Unknown2005-12-14 05:40:21
Additions to the Spirit Plane (Land of the Dead)
The idea here is that the Spirit plane which already exists is given more meaning in the mythos of Lusternia. Essentially, it becomes the land of the dead, inhabited by souls of people who have had their threads cut or weakened, and a place where animal spirits go before reincarnating. There are two new areas in addition to the Tosha pits, and the Catacombs would make more sense shifted to this plane as well. Rifts will work between Spirit and Prime, and conglutination also. The transplanar prism fulcrux will have a new 'down' exit that leads to a spot in both Spectral Glomdoring and Spectral Serenwilde.
(A1) Name: 'the Spectral Serenwilde'
Territory: Serenwilde, but totems cannot grow on this plane.
(Maybe guards can't be used either, or cost twice as much?)
Planar structure: Links to Southern Serenwilde on prime, and later to an
area on the Nameless Plane.
Ambiences: 'An eerie and sorrowful refrain drifts by on a soft breeze.'
'You shiver involuntarily as the chill of death seeps into your bones.'
(A2) Name: 'the Spectral Glomdoring'
Territory: Glomdoring, but likewise totems cannot be used.
Planar structure: Links to Glomdoring on prime, and later to a different area
on the Nameless Plane.
Ambiences: 'A distant screaming echoes through the forest and is abruptly cut
'Shadowy phantoms lurk at the periphery of your vision and send a
chill down your spine.'
(A3) Name: 'the Catacombs of the Dead'
Territory: None.
Planar structure: As currently, still a network that runs through prime.
Spectral Serenwilde :-
(R1) Title: 'Eternal twilight near the roots of the Moonhart.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral forest.
Objects: O1
Exits: NW->R2
(R2) Title: 'Ghostly woods under a starry sky.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral forest.
Exits: SE->R1
(R3) Title: 'Winding path through a timeless glade.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral forest.
Exits: NE->R2
(R4) Title: 'Wavering lights dancing among whispery groves.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral forest.
Exits: NE->R1
IN->R6 (hidden)
(R5) Title: 'Descent into a maze of eerie caverns.'
Environment: Indoor natural underground.
Exits: NE->R7
(R6) Title: 'Misty vale shrouded by fog.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral forest.
Exits: OUT->R4
(R7) Title: 'A dripping cavern choked with silvery foliage.'
Environment: Indoor natural underground.
Exits: SW->R5
(R8) Title: 'Frosty ledge beside a deep cravass.'
Environment: Indoor natural underground.
Exits: SE->R5
(R9) Title: 'Last eaves of the twilight realm.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral forest.
Objects: O3
Exits: E->R3
(R10) Title: 'A marble path through shimmering undergrowth.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral forest.
Exits: SE->R12
(R11) Title: 'A strange wooded cavern resonating with spirits.'
Environment: Indoor spectral forest.
Exits: E->R7
(R12) Title: 'The Spring of Rebirth.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral forest.
Objects: O5, O7 (x5)
Exits: NW->R10
Spectral Glomdoring :-
(R13) Title: 'Black clearing alongside the roots of the Ravenwood.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral wyrden woods.
Objects: O2
Exits: E->R14
(R14) Title: 'Entering a dark and haunted forest.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral wyrden woods.
Exits: W->R13
(R15) Title: 'Gurgling mire surrounded by twisted trees.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral wyrden woods.
Exits: SE->R14
(R16) Title: 'Corridor of blackened tree corpses.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral wyrden woods.
Exits: NE->R14
(R17) Title: 'Junction of paths beside a blood-stained boulder.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral wyrden woods.
Exits: NE->R15
(R18) Title: 'Gigantic skeletal trees beneath an inky blackness.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral wyrden woods.
Exits: N->R17
(R19) Title: 'A narrow avenue of trees flanked by hanging gibbets.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral wyrden woods.
Exits: SE->R18
(R20) Title: 'Ghostly woods before a barrow.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral wyrden woods.
Exits: NW->R18
S->R23 (hidden)
(R21) Title: 'The borders of the black wood.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral wyrden woods.
Objects: O4
Exits: E->R19
(R22) Title: 'Within a cavernous barrow reeking of sulfur.'
Environment: Indoor natural underground.
Exits: OUT->R20
(R23) Title: 'The Monument of Souls'
Environment: Outdoor spectral wyrden woods.
Objects: O6, O8
Exits: N->R20
(R24) Title: 'Deep tunnels sinking into darkness.'
Environment: Indoor natural underground.
Exits: NW->R22
Note: Obviously more rooms would be good, ~50 for each area, but I just want to give
a basic impression of how I envisage the area using 12 rooms each, and leave a
lot of the details in the hands of our fabulous builders.
(O1) the roots of the Moonhart Mother Tree
(O2) the roots of the Master Ravenwood Tree
(O3) a moaning vortex of whirling darkness
(O4) a screaming vortex of fathomless shadow
(O5) the Spring of Rebirth
(O6) the Monument of Souls
(O7) an indigo lotus flower (x8)
(O8) a wickedly sharp thorn (x8)
(M1) Name: spirit
Short desc: a phantom deer spirit (x4)
Entry: Fearless now in death, a graceful deer spirit canters
in from the $DIR and begins to graze.
Exit: With a final glance in your direction, the ghostly deer fades from view.
Death: A set of translucent antlers rest here, all that remains of a slain deer
Area boundary: Spectral Serenwilde (all)
(M2) Name: spirit
Short desc: a haunting owl spirit (x3 on land, x2 in air)
Entry: A soft and spooky hooting from above signals the watchful gaze of
a wise owl spirit.
Exit: Your presence clearly not of enough interest, the owl spirit spreads
his ghostly wings and swoops out to the $DIR.
Death: A ring of alabaster feathers mark the final resting place of a
banished owl spirit.
Area boundary: Spectral Serenwilde (all)
(M3) Name: spirit
Short desc: a pale wolf spirit (x4)
Entry: A huge white wolf spirit lopes in from the $dir.
Exit: With a final keening howl, the wolf spirit slinks out to the $dir.
Death: A bloody white wolf's pelt rests on the ground.
Area boundary: Spectral Serenwilde (all)
(M4) Name: oak
Short desc: a ghostly oak (x5)
Entry: A chill wind blows in from the $dir and rustles the foliage of a pale oak
tree you hadn't noticed before.
Exit: A falling leaf brushes against your cheek, and you suddenly realize the
oak tree from which it fell is nowhere to be seen.
Death: The stump of a scarred and blackened oak is here. (+3 lumber)
Area boundary: Spectral Serenwilde (all)
(M6) Name: blackthorn
Short desc: a shadowy blackthorn tree (x5)
Entry: A dark mist rolls in from the $dir, and you notice a twisted blackthorn
tree you could have sworn wasn't there before.
Exit: Jagged forks of black lightning flash in the distance, and when
your eyes adjust the blackthorn tree is gone.
Death: A felled blackthorn lies across the path here. (+3 lumber)
Area boundary: Spectral Glomdoring (all)
(M7) Name: skeleton
Short desc: a decaying skeleton (x4)
Entry: With a terrible rattling, a rotting skeleton stomps in from the $dir.
Exit: Drawing his broken sword, the skeleton marches off to the $dir.
Death: A pile of broken bones is the remains of a banished skeleton.
Area boundary: Spectral Glomdoring (all)
(M8) Name: shade (I don't think that's the Glom pixie, is it?)
Short desc: a menacing crow shade (x3 on land, x2 in trees)
Entry: A harsh cawing from a nearby branch signals the presence of
a powerful crow shade.
Exit: Eyes glowing with a ruby flame, the crow shade gives you a
final caw before flapping out to the $dir.
Death: A single black feather rests upon the ground, this crow shade
banished from existence.
Area boundary: Spectral Glomdoring (all)
(M9) Name: shade
Short desc: a terrifying spider shade (x4)
Entry: A disturbing shadow from the trees causes you to notice a giant
spider shade lurking above.
Exit: Leaving a trail of sticky webbing, the spider shade stalks out to the $dir.
Death: Lying upon the ground is an oozing pustule from a spider shade.
(M9) Name: soul
Short desc: a lost elfen soul (x5 in Serenwilde, x5 in Glomdoring)
Entry: Mumbling incoherently, a lost soul floats in from the $dir.
Exit: With a confused glance to the $dir, a lost soul drifts onwards in his search.
Death: An ectoplasmic stain upon the soil is the last trace of a banished soul.
Area boundary: Spectral Serenwilde (except the hidden area) and Spectral
Glomdoring (except the hidden area).
(Q1) Help lost souls to let go of their past lives and bring them to the Spring of Rebirth.
You pick up an indigo lotus flower from the Spring of Rebirth.
You greet a lost elfen soul with a sincere smile.
A lost elfen soul says, "Have you come to help me?"
(A)A lost elfen soul says, "I dreamt I was drowning in a vast ocean. I awoke to face this
alien land, but I must return home - my daughter must be worried!"
(B )A lost elfen soul says, "I've had strange dreams of late - a knife flashing in the
dark, blood pooling on the dark soil. Someone holds the key to these nightmares,
but I cannot recall who."
©etc. (five of them)
A lost elfen soul says, "I fear I will be trapped in this cursed place forever!"
You say, "I can help you."
A lost elfen soul says, "You will help me? Blessed Spirits, thankyou kind $race.
A vision of a beautiful flower draws at my spirit, perhaps you've seen such a thing?"
You give an indigo lotus flower to a lost elfen soul.
As the pale blue lotus touches his hands, it unfurls in a glorious display and releases
a sweet perfume into the air. Sudden clarity dawns in the eyes of the spectral elfen.
A lost elfen soul says, "I remember! Death has taken my body, woe be to the Forest!
I must continue on in the cycle of life, but there is something I must first do in the land
of the living."
A lost elfen soul begins to follow you.
(A)A lost elfen soul says, "Take me to the Isle of (wherever that forest is), I must
give my daughter one last farewell."
(B )A lost elfen soul says, "I must avenge my death at the hands of that bastard priest.
He lives in a cave along the southern mountains."
Soul emotes something when you arrive.
A lost elfen soul gives a soft smile tinged with sadness.
A lost elfen soul says, "Thankyou, $name, you have brought me peace in death.
Perhaps in my next life I will be able to repay you."
A lost elfen soul bows with the unearthly grace of his people, then turns to drink
from the sacred Spring. The reflected light from the water's surface plays across his
features, gradually growing brighter and brighter until he is enveloped in a
coruscating pillar of light. You turn away from the searing brilliance for a moment,
and when you look again, the spectre has gone.
** For every 5 times this quest is completed, an elfen mystic mobile is spawned
** and wanders one of the four orgs, at random. The player gains experience, no
** other effect.
(Q2) Show lost souls how to return to life in another body by taking them to the Monument of Souls.
You carefully detach a wickedly sharp thorn from the Monument of Souls.
You greet a lost elfen soul with a sincere smile.
A lost elfen soul says, "Have you come to help me?"
(A)A lost elfen soul says, "I dreamt I was drowning in a vast ocean. I awoke to face this
alien land, but I must return home - my daughter must be worried!"
(B )A lost elfen soul says, "I've had strange dreams of late - a knife flashing in the
dark, blood pooling on the dark soil. Someone holds the key to these nightmares,
but I cannot recall who."
©etc. (five of them)
A lost elfen soul says, "I fear I will be trapped in this cursed place forever!"
You say, "You fear being trapped, eh?"
A lost elfen soul shivers violently.
A lost elfen soul says, "Yes, I do not know how I came to be in this Spirit-forsaken
place and I would not tarry here any longer. I am haunted by visions of dark thorns
dripping with blood, do you know what this means?."
You give a wickedly sharp thorn to a lost elfen soul.
As you thrust the bloodied thorn into his hands, the wicked edge gouges a deep wound
in the spectre's palm and begins to give off a putrid stench. His gaze darkens with
sudden malevolence.
A lost elfen soul says, "Ah, so this is the hollowness of death. You have given me
pain, $race, now you will help me share that misery with the living."
A lost elfen soul begins to follow you.
(A)A lost elfen soul says, "Take me to the Isle of (wherever that forest is), I must
give my daughter one last farewell."
(B )A lost elfen soul says, "I must avenge my death at the hands of that bastard priest.
He lives in a cave along the southern mountains."
Soul emotes something when you arrive, different to above.
A lost elfen soul smirks with dark satisfaction.
A lost elfen soul says, "Thankyou, $name, you have shown me the path to transcending
death itself. I shall remember your harsh lessons."
A lost elfen soul gives a hollow chuckle tinged with madness before running his hands
down the vine-choked Monument. Smears of dark blood trickle down the stone as hundreds
of the tiny thorns rip into his flesh, and a dull red glow emanates from the offering.
Thorny green tendrils lash out at the spectre as he is flayed painfully, until it
seems like his mauled form can take no more. Finally, the crimson aura surrounds his
broken body, and it is drawn back into the Monument.
** For every 5 times this quest is completed, an elfen necromancer mobile is spawned
** and wanders one of the four orgs, at random. The player gains experience, no
** other effect.
** At the turn of every day, any foreign 'missionary' mobile in your territory drains
** 10 power, allied mobiles do nothing.
Note: The cosmic plane should have two additional quests that can similarly spawn
angelic emissaries and demonic priests that wander the various cities and
communes. Although their primary function is to drain power if they are not
stopped, it would be nice if these wandering missionaries could be used in
other quests yet to be determined.
Now, those vortexes need somewhere to go... onto the plane that borders the Void!
Well, what do you think for a bare-bones proposal? All rubbish? Anything in particular need drastic revision?
Suggestions or alternatives are welcomed!
Edit: *cough* Fixed a couple of errors. Oops.
The idea here is that the Spirit plane which already exists is given more meaning in the mythos of Lusternia. Essentially, it becomes the land of the dead, inhabited by souls of people who have had their threads cut or weakened, and a place where animal spirits go before reincarnating. There are two new areas in addition to the Tosha pits, and the Catacombs would make more sense shifted to this plane as well. Rifts will work between Spirit and Prime, and conglutination also. The transplanar prism fulcrux will have a new 'down' exit that leads to a spot in both Spectral Glomdoring and Spectral Serenwilde.
(A1) Name: 'the Spectral Serenwilde'
Territory: Serenwilde, but totems cannot grow on this plane.
(Maybe guards can't be used either, or cost twice as much?)
Planar structure: Links to Southern Serenwilde on prime, and later to an
area on the Nameless Plane.
Ambiences: 'An eerie and sorrowful refrain drifts by on a soft breeze.'
'You shiver involuntarily as the chill of death seeps into your bones.'
(A2) Name: 'the Spectral Glomdoring'
Territory: Glomdoring, but likewise totems cannot be used.
Planar structure: Links to Glomdoring on prime, and later to a different area
on the Nameless Plane.
Ambiences: 'A distant screaming echoes through the forest and is abruptly cut
'Shadowy phantoms lurk at the periphery of your vision and send a
chill down your spine.'
(A3) Name: 'the Catacombs of the Dead'
Territory: None.
Planar structure: As currently, still a network that runs through prime.
Spectral Serenwilde :-
(R1) Title: 'Eternal twilight near the roots of the Moonhart.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral forest.
Objects: O1
Exits: NW->R2
(R2) Title: 'Ghostly woods under a starry sky.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral forest.
Exits: SE->R1
(R3) Title: 'Winding path through a timeless glade.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral forest.
Exits: NE->R2
(R4) Title: 'Wavering lights dancing among whispery groves.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral forest.
Exits: NE->R1
IN->R6 (hidden)
(R5) Title: 'Descent into a maze of eerie caverns.'
Environment: Indoor natural underground.
Exits: NE->R7
(R6) Title: 'Misty vale shrouded by fog.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral forest.
Exits: OUT->R4
(R7) Title: 'A dripping cavern choked with silvery foliage.'
Environment: Indoor natural underground.
Exits: SW->R5
(R8) Title: 'Frosty ledge beside a deep cravass.'
Environment: Indoor natural underground.
Exits: SE->R5
(R9) Title: 'Last eaves of the twilight realm.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral forest.
Objects: O3
Exits: E->R3
(R10) Title: 'A marble path through shimmering undergrowth.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral forest.
Exits: SE->R12
(R11) Title: 'A strange wooded cavern resonating with spirits.'
Environment: Indoor spectral forest.
Exits: E->R7
(R12) Title: 'The Spring of Rebirth.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral forest.
Objects: O5, O7 (x5)
Exits: NW->R10
Spectral Glomdoring :-
(R13) Title: 'Black clearing alongside the roots of the Ravenwood.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral wyrden woods.
Objects: O2
Exits: E->R14
(R14) Title: 'Entering a dark and haunted forest.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral wyrden woods.
Exits: W->R13
(R15) Title: 'Gurgling mire surrounded by twisted trees.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral wyrden woods.
Exits: SE->R14
(R16) Title: 'Corridor of blackened tree corpses.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral wyrden woods.
Exits: NE->R14
(R17) Title: 'Junction of paths beside a blood-stained boulder.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral wyrden woods.
Exits: NE->R15
(R18) Title: 'Gigantic skeletal trees beneath an inky blackness.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral wyrden woods.
Exits: N->R17
(R19) Title: 'A narrow avenue of trees flanked by hanging gibbets.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral wyrden woods.
Exits: SE->R18
(R20) Title: 'Ghostly woods before a barrow.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral wyrden woods.
Exits: NW->R18
S->R23 (hidden)
(R21) Title: 'The borders of the black wood.'
Environment: Outdoor spectral wyrden woods.
Objects: O4
Exits: E->R19
(R22) Title: 'Within a cavernous barrow reeking of sulfur.'
Environment: Indoor natural underground.
Exits: OUT->R20
(R23) Title: 'The Monument of Souls'
Environment: Outdoor spectral wyrden woods.
Objects: O6, O8
Exits: N->R20
(R24) Title: 'Deep tunnels sinking into darkness.'
Environment: Indoor natural underground.
Exits: NW->R22
Note: Obviously more rooms would be good, ~50 for each area, but I just want to give
a basic impression of how I envisage the area using 12 rooms each, and leave a
lot of the details in the hands of our fabulous builders.
(O1) the roots of the Moonhart Mother Tree
(O2) the roots of the Master Ravenwood Tree
(O3) a moaning vortex of whirling darkness
(O4) a screaming vortex of fathomless shadow
(O5) the Spring of Rebirth
(O6) the Monument of Souls
(O7) an indigo lotus flower (x8)
(O8) a wickedly sharp thorn (x8)
(M1) Name: spirit
Short desc: a phantom deer spirit (x4)
Entry: Fearless now in death, a graceful deer spirit canters
in from the $DIR and begins to graze.
Exit: With a final glance in your direction, the ghostly deer fades from view.
Death: A set of translucent antlers rest here, all that remains of a slain deer
Area boundary: Spectral Serenwilde (all)
(M2) Name: spirit
Short desc: a haunting owl spirit (x3 on land, x2 in air)
Entry: A soft and spooky hooting from above signals the watchful gaze of
a wise owl spirit.
Exit: Your presence clearly not of enough interest, the owl spirit spreads
his ghostly wings and swoops out to the $DIR.
Death: A ring of alabaster feathers mark the final resting place of a
banished owl spirit.
Area boundary: Spectral Serenwilde (all)
(M3) Name: spirit
Short desc: a pale wolf spirit (x4)
Entry: A huge white wolf spirit lopes in from the $dir.
Exit: With a final keening howl, the wolf spirit slinks out to the $dir.
Death: A bloody white wolf's pelt rests on the ground.
Area boundary: Spectral Serenwilde (all)
(M4) Name: oak
Short desc: a ghostly oak (x5)
Entry: A chill wind blows in from the $dir and rustles the foliage of a pale oak
tree you hadn't noticed before.
Exit: A falling leaf brushes against your cheek, and you suddenly realize the
oak tree from which it fell is nowhere to be seen.
Death: The stump of a scarred and blackened oak is here. (+3 lumber)
Area boundary: Spectral Serenwilde (all)
(M6) Name: blackthorn
Short desc: a shadowy blackthorn tree (x5)
Entry: A dark mist rolls in from the $dir, and you notice a twisted blackthorn
tree you could have sworn wasn't there before.
Exit: Jagged forks of black lightning flash in the distance, and when
your eyes adjust the blackthorn tree is gone.
Death: A felled blackthorn lies across the path here. (+3 lumber)
Area boundary: Spectral Glomdoring (all)
(M7) Name: skeleton
Short desc: a decaying skeleton (x4)
Entry: With a terrible rattling, a rotting skeleton stomps in from the $dir.
Exit: Drawing his broken sword, the skeleton marches off to the $dir.
Death: A pile of broken bones is the remains of a banished skeleton.
Area boundary: Spectral Glomdoring (all)
(M8) Name: shade (I don't think that's the Glom pixie, is it?)
Short desc: a menacing crow shade (x3 on land, x2 in trees)
Entry: A harsh cawing from a nearby branch signals the presence of
a powerful crow shade.
Exit: Eyes glowing with a ruby flame, the crow shade gives you a
final caw before flapping out to the $dir.
Death: A single black feather rests upon the ground, this crow shade
banished from existence.
Area boundary: Spectral Glomdoring (all)
(M9) Name: shade
Short desc: a terrifying spider shade (x4)
Entry: A disturbing shadow from the trees causes you to notice a giant
spider shade lurking above.
Exit: Leaving a trail of sticky webbing, the spider shade stalks out to the $dir.
Death: Lying upon the ground is an oozing pustule from a spider shade.
(M9) Name: soul
Short desc: a lost elfen soul (x5 in Serenwilde, x5 in Glomdoring)
Entry: Mumbling incoherently, a lost soul floats in from the $dir.
Exit: With a confused glance to the $dir, a lost soul drifts onwards in his search.
Death: An ectoplasmic stain upon the soil is the last trace of a banished soul.
Area boundary: Spectral Serenwilde (except the hidden area) and Spectral
Glomdoring (except the hidden area).
(Q1) Help lost souls to let go of their past lives and bring them to the Spring of Rebirth.
You pick up an indigo lotus flower from the Spring of Rebirth.
You greet a lost elfen soul with a sincere smile.
A lost elfen soul says, "Have you come to help me?"
(A)A lost elfen soul says, "I dreamt I was drowning in a vast ocean. I awoke to face this
alien land, but I must return home - my daughter must be worried!"
(B )A lost elfen soul says, "I've had strange dreams of late - a knife flashing in the
dark, blood pooling on the dark soil. Someone holds the key to these nightmares,
but I cannot recall who."
©etc. (five of them)
A lost elfen soul says, "I fear I will be trapped in this cursed place forever!"
You say, "I can help you."
A lost elfen soul says, "You will help me? Blessed Spirits, thankyou kind $race.
A vision of a beautiful flower draws at my spirit, perhaps you've seen such a thing?"
You give an indigo lotus flower to a lost elfen soul.
As the pale blue lotus touches his hands, it unfurls in a glorious display and releases
a sweet perfume into the air. Sudden clarity dawns in the eyes of the spectral elfen.
A lost elfen soul says, "I remember! Death has taken my body, woe be to the Forest!
I must continue on in the cycle of life, but there is something I must first do in the land
of the living."
A lost elfen soul begins to follow you.
(A)A lost elfen soul says, "Take me to the Isle of (wherever that forest is), I must
give my daughter one last farewell."
(B )A lost elfen soul says, "I must avenge my death at the hands of that bastard priest.
He lives in a cave along the southern mountains."
Soul emotes something when you arrive.
A lost elfen soul gives a soft smile tinged with sadness.
A lost elfen soul says, "Thankyou, $name, you have brought me peace in death.
Perhaps in my next life I will be able to repay you."
A lost elfen soul bows with the unearthly grace of his people, then turns to drink
from the sacred Spring. The reflected light from the water's surface plays across his
features, gradually growing brighter and brighter until he is enveloped in a
coruscating pillar of light. You turn away from the searing brilliance for a moment,
and when you look again, the spectre has gone.
** For every 5 times this quest is completed, an elfen mystic mobile is spawned
** and wanders one of the four orgs, at random. The player gains experience, no
** other effect.
(Q2) Show lost souls how to return to life in another body by taking them to the Monument of Souls.
You carefully detach a wickedly sharp thorn from the Monument of Souls.
You greet a lost elfen soul with a sincere smile.
A lost elfen soul says, "Have you come to help me?"
(A)A lost elfen soul says, "I dreamt I was drowning in a vast ocean. I awoke to face this
alien land, but I must return home - my daughter must be worried!"
(B )A lost elfen soul says, "I've had strange dreams of late - a knife flashing in the
dark, blood pooling on the dark soil. Someone holds the key to these nightmares,
but I cannot recall who."
©etc. (five of them)
A lost elfen soul says, "I fear I will be trapped in this cursed place forever!"
You say, "You fear being trapped, eh?"
A lost elfen soul shivers violently.
A lost elfen soul says, "Yes, I do not know how I came to be in this Spirit-forsaken
place and I would not tarry here any longer. I am haunted by visions of dark thorns
dripping with blood, do you know what this means?."
You give a wickedly sharp thorn to a lost elfen soul.
As you thrust the bloodied thorn into his hands, the wicked edge gouges a deep wound
in the spectre's palm and begins to give off a putrid stench. His gaze darkens with
sudden malevolence.
A lost elfen soul says, "Ah, so this is the hollowness of death. You have given me
pain, $race, now you will help me share that misery with the living."
A lost elfen soul begins to follow you.
(A)A lost elfen soul says, "Take me to the Isle of (wherever that forest is), I must
give my daughter one last farewell."
(B )A lost elfen soul says, "I must avenge my death at the hands of that bastard priest.
He lives in a cave along the southern mountains."
Soul emotes something when you arrive, different to above.
A lost elfen soul smirks with dark satisfaction.
A lost elfen soul says, "Thankyou, $name, you have shown me the path to transcending
death itself. I shall remember your harsh lessons."
A lost elfen soul gives a hollow chuckle tinged with madness before running his hands
down the vine-choked Monument. Smears of dark blood trickle down the stone as hundreds
of the tiny thorns rip into his flesh, and a dull red glow emanates from the offering.
Thorny green tendrils lash out at the spectre as he is flayed painfully, until it
seems like his mauled form can take no more. Finally, the crimson aura surrounds his
broken body, and it is drawn back into the Monument.
** For every 5 times this quest is completed, an elfen necromancer mobile is spawned
** and wanders one of the four orgs, at random. The player gains experience, no
** other effect.
** At the turn of every day, any foreign 'missionary' mobile in your territory drains
** 10 power, allied mobiles do nothing.
Note: The cosmic plane should have two additional quests that can similarly spawn
angelic emissaries and demonic priests that wander the various cities and
communes. Although their primary function is to drain power if they are not
stopped, it would be nice if these wandering missionaries could be used in
other quests yet to be determined.
Now, those vortexes need somewhere to go... onto the plane that borders the Void!
Well, what do you think for a bare-bones proposal? All rubbish? Anything in particular need drastic revision?
Suggestions or alternatives are welcomed!
Edit: *cough* Fixed a couple of errors. Oops.
Unknown2005-12-14 06:05:46
No feedback or input from others = 
If this plane is possible, what would YOU like to see?
Oh, one other change I would like to see - extend the graveyard in the Oleanvir valley near Celest and make an entrance to a new area beside the catacombs. A cleric that communes with the dead can let them in, or something.

If this plane is possible, what would YOU like to see?
Oh, one other change I would like to see - extend the graveyard in the Oleanvir valley near Celest and make an entrance to a new area beside the catacombs. A cleric that communes with the dead can let them in, or something.
Narsrim2005-12-14 06:43:03
I like the idea.
Richter2005-12-14 06:50:28
I like it too.
Munsia2005-12-14 07:33:01
I dont really like this idea based on the fact that people doing tosha quest would therefor be jump bait and making it impossible for some of us to do the quest
Shorlen2005-12-14 08:17:29
Err, I mean, I like it
Err, I mean, I like it

Unknown2005-12-14 09:19:46
I'd rather not have another area that gives a power drain, i mean, eventually it'll become like another Catacombs, where one org, probably Serenwilde, will protect it and probably just keep doing the quest.
Can the necromancers/Mystics be killed and are the deer, owls, whatever loyal to the organization?
Can the necromancers/Mystics be killed and are the deer, owls, whatever loyal to the organization?
Shamarah2005-12-14 11:54:59
I'd think you'd want to submit detailed area proposals somewhere other than the forums...
Unknown2005-12-14 12:14:35
QUOTE(tenqual @ Dec 14 2005, 09:19 AM)
I'd rather not have another area that gives a power drain, i mean, eventually it'll become like another Catacombs, where one org, probably Serenwilde, will protect it and probably just keep doing the quest.
Can the necromancers/Mystics be killed and are the deer, owls, whatever loyal to the organization?
Can the necromancers/Mystics be killed and are the deer, owls, whatever loyal to the organization?
Yeah, the intent is that they are killed as soon as someone notices them.
The spirits wouldn't be loyal to anything, except maybe the crow shades/deer spirits.
The power drain was the only thing I could come up with that was minor enough not to be an issue with whoring the quest while still causing a tangible nuisance. The alternatives I considered were casting environment affects (mystics foresting celest/glomdoring/magnagora, necromancers wyrding serenwilde/magnagora/celest, etc), affecting defenses (removing statues, dismissing guards, unbonding totems), or affecting the citizens (emissaries pacifying serenwilders, necromancers turning celestians undead, or mystics making magnagorans sprout leaves for a few days).
The environment affects I felt were too transient to be effective, and too irritating for the mage/druid classes to waste their time fixing constantly. The defense affects are too difficult to balance and too powerful in most implementations. Affecting citizens with an RP-only effect was my runner up choice, but I decided that for a 'curse' to have any meaning, it would need to last for a while, and that can be quite personally annoying for the people who get stuck with it. There could be a quest to remove it instantly, but I decided that focusing on the organization as a whole with a very minor impact would deflect any harm being done to individuals, and hence 'whoring' the quest need only be an issue in terms of its maximum damage. If it is a power drain, this is very easy to adjust, even 5 power per month would be acceptable (well, not optimal, but acceptable).
Is there any alternate affect that you could think of that the missionaries might have? Remember that I deliberately made the place they go to random, so you can't target these quests at another organization too much.
Richter2005-12-14 17:31:30
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Dec 14 2005, 03:54 AM)
I'd think you'd want to submit detailed area proposals somewhere other than the forums...
He declined my invite.

Unless you mean submitting them to Estarra and co. and in that case I'd say he was trying to get input before he did something like that.
Unknown2005-12-14 19:23:09
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Dec 14 2005, 05:54 AM)
I'd think you'd want to submit detailed area proposals somewhere other than the forums...
Why? Asking for input and opinions on something before you officially turn it in is never a bad thing. You want to submit a refined and polished work that's been proofed and edited to as close to perfection as possible, not a draft, don't you?
I like the idea myself.
Shamarah2005-12-14 20:24:04
I was referring to sending it into the admins or something, yes.
It's a good idea though!
It's a good idea though!
Shorlen2005-12-14 20:26:00
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Dec 14 2005, 04:24 PM)
I was referring to sending it into the admins or something, yes.
It's a good idea though!
It's a good idea though!
Or posting it on the Plots board?
Diamondais2005-12-14 20:40:55
Sounds cool. Be nice if it could happen, might take awhile though.
Unknown2005-12-15 03:36:27
I'm in love with this idea.



Rakor2005-12-15 18:52:49
This is interesting. How powerful are the mobiles?
Suhnaye2005-12-15 20:03:02
I like this idea quite a bit myself...
Though it would probably take a monumental amount of codeing, what about making the Mobiles in the larger Spirit plane have their strength reliant on the creatures most recently killed on prime? Like, lets say a rockeater just died on prime, its spirit would then form in the Spirit plane, its own strength being generically 3 or 4 times normal for a rockeater, making spirits of any sort difficult to kill, but making them rare enough to make the hunt acctually interesting. Also, it would make it so durring massive village raids, or raids on guards, the Spirit plane would quickly fill up with the spirits of the fallen. They'd only last a short time, so its not like it would constantly be filled to the brim with creatures, but it would make it more challenging to power bash the place... I mean, first you'd have to go hunt smaller creatures on prime and then rush to Spirit to hunt the big game before they faded back into reality.
There would probably have to be a limiting factor to it somewhere. Else a team could have one person hunting prime, while another hunts Spirit. But its an idea.
Though it would probably take a monumental amount of codeing, what about making the Mobiles in the larger Spirit plane have their strength reliant on the creatures most recently killed on prime? Like, lets say a rockeater just died on prime, its spirit would then form in the Spirit plane, its own strength being generically 3 or 4 times normal for a rockeater, making spirits of any sort difficult to kill, but making them rare enough to make the hunt acctually interesting. Also, it would make it so durring massive village raids, or raids on guards, the Spirit plane would quickly fill up with the spirits of the fallen. They'd only last a short time, so its not like it would constantly be filled to the brim with creatures, but it would make it more challenging to power bash the place... I mean, first you'd have to go hunt smaller creatures on prime and then rush to Spirit to hunt the big game before they faded back into reality.
There would probably have to be a limiting factor to it somewhere. Else a team could have one person hunting prime, while another hunts Spirit. But its an idea.
Manjanaia2005-12-15 20:30:25
Ooh, every time a player gets killed their shadow appears on the spirit plane
not with like skills and stuff, it just fights like a spectre, but it's like 'The Shadow of RandomNoob roams here' or something. That would be cool but likely impossible.

Serrin2005-12-15 22:44:30
How about when you do the rebirth quests it causes the creatures on prime to repopulate quicker? That would have a tangible benefit for that specific org without hurting the other orgs, which would hopefully be less likely to fuel more conflict. There seems to be plenty of conflict in Lusternia as is.
Then the various guilds could help their newbies while their newbies help them! Newbie kills a spider and sends it to the spirit plane, higher level guild mate sends that spider back to Prime, newbie kills spider again!
Then the various guilds could help their newbies while their newbies help them! Newbie kills a spider and sends it to the spirit plane, higher level guild mate sends that spider back to Prime, newbie kills spider again!
Unknown2005-12-15 23:24:56
Some excellent ideas! 
Just a few of these would be wonderful to be realized.

Just a few of these would be wonderful to be realized.