MUSH help

by Unknown

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Unknown2005-11-10 16:50:44
for some odd reason I can't load my mcl lusternia file. Maybe becuase I had an abrupt shut-down, i dont know. Opened the file with notepad, then end of it is incomplete:

drink bromide

world.EnableTrigger "trigger_bromide", 1

I was using ethelon's system as a base, and have been building up on it. I can't open the world file at all. getting this message:

Line 17320: Unexpected end-of-file inside element definition for alias (problem in this file)

The thing is, I don't think the bromide alias/trigger is supposed to be at the end of the world file. More must have been 'deleted' or something. Bleh, am I going to have to start from scratch?

Unknown2005-11-10 18:58:52
First of all, try opening the file in Wordpad (just don't save it there) or some code editor (like Scintilla) - Notepad may just be gobbling up part of your file if it's too large.

If you did loose part of your file then you can try some recovery tool to scrape it off the disk, but I've never tried doing that myself. If all else fails, just close that last aliases tag by deleting the "" and see if you can open the world in Mushclient. If absolutely everything fails then remember that you can always just copy what's there (triggers, aliases, timers, variables - scripts should be inside those or in a separate file) and paste it into a new world.

P.S. Line 17320?! blink.gif If you did lose something it can't be too much.

P.P.S. And that's why plugins were invented - break everything up into plugins and you'll never lose anything of any import unless your disk goes up in flames.