Stop...Collaborate and listen!

by Unknown

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Unknown2006-02-11 13:22:09
Alright. Is there any other combatant(warrior class, preferably cutting weaponclass) out there that's started from scratch or is in the process of building their own system who also uses ZMUD? If so, I'd like to work with you on it, and that includes access to my system. Which, aside from a few neat little tweaks is messy as all hell. But I do have a crapload of reflex lines compiled.

At first I didn't think a fancy system was necessary, and I have gone fairly far without one. But I've already proven my natural hands-on it's time to get my gear proper shiny.

In the build of this system I'm mostly only good for basic alias/macro/trigger creation. I don't know any of that fancy scripting nonsense, and the tutorials sound tedious to me. I suffer enough in physics class, doing much math-type-stuff here might make my brain explode. I will however, gather any reflexes our combined database dosn't possess, and contribute to whatever my partner might script (such as priority curing thingies)with experience-gained information. Which really is all some of you braniac-combatants need, that I've noticed.

Edit: Oh yeah, this would be an OOC thing unless otherwise developed and any lighties (pallies, angels or whatnot...celenwilde peoples)is fine. But I think we'd both be more inclined to keep to our own side of the map, thereby: Gloms and Magnagorans preferred, Gloms moreso.