help an extremely new newbie please

by Unknown

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Unknown2006-02-05 23:28:58
how exactly do i go about joining a guild?
Terentia2006-02-06 00:12:49

Questions like this are best asked and answered in the game itself. We actually have a very helpful NEWBIE channel dedicated to questions just like this one.

excl.gif You can access the newbie channel ingame, once logged in. You should first make sure the channel is on.

excl.gif You can do this by typing NEWBIEON

excl.gif You would then want to ask your question by typing NEWBIE *text*

excl.gif Where *text* is the question you want to ask.

Not only is most of the playerbase very helpful to newbies, but we also have dedicated Newbie Guides, known as Bobbins, Skein, and Spindle, who are always more than happy to help with any newbie related questions or concerns.

You may also want to review helpfiles such as HELP GUILDS and HELP CITIES for more information as joining a guild and city are integral parts to life in Lusternia as they help you gain skills and foster a general sense of community.

If you are having difficulty logging in, or are unable to get the assistance you need, or just can't seem to figure it out, you can of course ask here for more help and someone will be sure to help as soon as they notice!

I hope you find yourself a great guild and place to enjoy as you discover the rich world of Lusternia!