Arix2006-02-26 00:48:55
The following is something I am submitting for the library, and I just thought I would share it with you.
Not long ago, I noticed that whenever I traveled within the Serenwilde Forest, particularly the southernmost part, I was struck with the most unexplainable urge to giggle and snuggle people at random. This struck me as rather odd, so I decided to investigate. After months of research, during which I studied various denizens, critters, and citizens of Serenwilde, I made an astonishing discovery: The giant version of the common weevil, found throughout Serenwilde forest, apparently gives off an undetectable pheremone that causes varous symptoms in people who encounter it. The main symptom, as mentioned before, is the unexplainable urge to giggle and snuggle people at random. Other, less common symptoms include irritability, shedding, and the desire to wear massive amounts of jewellery or flowers. Of course, the slaying of weevils releases these pheremones in massive amounts, thereby saturating the entire forest, or at least most of it. Now, some Serens are either already immune, or develop an immunity gradually through continuous exposure. Others, such as myself, simply go a bit mad. People who are affected by the Taint or the Wyrd seem to have a natural immunity, or may simply be affected in a different manner. Currently, I have not discovered a cure for the effects of this pheremone, which I call Synto-Itis, after Syntobis, who is, I believe, the greatest exampe of this phenomenon. It is possible that if one were to simply go somewhere where weevils were not to be found, that the symptoms will simply vanish over time. Sadly, however, this is simply not possible for the majority of Serens, but there is hope that a cure may be discovered soon.
Arix's Theory on Giggly, Snuggly Serens
Or, The effects of the Synto-itis pheremone on Serenwilde Commune Members
Or, The effects of the Synto-itis pheremone on Serenwilde Commune Members
Not long ago, I noticed that whenever I traveled within the Serenwilde Forest, particularly the southernmost part, I was struck with the most unexplainable urge to giggle and snuggle people at random. This struck me as rather odd, so I decided to investigate. After months of research, during which I studied various denizens, critters, and citizens of Serenwilde, I made an astonishing discovery: The giant version of the common weevil, found throughout Serenwilde forest, apparently gives off an undetectable pheremone that causes varous symptoms in people who encounter it. The main symptom, as mentioned before, is the unexplainable urge to giggle and snuggle people at random. Other, less common symptoms include irritability, shedding, and the desire to wear massive amounts of jewellery or flowers. Of course, the slaying of weevils releases these pheremones in massive amounts, thereby saturating the entire forest, or at least most of it. Now, some Serens are either already immune, or develop an immunity gradually through continuous exposure. Others, such as myself, simply go a bit mad. People who are affected by the Taint or the Wyrd seem to have a natural immunity, or may simply be affected in a different manner. Currently, I have not discovered a cure for the effects of this pheremone, which I call Synto-Itis, after Syntobis, who is, I believe, the greatest exampe of this phenomenon. It is possible that if one were to simply go somewhere where weevils were not to be found, that the symptoms will simply vanish over time. Sadly, however, this is simply not possible for the majority of Serens, but there is hope that a cure may be discovered soon.
Soll2006-02-26 00:52:30
The very theory which killed you. *ponder* Quite the anti-thesis.
Arix2006-02-26 01:00:28
I like it. It's scholarly yet crazy at the same time
tsaephai2006-02-26 01:50:07
hmm. makes sense, but how does it explain the same effects in celest?
and you should isolate the chemical and sell it to people as non-tainted people defense! just throw it at them while they're trying to attack you and they'll be too treehugery to bother you! perfect!
and you should isolate the chemical and sell it to people as non-tainted people defense! just throw it at them while they're trying to attack you and they'll be too treehugery to bother you! perfect!
Yrael2006-02-26 02:23:41
That hampster that's floating around explains Celest.
Shamarah2006-02-26 02:24:45
QUOTE(Yrael @ Feb 25 2006, 09:23 PM) 262509
That hampster that's floating around explains Celest.

Diamondais2006-02-26 02:27:37
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Feb 25 2006, 09:24 PM) 262510

I told you not to paint the poor guy..
Such an angry creature..

Arix2006-02-26 18:56:40
Poor Tekora....
As an aside, there are no weevils in Celest, so the pheremone is there, but in extremely low quantities from all the Serens that come through
As an aside, there are no weevils in Celest, so the pheremone is there, but in extremely low quantities from all the Serens that come through
Unknown2006-02-26 19:10:39
QUOTE(Arix @ Feb 25 2006, 07:48 PM) 262486
Now, some Serens are either already immune, or develop an immunity gradually through continuous exposure. Others, such as myself, simply go a bit mad.

I think there a bunch of seren's that fit into the mad catagory as well.
Daganev2006-02-26 21:04:42
There are weevils in Glomdoring... how does that fit into your theory?
Tzara2006-02-26 21:34:08
Ah, but they are -Wyrden- (Tainted) weevils! (In Glomdoring)
Daganev2006-02-26 21:37:04
No their not.. you can sell glomdoring weevils to Serenwilde and serenwilde weevils to Glomdoring, they are the same thing.
Anisu2006-02-26 23:24:24
QUOTE(daganev @ Feb 26 2006, 10:37 PM) 262741
No their not.. you can sell glomdoring weevils to Serenwilde and serenwilde weevils to Glomdoring, they are the same thing.
Glomies are already mad so it doesn't effect them!
Arix2006-02-26 23:31:13
People who are affected by the Taint or the Wyrd seem to have a natural immunity, or may simply be affected in a different manner.
There you go,Daganev
Verithrax2006-02-27 01:30:03
The cure is simply to snuggle Murphy.
Arix2006-02-27 17:38:40
You first, Verithrax