Unknown2005-11-07 22:42:09
Check it. It's funny.
Richter2005-11-07 22:57:46
The things you guys link me to are -always- blocked.
Gregori2005-11-08 00:12:21
That site is hilarious.. mostly cause it brings back memories of things I am not allowed to do anymore..
When entering a castle and finding nothing but dead bodies. I am no longer allowed to place them in strange sexual positions and use Animate Dead on them in order to freak out the rest of the party when they arrive.
When entering a castle and finding nothing but dead bodies. I am no longer allowed to place them in strange sexual positions and use Animate Dead on them in order to freak out the rest of the party when they arrive.
Stangmar2005-11-08 00:37:36
Iridiel2005-11-08 11:25:12
After playing with us for a long while, our usual GM had a sheet of paper that he gave to all newcomers, with all the things we've tried to pull off and weren't allowed.
We pointed the new players the funny bits and encouraged them to be original
We pointed the new players the funny bits and encouraged them to be original
Gregori2005-11-08 12:37:38
My chronomancer mage is no longer allowed to say "hey guys, I need to go pee, I will just be over in those bushes." then come back a moment later with the much needed 40' ladder to scale the castle walls and say "Hey guys, look what I found laying over there in the bushes!"
Nayl2005-11-08 12:55:11
My 600 year old, 6th gen Malkavian vampire girl, is no longer allowed to use vicissitude (Yay Campaigns) and transform herself into a poodle and pretend she's a werewolf... while dual-campaigning with a werewolf team. And win.
Yay 30 blood points.
Yay 30 blood points.
Richter2005-11-08 13:32:07
I don't get most of those.
Unknown2005-11-08 13:34:19
73. Not allowed to name my cudgel Ceremonial Whoopass Stick.
Eyod2005-11-09 14:28:18
you might have better luck getting at this if your blocked, I think this might be the original. but it's only 300 long. so who knows I saw this a few months back.OOTS forum
Marcalo2005-11-09 15:11:55
55. Before facing the dragon, not allowed to glaze the elf.
81. A picture of my ex-wife is not an acceptable backup weapon.
90. My swashbuckling fop cannot take the flaw Dark Secret: Not Gay
122. The paladin's alignment is not Lawful Anal.
190. Duel wielding small animals is strictly forbidden.
219. In formal introductions to royalty, I must not introduce my companions
as just "The Other Guys". HAHA this one is so me.
277. My half-ogre cannot surprise the halflings with spontaneous games of
287. When asked for advice before a fight "Don't wet yourself in public" is
not what they were looking for.
322. Kittens are not valid ammunition in any classic superhero campaign.
I so beg to differ.
81. A picture of my ex-wife is not an acceptable backup weapon.
90. My swashbuckling fop cannot take the flaw Dark Secret: Not Gay
122. The paladin's alignment is not Lawful Anal.
190. Duel wielding small animals is strictly forbidden.
219. In formal introductions to royalty, I must not introduce my companions
as just "The Other Guys". HAHA this one is so me.
277. My half-ogre cannot surprise the halflings with spontaneous games of
287. When asked for advice before a fight "Don't wet yourself in public" is
not what they were looking for.
322. Kittens are not valid ammunition in any classic superhero campaign.
I so beg to differ.
Iridiel2005-11-09 17:28:40
190. Duel wielding small animals is strictly forbidden.
Do the cats in celest count as this?
Do the cats in celest count as this?
Marcalo2005-11-09 18:25:30
it depends i think, are you trying to use them as weapons, or shields? if weapons then yes they count, as shields then now they don't count.