Unknown2006-01-25 01:54:57
I'm a great illustrator. I've been mimicking the style of James Campbell since I saw my first issue of GEN-13 published by wildstorm and image comics back in 1996. I've taken a few liberal arts classes (though I eventually dropped my studies there to pursue psychology at a university), and I have more ways to play with study of human anatomy than anyone I know. Though...I don't know too many more artists than myself.
My flaws are that I can't do coloring worth crap. I'm not colorblind or anything. Or disabled. I'm part of the 15% of the american population that dreams in color. Color shading, mixing hues...the variations of color as it ascends/descends into light as according to a rounded shoulderblade - I just can't do it (See my banner below). Or I haven't had enough practice. Whatever the case, while experiencing some of the GREAT roleplay we have in Glomdoring I feel strongly inspired to draw. As such, I've idled for half-an-hour at a time just watching others(I've done this maybe eight times, and produced two great peices. So four hours each?) and sketching at my desktop. I thought to present some of the better ones for my glomdoring buddies to enjoy when I realized what work I was producing wasn't up to par with the inspiration fueling. Guess why? It was all black and white. Shaded great..just..black and white.
I need someone, preferably female (I KNOW that sounds horrible, but if you're an artist or a writer who's worked with a fellow of your trade before, you KNOW that what chemistry or energy you can harness between you and the other person about a concept by getting excited about it together or just falling in love with the vision together can really bring it to life. I've rarely been able to reach that spot with another male.), though that's not set-in-stone..not even sure why I mentioned it. Ignore that part I suppose.
Anyway, I'd like someone who I could work with on some artwork. Mostly the peices I discussed. No cinematic-types, I love drawing people too much so while I love to play with perspective and scenery, light-source, so forth (How sunlight or moonlight breaks through the leaves of an oakwood branch in early summer alone can make your world slow down to appreciate it), expect there to be people with expressive, personality-potent poise and presence. That is to say I don't draw by the books, if necessary I'll exaggerate and extend just to get that little bit of an impression of the personality (over the person's absoluted physical features - or in this case description)across to the viewer. Mainly I just need someone who wants to work with me, is willing to get into it (yknow cause art is fun and healing), and will do the majority of the coloring/toning/hueing. I prefer hands on, whether that means I have to mail you an original peice or scan you a copy dosn't matter, though this is my normal policy concerning myself, I know that some people can work artistic wonders with paintshop and photoshop. So if you want to use that, that's fine too. My illustrations will be basis - but as we get to flow together better we can start upon concepts we derive together, or just some that my partner wants to see illustrated. Two-way street, so to speak.
Ideally, we'll go on to dominate the artisan contests when they happen, but I shouldn't have mentioned that part.
Hope to hear from people soon!
- Percy
P.S. I hope all my combat buddies don't see this post.
My flaws are that I can't do coloring worth crap. I'm not colorblind or anything. Or disabled. I'm part of the 15% of the american population that dreams in color. Color shading, mixing hues...the variations of color as it ascends/descends into light as according to a rounded shoulderblade - I just can't do it (See my banner below). Or I haven't had enough practice. Whatever the case, while experiencing some of the GREAT roleplay we have in Glomdoring I feel strongly inspired to draw. As such, I've idled for half-an-hour at a time just watching others(I've done this maybe eight times, and produced two great peices. So four hours each?) and sketching at my desktop. I thought to present some of the better ones for my glomdoring buddies to enjoy when I realized what work I was producing wasn't up to par with the inspiration fueling. Guess why? It was all black and white. Shaded great..just..black and white.
I need someone, preferably female (I KNOW that sounds horrible, but if you're an artist or a writer who's worked with a fellow of your trade before, you KNOW that what chemistry or energy you can harness between you and the other person about a concept by getting excited about it together or just falling in love with the vision together can really bring it to life. I've rarely been able to reach that spot with another male.), though that's not set-in-stone..not even sure why I mentioned it. Ignore that part I suppose.
Anyway, I'd like someone who I could work with on some artwork. Mostly the peices I discussed. No cinematic-types, I love drawing people too much so while I love to play with perspective and scenery, light-source, so forth (How sunlight or moonlight breaks through the leaves of an oakwood branch in early summer alone can make your world slow down to appreciate it), expect there to be people with expressive, personality-potent poise and presence. That is to say I don't draw by the books, if necessary I'll exaggerate and extend just to get that little bit of an impression of the personality (over the person's absoluted physical features - or in this case description)across to the viewer. Mainly I just need someone who wants to work with me, is willing to get into it (yknow cause art is fun and healing), and will do the majority of the coloring/toning/hueing. I prefer hands on, whether that means I have to mail you an original peice or scan you a copy dosn't matter, though this is my normal policy concerning myself, I know that some people can work artistic wonders with paintshop and photoshop. So if you want to use that, that's fine too. My illustrations will be basis - but as we get to flow together better we can start upon concepts we derive together, or just some that my partner wants to see illustrated. Two-way street, so to speak.
Ideally, we'll go on to dominate the artisan contests when they happen, but I shouldn't have mentioned that part.

Hope to hear from people soon!
- Percy
P.S. I hope all my combat buddies don't see this post.
Richter2006-01-25 02:19:52
You mean collaborate?
Raikas2006-01-25 02:22:25
Collaborate sounds right to me.
If I was an artist, that's what -I- would want to do if I couldn't do stuff by myself. Alas, I am not.

Unknown2006-01-25 02:51:36
Stop! Collaborate and listen...

Unknown2006-01-25 02:56:17
Collaborate! That's the word, thankyou. I've used the word often before, it was hiding under my tounge when I went to title the post. It was supposed to be "Collaboration"
Daganev2006-01-25 02:57:37
Ok your scaring me.. in 1996 my friend and I tried to make a comic book, he did the illustrations I did the coloring. Color is the only thing I'm really good at.
anyways, the words are Collaborate or Exsquisit corpse
.. also you can try combining forces!
edit: Oh I forgot to mention the scary part... you sound just like him, in more ways than one.
anyways, the words are Collaborate or Exsquisit corpse

edit: Oh I forgot to mention the scary part... you sound just like him, in more ways than one.
Felandi2006-01-25 09:34:13
I am good at colouring but I do not have the time to do any serious work at this moment. (I am also female

Unknown2006-01-25 18:04:10
I wish I had some artistic talent.
Nyla2006-01-25 19:19:41
QUOTE(Bear of Very Little Brain @ Jan 24 2006, 09:51 PM)
Stop! Collaborate and listen...

Isune2006-01-26 16:32:32
*expresses interest, but is terribly restrained by a broken wacom and lack of ability to color satisfactorily with a mouse*
Daganev2006-01-26 20:43:03
Isune! When are you going to make that Artisnial clan?
Unknown2006-01-27 01:22:06
QUOTE(Isune @ Jan 26 2006, 04:32 PM)
*expresses interest, but is terribly restrained by a broken wacom and lack of ability to color satisfactorily with a mouse*
*Gives a sympathetic coo*