
I think Erion's making a cheap fake log-related crack at 'em.

I think they were brothers, personally.
Jasper2005-10-15 03:13:35
Looks good, Kalodan! And yes, I think the Tae thing for Bollokin was a reference done by Guido or Erion - forget which. How pre-tainted Viravain talked about them, they seemed more like siblings.
Jack2005-10-15 03:16:11
Was Guido.

Erion never made any fake logs. Didn't have the wit, skill, inguenuity or inclination. tongue.gif
Richter2005-10-15 03:20:03
Oh, ok.
Unknown2005-10-15 03:33:08
Actually, I'd gotten the conotation from comments about them that they were gay, not just brothers. Or, if they were brothers, they were very close, touchy-feely brothers.

Would a divine care to correct me on this?
Fain2005-10-15 04:20:30
I didn't release any soulless... you've got me all wrong!
I just wanted to make dirty deals with em! And who said I was crazy? Sounds like you've mixed me up with Viravain a bit.

Unknown2005-10-15 04:21:50
Sure Fain, sure. happy.gif
Fain2005-10-15 04:57:36
I'm serious!
Kiarlea2005-10-15 04:59:54
And Kaervas is really just your errand boy. Right?
Lisaera2005-10-15 15:36:16
Well, it's somewhere in the same area as correct, and I don't correct things like this OOC.
Unknown2005-10-15 23:11:18
Daganev2006-06-09 19:32:04
Elcyyrion is unknown in regards to being splintered?
Richter2006-06-09 19:36:43
Had Elcyrion appeared as of 10/15/05? You just necro'ed two threads. tongue.gif
Daganev2006-06-09 20:09:21
There was an edit added to Elcyrion in the thread, which is much newer than that (i.e. post elcyrion events)

Threads are ment to be necroed if new infomration is out about them.. sheesh.

Also, I kept getting asked questions about info in these threads.
Richter2006-06-09 20:28:24
QUOTE(daganev @ Jun 9 2006, 01:09 PM) 296127

There was an edit added to Elcyrion in the thread, which is much newer than that (i.e. post elcyrion events)

Threads are ment to be necroed if new infomration is out about them.. sheesh.

Hence my good-natured query:

QUOTE(Richter @ Jun 9 2006, 12:36 PM) 296117

Had Elcyrion appeared as of 10/15/05?


Update it if it's out of date, bear.