Unknown2006-02-23 04:05:53
Hello everyone again. I'm back yet again for some advice. Personally, I don't want to deal too much with combat as my character Bratos (Tae'dae Aquamancer-go figure), but personally I'd like him to go after his favorite pastime: Cooking. Does anyone have any advice as to where I can learn cooking (plus how to gather materials and such for cooking), because I plan to become this world's greatest chef, hopefully opening a restaurant near you within the coming months.
Acrune2006-02-23 04:12:10
Well, cooking is a tradeskill, and just like all tradeskills, you can learn it from teachers, such as Meleris, or other chefs. You can gather supplies at the commodity shop of Celest or at any of the villages that you aren't enemied to. I'm guild admin of the Aquamancers, so if you see me about in game, feel free to ask me any questions you may have, and if I don't answer after a couple minutes, I got distracted, so try again