A couple of Questions. . .

by Unknown

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Unknown2005-10-20 13:56:51
Hi, Im completely new to Lusternia and I wanted to be a Geomancer.
Im not sure what race to pick Mugwump or Lucidian. It would be nice to hear the pro's and cons of some people who have played/ played against these type

And I have enough lessons to trans oone skill and I wasnt sure if I should trans Elementalism or Geomancy. . .
Thanks in advance for the help smile.gif
Nyanco2005-10-20 14:02:44
QUOTE(Skeaton @ Oct 20 2005, 03:56 PM)
And I have enough lessons to trans oone skill and I wasnt sure if I should trans Elementalism or Geomancy. . .

It's the same thing, Geomancy is a specialization of elementalism.
You can learn elementalism only until Master and from Master to Trans you learn Geomancy.
Hajamin2005-10-20 14:36:37
As for race... I always like to think this little thing called RP works well for choosing.

Do you want to be a frog man, or a crystal man?
Unknown2005-10-20 14:44:27
QUOTE(Hajamin @ Oct 20 2005, 03:36 PM)
As for race... I always like to think this little thing called RP works well for choosing.

Do you want to be a frog man, or a crystal man?

Or become a Demigod which doesn't show your actual race so you can design your appearance more freely halo.gif
Unknown2005-10-20 18:06:34
If you good at Rp you can Rp any race well.
Unknown2005-10-20 18:13:33
Well the only problem for rp choice that is that although the Lucidian comes with what you might expect from a typical Lucidian, cold logic winning over reason the Mugwump(sp?) does nothing of the sort. The small indications that they are from the swamps lead no clue imho as to what they would do in any given situation. Like would a mugwump(sp?) be totally disgusted with the idea of drawing from Taint? Or perhaps is he inbreed with a certain dislike for the other races of Lusternia? Or perhaps he would never choose geomancy for they are from the swamp. NONE of this is implied one way or another in the short race discription I read, if there are more elaborate ones I would be ever so grateful to be directed towards them.
And thanks smile.gif
Cwin2005-10-20 18:50:55
I believe there's nothing about that because they havn't all as a race decided on a stance. It amounts to Muggies having a flexable RP requirement: they are generaly smart and have a leaning towards cities. Hate all races. Love them all. Hate/love the taint. So long as you look at least a little froggish (and this can be BEARLY, since they've mixed with humans) then you're a proper Muggy. You can even be simple-minded and in a commune so long as your character knows that they aren't following the normal path.

Realy, the 'RP' aspects of race selection is like choosing your house's framework: it helps give an idea on how your character should be but it's NOT your entire house. Hajamin just doesn't like the whole "who am I? who cares: I want a 2k cosmicfire!"

'Ikk, this isn't long enough yet' edit: I say, put character design and technical abilities in equal proportion. You've already found Lucidian and Mugwump to be adequate tactical wise (since no one's said "UGG, they suck!" yet: both are viable roles) so just start developing your story and see which you feel more comfortable in. If I were to just break it down:

If you want to play a race that looks like a crystal and is known for being logical, and less emotional (NO, you don't HAVE to act that way, just know you'd be an oddball and would probably need to explain why you're like that) then go Lucidian.

If not, probably Mugwump, since you're already a city lover and..well, anything else from them is considered normal.

Unknown2005-10-20 19:23:15
Choosing race is an important decision, it shapes your entire experience! I've seen far too much of the "humans in funny suits" syndrome in my years playing MUDs.
Exarius2005-10-20 22:14:04
QUOTE(Agent_Templar @ Oct 20 2005, 02:23 PM)
Choosing race is an important decision, it shapes your entire experience!  I've seen far too much of the "humans in funny suits" syndrome in my years playing MUDs.

And I've seen too much of the over-the-top "alien-mindset-or bust" syndrome in my years playing MUDs. If you can't identify with the character, you're not role-playing, you're going through a wrote set of instructions trying to prove you're more IC-than-thou.

It's a game. If you're not having fun, you're playin it wrong. And from the very first MUD I played on, I've seen players saddling themselves with (literally) tomes full of rules of what their characters should be doing, even if it made no sense and caused constant infighting, the established players doing everything in their power to ostracize anyone who wouldn't play along.

I play an aslaran because my own mindset is so utterly feline in nature: utterly proud and sensual, good company to close friends, Machiavellian to those who would dominate me. Racial RP should be more about a basic mindset than about proving you're "not human".
Cwin2005-10-20 22:49:07

Also remember that these are living creatures we're playing, not robots. In fact, races in Muds could be closely fit in with different human races in RL. Each race (here and in RL) has different stereotypes, built off of the culture they hung around when young and the genes they were given (i.e. Lucidians apperently are geneticly leaned towards inteligence and their parents taught them to care for logic, like their parents before them, and parents before them...). It's going to effect you greatly, but it's not ALL you are. A Luci that didn't love their parents but hung around elfen all day will probaly have a deeper care for nature and, while still smart, won't be nearly as unemotional.

Good roleplay isn't about rules, or following 'the right way to play'. It's about developing a story, a life. It doesn't even have to BE 'not like your own': if you lived a RL life of a spoiled brat of smart wiccans who had problems showing their love, then RPed a typical crystal man Moondancer then you'll find that your character's personality will probably match your own. It's STILL RP and, perhaps, will end up being some of the best RP in Serenwilde.

The point is that your character is a life. It may follow expectations or be COMPLETELY different, but it has to be a full life. You should be able to look at their personality, then look at their history and go "Oh that explains A.L.O.T." That means not acting like you're character is just a bunch of text in a server and it does NOT mean acting exactly like what some text explaining your race is like. It just means Acting..true blue Acting.

(and yes, I consider it rather OOC for a high fantasy elf who's lived around humans ALL THEIR LIFE to 'feel a connection with nature' unless you have some VERY GOOD explanation. If your parents were smog-factory owners then chances are, you'll be a smog-factory loving elf.)

Edited for grammar (I'm the REASON we have spell/grammar check)
Unknown2005-10-20 22:49:42
Thanks everyone this really helped, its im goign to have to think about it although i think lucidian fits my character best.
Unknown2005-10-20 23:54:16
QUOTE(Cwin @ Oct 20 2005, 03:49 PM)
  In fact, races in Muds could be closely fit in with different human races in RL. 
A different species is more of a distinction than real life ethnic and cultural differences.

QUOTE(Cwin @ Oct 20 2005, 03:49 PM)
Each race (here and in RL) has different stereotypes, built off of the culture they hung around when young and the genes they were given
There is only one race in the real world, Homo sapiens. Fundamentally, all of us are pretty much the same.
Iridiel2005-10-21 10:56:50
Must say there's a big influence on ambient. If for example your scientific average lucidian was brought up in a family of say trills, it's easier that it's a more nervous and less frozen crystal creature. He'll be clever anyway, and quick to grasp concepts, but emotional attitudes often are very influenced by your ambient.