Wild Nodes

by Athana

Back to Survival Guide.

Athana2005-12-29 17:48:40

A pan of iron filings.
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. A stone megalith rises up from
the iron filings here. Thrumming loudly, a wild node is planted firmly here,
astral energies swirling around it. A rune-etched crimson mask wreathed in
divine flames floats near the base of an imposing pillar of obsidian that
stretches towards the sky here.
You see exits leading east and west.
6227h, 4443m, 5906e, 10p esxk-
A wild node begins to give out a high-pitched wine, gradually growing louder
until, suddenly, a multi-coloured wave of energy tears outwards from it.
6132h, 4443m, 5906e, 10p esxk-
A wild node flares brightly for a moment, the strange astral energies around it
swirling out over the location, bathing you in warmth.
6132h, 4443m, 5906e, 10p esxk-
The air distorts and swirls madly as lances of power flare off a wild node,
striking at all those nearby, and somehow shifting them out of time slightly.
A wild node begins to give out a high-pitched wine, gradually growing louder
until, suddenly, a multi-coloured wave of energy tears outwards from it.
6016h, 4443m, 5906e, 10p esxk-
Arcs of electricity shoot out suddenly from a wild node, striking each person in
the location and causing static to crackle in the air.
6016h, 4443m, 5906e, 10p esxk-
Arcs of electricity shoot out suddenly from a wild node, striking each person in
the location and causing static to crackle in the air.
6016h, 4443m, 5906e, 10p esxk-
You bleed 11 health.
6005h, 4443m, 5906e, 10p esxk-
You move sluggishly into action.
6005h, 4443m, 5906e, 10p esxk-
You move sluggishly into action.
6005h, 4443m, 5906e, 10p esxk-
You move sluggishly into action.
6347h, 4518m, 5906e, 10p esxk-
You bleed 3 health.
6344h, 4518m, 5906e, 10p esxk-
You move sluggishly into action.
6344h, 4518m, 5906e, 10p esxk-
You return to the normal timestream.
6344h, 4518m, 5906e, 10p esxk-
You are:
an insomniac.

Have they always done this and this happens to just be the first time I've been hit by them?
Soll2005-12-29 18:04:02
A wild node begins to give out a high-pitched wine, gradually growing louder
until, suddenly, a multi-coloured wave of energy tears outwards from it.

Drink forth from the astral wines, and get drunk upon thine insane juices.


I've never seen the wild nodes do this before. I expect it's new.
Aiakon2005-12-29 18:38:51
I dunno if it's new or not.. but I bugged it earlier. Apparently it's what happens during wild node events... either way, it's turned Astral into a death trap for me.
Terenas2005-12-29 19:59:15
I noticed that the first time I saw wild nodes too, it blacked out and hit for damage, but that was a while back.