Bad ship names

by Fareneth

Back to Common Grounds.

Fareneth2006-02-04 10:16:46
Since it is custom to name ships, I just found myself wondering how long it will take before people name their ships something really bad. I mean, it is only a matter of time before we have "Isune's Grace" and "The Wrath of Shikari" cruising the aetherways, but you just know some are going to have some really bad names.

("Elcyrion's airhead" anyone?)


Richter2006-02-04 10:22:02
How about good ones? tongue.gif

Mine's going to be the Stroke of Luck.

I suppose someone really peace loving could have a Friend-ship. Ahahaha... Or the Piece of Ship, that's always a fun one to say, maybe Pile of Ship.
Unknown2006-02-04 10:22:27
Lord Hajamin's huge lance?

Verithrax2006-02-04 10:23:35
Hey, I started the 'call Elcyrion an airhead' thing.

Interesting ship names:

IAS Lying Bastard (An actual ship from the Ringworld series, it had that name because everything in it was a tool, but could conceivably be used as a weapon)
IAS Crash and Burn
IAS Ialie's First Try
IAS Real Soon Now (A joke on Achaea's 'planned' ship system)
IAS Death Star
IAS Gingerbread Man
IAS Enterprise

IAS, by the way, stands for Independent Aether Ship. tongue.gif


IAS Heart of Gold and IAS Bistromath, of course.
IAS Daring, Dauntless, and any other corny adjectives that were used in Star Trek anyway.
IAS Chick Magnet (Hey, the purpose of manses is MUDSex, isn't it? tongue.gif )
Richter2006-02-04 10:25:56
I prefer DNS. smile.gif
Verithrax2006-02-04 10:27:00
QUOTE(Richter @ Feb 4 2006, 07:25 AM)
I prefer DNS. smile.gif

Domain Name System Stroke Of Luck? wacko.gif
Serrin2006-02-04 10:27:57
Outlaw Star? o.O
Unknown2006-02-04 10:29:12
I assume it means, Deepnight National Ship, or DeepNight Ship.
Morik2006-02-04 10:30:31
If/when I build my aether ship, it'll be:

* A fleet
* AI-controlled somehow
* Borrowing names from the Culture universe.
Verithrax2006-02-04 10:32:09
It's a geek joke. tongue.gif

IAS Andromeda? (Bad idea since the constellation doesn't exist in Lusternia!)
IAS Trek Reference?
IAS Titanic?
IAS Queen Catarin? (She's never been a queen, but meh)
IAS Big Bang? (Obviously because manses are for MUDSex )
Shorlen2006-02-04 10:34:50
QUOTE(Richter @ Feb 4 2006, 06:22 AM)
Mine's going to be the Stroke of Luck.

Doesn't that imply that it's a stroke of luck it flies? :duck:
Asarnil2006-02-04 10:38:58
For some reason Richter's reminds me of the Lady Luck from the Star Wars books - that and Talon Kardde's ship which I can't remember the name of.

Me, I want two ships - one called the S. S. Winno which whilst steering I would want to be called Skipper and I would give random Gilligans Island names to the rest of the crew. The second I would want to be called Castle Greyskull which would be a huge floating fortress much like what Deepnight would be and I would force the female crew to wear skimpy outfits made of feathers in honour of Teela-Na from He-Man.
Ekard2006-02-04 10:40:35
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Feb 4 2006, 12:32 PM)
IAS Queen Catarin? (She's never been a queen, but meh)

Heh. I like it tongue.gif
Verithrax2006-02-04 10:42:41
How could have I forgotten the IAS Century Falcon (Since we still haven't reached the millenium mark.)

And the Queen Catarin is a reference to the Queen Mary, which, I believe, sunk.
Shorlen2006-02-04 10:44:28
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Feb 4 2006, 06:42 AM)
And the Queen Catarin is a reference to the Queen Mary, which, I believe, sunk.

Fitting name, as aetherships seem to sink every few seconds :comfort Ialie:
Unknown2006-02-04 10:47:42
I was saying with all the Titans in Magnagora they should create a ship called the Titanic.
Verithrax2006-02-04 10:49:06
IAS Unlikely is a very good descriptive name.
IAS Magi Staff would have a knob at its end.
IAS Bloody Huge and IAS Very Expensive, two very descriptive names.
Unknown2006-02-04 10:58:26
HDL Estarra's Fluke
Ekard2006-02-04 11:12:22
HDL ???
Unknown2006-02-04 11:17:15
QUOTE(Elcyrion @ Feb 4 2006, 10:58 AM)
HDL Estarra's Fluke

Estarra's Spoon! tongue.gif