Unknown2006-03-07 08:10:28
Cascading waterfalls.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up
to the sky. Tumbling down from the dark rockface to the south, crystalline sheets of water wash over
the mossy stone to crash into a large pool below. The mists of Avaerin merge with the misty spray
from the waterfall itself, and the water's edge is laden with lush ferns and blossoming shrubs
thriving in the moist soil. The rainforest crowds around this beautiful glade, and the peaceful
refrains of birdsong echo throughout the area. An opening in the rainforest canopy just above the
falls casts them in unfettered light, causing the waters to sparkle in the moonshine. A small brook
winds towards the northeast and you hear the occasional clacking of smooth riverstones upon one
another as the waters flow ever onwards.
You see exits leading northeast, west, and northwest.
A silvery fogs swirls about you briefly, barely perceivable in the light.
You put your hands on your hips and go "Hmmm!"
You have emoted: Elryn flits down upon a smooth boulder and he sits watching the mists wash up
against the glistening rock behind the falls.
You sit yourself down.
Drowsiness suddenly blankets you like a thick veil, and you find yourself drifting into the realm of
Pure blackness surrounds you, leaving you blinded to your surroundings. The darkness suddenly
shatters into thousands of crow feathers around you, revealing you standing within the beauty of a
dark forest. A ghostly figure shimmers into view and gazes benevolently down upon you with eyes as
black as pitch. You feel yourself reaching out towards the figure longingly as a smile graces its
delicate features, before your mind fades into nothingness once more.
You awake slowly and blink at the sudden light, rising from your position on the ground.
You put your hand to your forehead and swoon.
You have emoted: Elryn blinks his eyes groggily, holding a hand to his head with a creased brow.
You say, "This is not happening again..."
You heave an almighty groan.
You ponder the situation.
You say, "If there is some spirit here who wishes to hold back our attempts, know that you cannot."
You crease your brow in a frown.
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
A hidden grotto behind the falls.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. This small and roughly
hewn cave has been carved into the rock walls behind the rippling curtain of water that obscures the
opening to the north. A small hammock has been erected towards the back of the grotto, and various
cooking implements are set away neatly into a small nook nearby. The leaf-patterned cushions and
stools scattered around the area imply that it has functioned as living quarters for quite some
time, and a couple of lit torches by the entrance seem to indicate the occupant is not far away.
Water from the falls outside trickle down a small channel in the floor and gathers in a clear pool
in the centre of the cave. A simple shrine has been cut into the stone wall to the east, formed of a
single stylized tree arching its branches over a circular groove of water, and small notches down
the length of stone still bear the ashes of incense and other herbs. You glimpse a small passageway
which lies just behind the shrine, bearing a flowing script inscribed into its sloping walls. A
painting of Elryn's Defiance and the Silencing of Truth is proudly exhibited on a nearby wall.
You see exits leading southeast, up, and out.
Entering a sanctuary of flourishing life.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. You emerge from the
passageway onto a stone balcony overlooking a vast cavern that stretches impossibly far to be any
mortal creation. Uncountable crystals twinkling in the roof above shower the entire area with a
multihued radiance, illuminating the breathtaking eternal forest that grows beneath. Warm and humid
unlike the cool rainforest outside, a faint breeze wafts past you from below laden with fruity
fragrances and the scents of springtime blossoms. A rocky staircase leads down to the eaves of these
natural underground woods, and between the youthful trunks at its edges you spy carefully tended
gardens and nurseries planted in the lush soil. Willowy saplings, unusual herbs and blossoming
sprouts from all corners of the Basin appear to have been transplanted here, left to grow within
these perfect conditions in order to safeguard the diversity of the living realms. Darting amid the
branches, shimmering lights dance at the periphery of your vision and betray the Fae who also dwell
within. A small grove of barely mature young trees stands slightly apart from the endless forest,
their dark raven-feather fronds drooping in a sadness that is in stark contrast to the vibrancy of
the great woods behind them. A purple tulip, an entrancing red rose, a warm tulip of dawn, a bunch
of yellow freesias, a cluster of snapdragons, a striped orchid, a purple tulip, an elegant pink
rose, an entrancing red rose, a tiger lily, a warm tulip of dawn, and a twilight blue rose blossom
within a beautiful, lush garden.
You see exits leading south and northwest.
You have emoted: Elryn moves among the raven-feathered grove, laying his hands upon some saplings
and chanting simple charms under his breath.
You wipe the back of your hand across your forehead in relief.
You say, "They are unharmed, and still warded."
You crease your brow in a frown.
You say, "The Hart will know what to do."
Shorlen follows you south.
White Hart Grove.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Climbing up through the
thick foliage of the rocky slope to the north provides entry into this serene area. There is a
primeval stillness that holds this tiny copse at the very centre of this ancient forest with a
perpetual hush. Age and time blanket the land with a heaviness, a weighty pall that might bring on a
natural reverence in the most open of hearts. Emerald grass keeps to the perfect height, each blade
almost clipped in its neatness while blanketing the clearing, small flowers of the sun's captured
gold stud the soft carpet with light. So large are the ringing framework of thickly boled oaks that
two men reaching round could not hold them tight, although the brambles and thorns that cluster
between them manage to create an impenetrable wall. A tiny breeze flits in the air, a serenity
matched by the beams of light from above. The leaves rustle reverently, animals visible but silent
as they move through the plants, and even the birds that flit overhead sing their sweetest. As still
as a statue, the White Hart stands here motionless, though his amber eyes remain ever watchful.
Reaching up as high as the eye can see looms the awesome presence of a living totem. Hovering eerily
here is a frost hag, emanating a pale silver glow. A mature birch tree stands proudly here.
You see a single exit leading north.
A frost hag flows through the air before you.
You slip into a golden torc.
You place the torc around your neck and feel a strange power vibrate in your throat.
You bow respectfully to a frost hag.
A frost hag says, "What is it, faeling?"
You kneel before the White Hart, swearing your allegiance to him.
The White Hart stares implacably at you.
You say to the White Hart, "My Great Lord, I fear some dark augury is upon me..."
You say to the White Hart, "My dreams of late are haunted by black shadows and unflinching evils,
yet it is not from without my person."
You say to the White Hart, "I seek Your guidance, I do not want these visions to come to pass!"
Making no sudden movements, the White Hart backs away from you slowly.
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
Opening your mouth wide, you gape in wonder.
You say, "No... my Lord... tell me it is not true."
Shorlen blinks.
You say, "Why do You recoil?"
You say, "I have ever been Your faithful servant, no power however great could make me harm You."
Shorlen gives you a concerned look.
You say to the White Hart, "Please, Great One... if there is blight upon my soul, it is not of my
The White Hart gazes at the dark plumage grasped tightly in Elryn's hand.
You are wielding a golden sickle in your left hand and a mystic cudgel in your right hand.
You are holding:
2 oak doors, 3 delicate dreamcatchers, a gem of cloaking, a transplanar cubix, 2 powerplex jewels, a
soot-blackened tinderbox, 5 opal vials, a parafilament purse, a floral pipe, a forestal pipe, a
lunar pipe, a philosopher's stone, a bone fetish, 14 diamond vials, 2 pearl vials, a garnet vial, 8
jade vials, 2 glowing powerstones, 3 onyx wands, 2 coral vials, 6 moonstone vials, 4 emerald vials,
3 sapphire vials, 6 beryl vials, 3 amethyst vials, 4 ruby vials, a magic tome, a medicine bag, 2
twinkling motes, 3 zigzagging motes, 3 jittering motes, 2 gleaming motes, 4 flickering motes, 3
bobbing motes, 2 pulsating motes, 2 elegant white letters, a black crow's feather.
You are wearing:
a golden oak tree brooch, a circlet of silvered leaves, 3 sacred ring of the ravenwoods, a
shimmering truesilver necklace, a Brooch of the Tempest, an armband of hammered silver and onyx, 3
pocketbelts, a pair of Winged Sandals of Haste, dark green robes, a golden torc.
You have 60 types of items in the Rift.
You possess 119 items and are carrying no gold.
The feather of a crow is as black as midnight and oily to the touch. A slightly pungent musk rises
up from the feather, reminiscent of the cloying scent of decay and death.
It weighs 2 ounce(s).
You have emoted: Elryn gives a gasp of surprise, and tries to hide his hand behind his back.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Where did you...?"
You say, "I... I do not remember!"
You drop a black crow's feather.
You cower in the corner, fearful of a black crow's feather's wrath.
You say, "It was carried by the wind!"
You say, "But, I do not remember taking it."
You say, "Oh, Spirits save me."
You are wielding a golden sickle in your left hand and a mystic cudgel in your right hand.
You are holding:
2 oak doors, 3 delicate dreamcatchers, a gem of cloaking, a transplanar cubix, 2 powerplex jewels, a
soot-blackened tinderbox, 5 opal vials, a parafilament purse, a floral pipe, a forestal pipe, a
lunar pipe, a philosopher's stone, a bone fetish, 14 diamond vials, 2 pearl vials, a garnet vial, 8
jade vials, 2 glowing powerstones, 3 onyx wands, 2 coral vials, 6 moonstone vials, 4 emerald vials,
3 sapphire vials, 6 beryl vials, 3 amethyst vials, 4 ruby vials, a magic tome, a medicine bag, 2
twinkling motes, 3 zigzagging motes, 3 jittering motes, 2 gleaming motes, 4 flickering motes, 3
bobbing motes, 2 pulsating motes, 2 elegant white letters, a black crow's feather.
You are wearing:
a golden oak tree brooch, a circlet of silvered leaves, 3 sacred ring of the ravenwoods, a
shimmering truesilver necklace, a Brooch of the Tempest, an armband of hammered silver and onyx, 3
pocketbelts, a pair of Winged Sandals of Haste, dark green robes, a golden torc.
You have 60 types of items in the Rift.
You possess 119 items and are carrying no gold.
Shorlen gives you a concerned look.
You drop a black crow's feather.
You say, "No..."
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "My friend..."
Opening your mouth wide, you gape in wonder at a black crow's feather.
You say, "I am marked."
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Gather the torc again, speak with
You say, "I, tried."
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Your heart is pure, my friend - these
shadows come from without."
You say, "You saw His reaction."
Shorlen gives you a concerned look.
You say, "He will not speak with me, I am marked."
You say, "By His greatest foe."
(Serenwilde): You say, "Oh... gods above, what I have I done."
(Serenwilde): Tsuki says, "... Elryn?"
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "He would not speak with you, for you
could not hear him - gather yourself, take the torc once more, return..."
Shorlen gives you a concerned look.
You say, "I cannot endanger him."
(Serenwilde): Leef says, "You ok Elryn?"
You say, "If I am taken."
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says, "Then I will go."
You say, "I cannot allow myself to be the vessel through which He is touched."
(Serenwilde): Nejii says, "What happened?"
You nod your head at Shorlen.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says, "My friend, find solace in your home, do not
let this despair touch your heart."
<< Back I go to Avaerin >>
The Convergence of Avaerin.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. Impenetrable mists
surround the edges of this timeless grove, swirling and shifting like the surface of a roiling
silver ocean. Set upon a lush carpet of soft grasses, this circular clearing nearly thrums with an
undercurrent of some otherworldly power. Scattered throughout the area are timeworn granite stones
of varying sizes and angular shapes, and upon each sit small offerings of precious artefacts and
gifts to honour the Spirits of Avaerin. In the very centre of the glade stands a moss-covered statue
of a beautiful young woman, her slender arms cradling a basin glittering with gold pieces. Almost
lost within the mists, enormous elms can be glimpsed encircling the glade, standing as silent
guardians of the primodial forest beyond. A wicker rocking chair sits comfortably here. A shield orb
is here, hovering above the ground. A sign here suggests you READ SIGN! You see a sign here
instructing you to use the PORTAL command to enter the aetherplex system. You see a sign here
instructing you that WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
You see exits leading north, east, south, west, up (open door), and down (closed door).
Shorlen tells you, "The ways of Crow are trickery and lies."
Shorlen tells you, "Do not let them consume you."
(Serenwilde): You say, "I will stay in Avaerin."
(Serenwilde): You say, "The mark, oh gods, the mark of the Foe is upon me."
You casually tie a black crow's feather into your hair. <<(Not me)>>
(Serenwilde): Invid says, "What?"
You shake your head.
You shake your head.
You shake your head.
Invid arrives in a cone of sparkling light.
You remove a black crow's feather.
You peer at a black crow's feather unscrupulously.
(Serenwilde): Nejii (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Do you refer to the tendrils of Kethuru
in the Aetherways?"
Ays Fehris Lyreth, Invid Kifko, Druid of the Hart says, "What happened?"
You say, "I do not know!"
(Serenwilde): Shorlen (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "He refers to the Mark of Crow."
Invid raises an eyebrow questioningly.
(Serenwilde): Nejii (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Oh."
You say, "A vision took me, an augury of despair!"
Invid blinks.
Ays Fehris Lyreth, Invid Kifko, Druid of the Hart says, "Who's despair?"
Invid blinks.
You say, "And now I am marked by this... I cannot lose it!"
You say, "The Dark One of the Glomdoring."
You say, "Once brother Raven, now dead Crow."
(Hartstone): You say, "My friends, Shorlen may need your help."
(Hartstone): You say, "He speaks with the White Hart."
(Hartstone): You say, "For the Great One has recoiled from me."
(Hartstone): Nessa (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "What?"
Ays Fehris Lyreth, Invid Kifko, Druid of the Hart says, "If I can do anything for you, let me know."
You nod your head at Invid.
Invid bows respectfully to you.
You say, "Do not stay near me."
Invid raises an eyebrow questioningly.
A cone of sparkling light rises up around Invid and whisks him away.
(Hartstone): You say, "I do not know what is happening, but it is evil!"
(Hartstone): Nessa (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "What did you do?"
(Hartstone): You say, "I sought His help in understanding my dreams - my nightmares."
(Hartstone): You say, "I see Crow's feathers all around me, they drift into my arms."
A silvery voice laughs out at you, "What is evil, half-ling?"
(Hartstone): Nessa (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Hm..k.."
(Hartstone): You say, "He drew back from me... He drew BACK!"
You say, "Evil is corruption."
You say, "The corruption of what is not meant to be!"
You say, "This evil is visited upon me!"
A dark voice swirls around you, "What is corruption, small one?"
(Hartstone): Avaleigh (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Is everything going to be ok?"
You say, "The twisting of life beyond the natural, the bending of will to dark purpose!"
A soft voice pulls at your heart, "Who determines what is natural, fae child?"
(Serenwilde): You say, "I hear voices, could it be the Spirits come to guide me back to truth?"
(Hartstone): Munsia (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Ya.. you get use to it. Elryn attracts
You say, "The Music is what is natural, the Fae know what is meant to be and naught."
(Hartstone): Munsia (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I swear if I didnt know any better he
like attracts evil..."
(Hartstone): Invid (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "How so?"
(Hartstone): Avaleigh (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Hmm."
(Hartstone): You say, "What is evil, they say?"
(Hartstone): Munsia (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Evil always finds him."
Shorlen arrives in a cone of sparkling light.
Shorlen gives you a concerned look.
A deep voice rumbles around you like thunder, "Yet, you seem to not hear the music now."
Your lower lip begins to tremble as your eyes fill with heavy tears.
You say, "I am in the Music!"
You say, "I hear it, I do!"
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "The music...?"
A silvery voice laughs out at you, "Do you, half-ling?"
You say to Shorlen, "The Spirits condemn me, I cannot hear the Music of the Wilds."
A soft voice pulls at your heart, "Do you?"
You say, "They say, but it is not true!"
You say, "I, it is there."
A dark voice swirls around you, "Do you hear it?"
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance looks at you, worry sharply creasing his brow.
You say, "It is faint, sometimes it seems as if it is quiet."
You say, "That is all!"
You say to Shorlen, "Do you hear them?"
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Do not give in to the lies of Crow,
my friend."
Shorlen shakes his head.
A silvery voice laughs out at you, "No need to lie to us, half-ling..."
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says, "I am not attuned so with the forests."
A soft voice pulls at your heart, "Do you need our help, fae child?"
You say, "Lies from one, and lies from the other..."
You say, "So wearying, the Hart could not counsel me."
You say, "Which is truth?"
You say, "And what help do you give, Spirit?"
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance closes his eyes, concentrating, straining to hear
the faintest breeze, the softest sound.
A soft voice pulls at your heart, "Do you wish to hear our counsel?"
Shorlen shakes his head.
You say, "Counsel is given without asking, always... but yes, tell me what is become of me?"
A soft voice pulls at your heart, "Listen...."
You tilt your head and listen intently.
A silvery voice laughs out at you, "Listen!"
Tears fill your eyes and begin to slowly run down your face.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "My friend..."
You say to Shorlen, "I cannot hear it..."
(Hartstone): Nessa (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Has anyone besides Elryn ever spoken with
the Hart before?"
As horrible thoughts fill your mind, you begin to sob uncontrollably.
Shorlen wraps a comforting arm around you.
You say to Shorlen, "They are right, I cannot hear it."
A deep voice rumbles around you like thunder, "He cannot hear our voices, as He is too busy
listening to the Music."
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "You are straining to hard, expecting
not to hear, thinking you cannot."
(Hartstone): Munsia (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Nope.. I stopped talking to the aspects
and Him when I got called an idiot by the White Doe."
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Calm down, Elryn, calm down - relax,
you are not yourself."
(Hartstone): Nessa (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Heh..."
You say, "I hear your voice!"
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "The trees are here, are they not?"
A soft voice pulls at your heart, "What will they do to you when they find out the Music is lost to
your ears?"
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Where the trees are, the music of the
forest is - such is as it always has been for you, and such is as it always will be."
A dark voice swirls around you, "How will they treat you and your kin?"
You have emoted: Elryn glances up for a moment and nods at you, but then cringes pathetically.
You say, "They are my friends!"
You say, "They will understand."
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Confidence, self certainty, self
control - surround yourself again with these."
You say, "They would not harm us, the Seren are my kin as well!"
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Lies are being whispered to you now
by those born of tricks."
A dark voice swirls around you like velvet, "Will they?"
A soft voice pulls at your heart, "What of the others and their treatment towards them...?"
Nessa arrives in a cone of sparkling light.
You say, "The others?"
You cringe away in terror from Nessa.
Nessa creases her brow in a frown.
You see High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance yell, "Spirits of Crow, begone from this
place! Cease this nonsense at once!"
A silvery voice laughs out at you, "Will they treat you like contamination?"
Nessa Falassion says, "It's just me, Elryn.."
You say to Shorlen, "Is what the Spirits say true?"
A deep voice rumbles around you like thunder, "Already, they have weapons drawn as they come to see
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "I cannot hear them...."
You say, "They would not strike me!"
You say, "It is not my evil!"
You drop a black crow's feather.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Their lies are only spoken for your
ears, to weaken you, to seperate you from we who could help."
You give a black crow's feather a look of inutterable sadness and begin to sob.
A jagged line of sparkling motes ripples in the air, and out steps a leprechaun.
Nessa blinks.
You cringe away in terror from a black crow's feather.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to a leprechaun, "Take the feather and go -
hide it with your gold."
You say, "You will not turn your weapons against me, would you?"
Spreading your arms wide, you spin clockwise and visualize a circle of protection. A shimmering
white orb springs up around you.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "I would never seek to harm you, my
Visions of splintering wood flicker in your mind.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Though I might tie you down until you
calmed yourself, if it were necessary."
Nessa looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
A soft voice pulls at your heart, "Why does he hesitate to answer, then admit to this
You say, "His hesitation was momentary!"
Nessa Falassion says, "Why don't you tell us what the spirits are telling you?"
You say, "He is my friend, they all are."
A silvery voice laughs out at you, "Was it? Are they?"
You say, "I do not know anymore!"
A dark voice swirls around you like velvet, "Or do they only look out for themselves?"
You say, "They show me augury!"
Nessa creases her brow in a frown.
You say, "Splintered wood and sundered flesh!"
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Lies. They show you lies."
A deep voice rumbles around you like thunder, "How many, despite their gentle looks, have fallen
into the hands of death because of them?"
A soft voice pulls at your heart, "Will you be next...?"
You say, "NO!"
A deep voice rumbles around you like thunder, "Elryn..."
A soft voice pulls at your heart, "Elryn..."
As horrible thoughts fill your mind, you begin to sob uncontrollably.
Shorlen wraps a comforting arm around you.
You say, "What would you have me do?"
A silvery voice laughs out at you, "Elrrynnn!"
You give a pained sigh.
Shorlen whispers soothing words to you.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Do not listen to them, my friend."
Nessa Falassion says, "Think of blooming forests, Elryn, think of the lovely deer, wellfed, think of
your lovely floating forest ship. all the things you love and care about."
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Close your ears to those who would
poison your heart."
A soft voice pulls at your heart, "Yes...close your ears to these mortals who have admitted harm
towards you..."
You say to Nessa, "I see nothing but blackness and blood anymore.."
You say to Shorlen, "I do not know what is lies and what is truth!"
A silvery voice rings comfortingly around you, "You must remove these mortals, so you can try once
more to listen. They try to disrupt you on purpose."
You say, "Remove them?"
A soft voice pulls at your heart sadly, "Don't be next, Elryn..."
You say, "I will not!"
Nessa Falassion says to you, "You kept me going for so many years, don't give up on yourself to what
isn't real. illusions of the mind."
A deep voice rumbles around you like thunder, "We need you, this is our home."
Nejii creases his brow in a frown.
You say, "Your home?"
A badger enters from the east squeaking to himself.
You say, "But it is my home too."
A soft voice pulls at your heart, "They will try to destroy it, and you as well."
You say, "No... I will keep it safe."
Nessa Falassion says, "It's not their home. it's yours only!"
His paws scratching loudly, a striped badger bounces off to the east.
You say, "You must leave."
A deep voice rumbles around you like thunder, "They are gathering those to massacre you with."
Aether Empath, Nejii Talnara, Moonsage says, "Us?"
Shorlen shakes his head.
You nod your head emphatically.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says, "I will not leave you."
Aether Empath, Nejii Talnara, Moonsage says, "I don't understand."
Nessa Falassion says, "No, Elryn."
Nessa Falassion says, "Tell the spirits to go."
You say, "You will not harm Avaerin!"
Shorlen shakes his head.
You say, "Go, please... do not make the Spirits angry."
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says, "We are not here to harm the Avaerin or
anything of the sort."
A dark voice swirls around you like velvet, "Even now, more come in arms! Quickly!"
You have cleared all conditions from the permissions list for your fulcrux.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Do not give into the demands of those
who seek only to harm you."
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "You are stronger than this, my
You say, "I do what you say!"
You say, "The Avaerin closes itself from those who would harm us."
Nessa Falassion says to you, "Listen to us!"
A deep voice rumbles around you like thunder, "Fire is coming, to try and cleanse you in death by
those that block the song from you."
You say, "Noooo, they will go!"
A soft voice pulls at your heart, "Don't let them harm the forest, Elryn..."
Nessa gently places her hand upon your forehead, invoking the White Hart to grant you wisdom and
truth. Your eyes close momentarily and visions dance through your mind, laden with obscure meaning.
You say, "You must go!"
You put your hand to your forehead and swoon.
Shorlen shakes his head.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "My friend, you need to shut them
You say, "The Hart, He is the way..."
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "They are not here to help you - that
much is certain. We are."
You shake your head.
A burn mark forms on your head in the shape of Nejii's hand, the sign of the oncoming cleansing.
You say, "But He recoiled!"
Nessa Falassion says, "Yes, Elryn, the Hart is the way to life."
You cry aloud and tear at your hair.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "From the feather!"
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Not from you."
You say to Nejii, "You would BURN the forest?!"
Nessa Falassion says, "The feather, Elryn. he cannot stand the feather."
You exclaim, "Get out... get out!"
(Hartstone): Invid (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "What's the status?"
Your action causes the nearly invisible magical shield around you to fade away.
You raise your arms to the sky and shout loudly, shaking your fists. Dark clouds form overhead,
rumbling with thunder and flashing with forks of lightning.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Calm down, my friend. Please!"
(Hartstone): Nessa says, "Bad."
Nessa blinks.
(Hartstone): Invid (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Is there anything that I can do?"
Visions of flame encompassing the forest fill your mind, as well as the terrifying gleeful smiles of
the mortals about you. The shriek of spirits ring painfully in your ears, as they attempt to save
the other spirits of the forest.
You shriek in frustration.
(Hartstone): Nessa says, "Have absolutely no idea..."
A silvery voice shrieks in pain, "ELRYN!"
You yell, "NOOO!"
You yell, "FIGHT THEM!"
A jagged line of sparkling motes ripples in the air, and out steps the crone.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nejii, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A jagged line of sparkling motes ripples in the air, and out steps a banshee.
Comprehension flashes across Nejii's face.
A whirlwind of power arises around Nessa, lifting her off the ground. She shudders and trembles
uncontrollably for several moments before gently being lowered back to earth.
A jagged line of sparkling motes ripples in the air, and out steps a pixie.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Shorlen, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nessa, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nejii, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
Aether Empath, Nejii Talnara, Moonsage says, "Stop being ridiculous."
A deep voice roars in pain, fighting against flames.
You say, "Begone, enemies of the Forest!"
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Shorlen, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nessa, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nejii, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
Nessa Falassion says, "Jeez."
Aether Empath, Nejii Talnara, Moonsage says, "This is unnecessary, Elryn."
You say, "They burn... they are burning!"
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "If you must kill me, then kill me. I
am no enemy of the forest, or of you."
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nessa, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Shorlen, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nejii, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "You are my friend, and I am yours."
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nejii, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Shorlen, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nessa, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A soft voice weeps in anguish, "The tree's!"
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nessa, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nejii, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Shorlen, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
Nessa Falassion says, "Elryn, listen to me. You have given most your life to the service of the
Hart. Don't give up NOW."
Nessa takes a drink from a diamond vial.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "I will not leave."
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nejii, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nessa, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Shorlen, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nessa, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Shorlen, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nejii, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
Nessa takes a drink from a diamond vial.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Shorlen, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nejii, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nessa, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "We are not your enemies."
(Hartstone): Invid (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Ok, what was that?"
(Serenwilde): Sano (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Have to be so loud?"
Nessa swears softly to herself.
The shrieks of hundreds of spirits ring in your ears, the sounds of a dying forest.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Have you become so lost you cannot
hear me?"
Aether Empath, Nejii Talnara, Moonsage says, "If you will cease this nonsense and compose yourself,
I well may. Now stop this ridiculousness!"
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nessa, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Shorlen, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nejii, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
As horrible thoughts fill your mind, you begin to sob uncontrollably.
(Serenwilde): Shorlen says, "Shut up, Sano."
Nessa takes a drink from a diamond vial.
(Serenwilde): Sano (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "..."
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nejii, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Shorlen, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nessa, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
Nessa takes a drink from a diamond vial.
You say, "They do not listen!"
(Serenwilde): Barrin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "He can shout if he wants to *grin*."
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Shorlen, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nessa, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nejii, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
(Serenwilde): Invid (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Not the best time."
Nessa growls menacingly.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Shorlen, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nejii, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nessa, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
Nessa takes a drink from a diamond vial.
A soft voice rasps in pain, "We must find aid...the forest will die!"
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Shorlen, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nessa, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nejii, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A small owl leaves to the east screeching.
You say, "Aid, from where?"
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Shorlen, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nessa, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nejii, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Please, my friend..."
Nessa takes a drink from a diamond vial.
(Serenwilde): Leef (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "What's going on anyways?"
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Shorlen, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nessa, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nejii, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "We have no desire to harm this
Shorlen points an athame dagger at the ground and the native plants dance and grow before your very
You have emoted: Elryn blinks suddenly, clarity returning to his eyes.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "I have spent much time here, with
you, do you not remember?"
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nejii, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
You see Nessa Falassion yell, "By the Name and Essence of the White Hart, be gone you lying spirits
of the dark! Leave our friend be!"
You say, "Wait... just give me.. time."
You shake your head.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Shorlen, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nejii, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nessa, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
You have emoted: Elryn growls ferally.
A deep voice roars in pain, "Quickly...the saplings..."
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Shorlen, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nejii, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
A bolt of lighting streaks down from the heavens and strikes Nessa, who writhes terribly as the
energy ripples over him.
You say, "Yes, of course!"
Entering a sanctuary of flourishing life.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. You emerge from the
passageway onto a stone balcony overlooking a vast cavern that stretches impossibly far to be any
mortal creation. Uncountable crystals twinkling in the roof above shower the entire area with a
multihued radiance, illuminating the breathtaking eternal forest that grows beneath. Warm and humid
unlike the cool rainforest outside, a faint breeze wafts past you from below laden with fruity
fragrances and the scents of springtime blossoms. A rocky staircase leads down to the eaves of these
natural underground woods, and between the youthful trunks at its edges you spy carefully tended
gardens and nurseries planted in the lush soil. Willowy saplings, unusual herbs and blossoming
sprouts from all corners of the Basin appear to have been transplanted here, left to grow within
these perfect conditions in order to safeguard the diversity of the living realms. Darting amid the
branches, shimmering lights dance at the periphery of your vision and betray the Fae who also dwell
within. A small grove of barely mature young trees stands slightly apart from the endless forest,
their dark raven-feather fronds drooping in a sadness that is in stark contrast to the vibrancy of
the great woods behind them. A purple tulip, an entrancing red rose, a warm tulip of dawn, a bunch
of yellow freesias, a cluster of snapdragons, a striped orchid, a purple tulip, an elegant pink
rose, an entrancing red rose, a tiger lily, a warm tulip of dawn, and a twilight blue rose blossom
within a beautiful, lush garden.
You see exits leading south and northwest.
You point to the northwest and vines of briars grow and tangle together, forming a wall of thorns.
Nessa Falassion takes Elryn's hand into hers gently.
You have emoted: Elryn gestures wildly, chanting discordant notes and pointing at the ravenwood
A dark voice wails, "The saplings....they have come to slay the new spirits of our home..."
Tsuki tells you, "I don't know what's happenening but I'm concerned, may I come join you?"
You tell High Priestess Tsuki Mes'ard of the Moondance, "NO!"
You hear a rustling and turn to see Shorlen emerging from the undergrowth.
A leprechaun strolls in from the ether.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "My friend..."
You tell High Priestess Tsuki Mes'ard of the Moondance, "THE SAPLINGS MUST SURVIVE!"
Nessa Falassion says, "They're just trees. gifts from the Sister Tree."
You say, "GET OUT!"
Tsuki tells you, "And you think I would harm them?"
Shorlen points an athame dagger at the ground and the native plants dance and grow before your very
The end of your cudgel forms a knotty burl and you point it at Shorlen. The burl pops and ruptures,
shooting a barrage of splinters into his flesh.
Shorlen takes a drink from a jade vial.
You say, "Do not touch them!"
Nejii points an athame dagger at you and vines shoot forth, entangling you with a thorny embrace.
You begin to struggle free of your entanglement.
Aether Empath, Nejii Talnara, Moonsage says, "None of that."
A deep voice shrieks, "It begins fully! The saplings! The forest!"
The end of your cudgel forms a knotty burl and you point it at Nejii. The burl pops and ruptures,
shooting a barrage of splinters into his flesh.
Nessa Falassion says, "They will survive, Elryn. I've never opposed their growth, ever."
igh Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to Nejii, "Stop."
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "We are trying to help you, my
You shout, "Help me! Allies of the Forests!"
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Please, tell us what we can do."
Nejii rolls his eyes.
Trooper Nikua Gladheon shouts, "Let the forests burn."
You gape in horror as Nessa stomps rudely on a stray, ground lying root.
(Serenwilde): Everiine (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "What's going on out there?"
Your eyes widen in disbelief as you shout, "Oh my GOD!"
(Hartstone): Invid (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "What can I do?"
The end of your cudgel forms a knotty burl and you point it at Nessa. The burl pops and ruptures,
shooting a barrage of splinters into her flesh.
You say, "Defiler!"
You point a golden sickle at Nessa and vines shoot forth, entangling her with a thorny embrace.
Nejii points an athame dagger at you and vines shoot forth, entangling you with a thorny embrace.
You point a golden sickle at Shorlen and vines shoot forth, entangling him with a thorny embrace.
(Hartstone): Barrin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Where is he?"
You point a golden sickle at Nejii and vines shoot forth, entangling him with a thorny embrace.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Elryn, stop this, please...."
You weep as Nejii spits upon the gentle fronds of a tender young sapling.
(Hartstone): Barrin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I'll check manse."
You say, "The spirits know!"
Nessa Falassion says, "Stop it Elryn. I wil die before I hit you."
Nessa takes a drink from a diamond vial.
Aether Empath, Nejii Talnara, Moonsage says, "I won't."
You say, "Death, that is what you bring!"
Pantoo tells you, "I think I'm too little to help you friend."
Simimi tells you, "You ok hun...?"
Nessa Falassion says, "The spirits in your head, lie!"
You say, "Spit upon my sapling, will you?!"
Nessa takes a drink from a diamond vial.
Making a slashing motion toward Nejii with your sickle, you curse him for his transgressions against
you. Stigmatic lesions suddenly appear all over his body, dripping with blood.
(Hartstone): Invid (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Don't bother."
Nessa Falassion says, "Elryn, what the hell are you on about. we didn't touch your saplings."
Aether Empath, Nejii Talnara, Moonsage says, "Stop making this violent, Elryn."
You say, "Getoutgetoutgetoutgetout."
You rant and rave like a madman.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "You are seeing visions of what is
not, hearing words that speak untruth - my friend, you are stronger than this - ignore them."
(Hartstone): Barrin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Oh, he is in aetherspace."
A silvery voice gasps in pain, "We cannot take much more...please...Elryn..."
You say, "I try!"
Pantoo tells you, "What is the problem anywho?"
You say, "What will save you, Spirits?!"
Nessa Falassion says, "No!"
A deep voice gasps, "You...must..."
Nessa Falassion says, "He's not even hearing us."
Faelae tells you, "You need help?"
A soft voice weeps in pain, "Aid...must...find..."
You say, "They open their mouths to cry despoiling, but they are silenced!"
Shorlen shakes his head at Nessa.
Nessa gives a pained sigh.
Aether Empath, Nejii Talnara, Moonsage says, "Or not listening."
You say, "Aid, from where?"
Nessa Falassion keeps holding Elryn's hand.
A dark voice wails, "any true ally of the forest...if we die, so shall the forest.."
Burn marks race up your arm from Nessa's touch.
You say, "No, hold on!"
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance takes Elryn's other hand, clasping it firmly.
Burn marks race up your other arm from Shorlen's touch.
You have emoted: Elryn jerks suddenly away from Shorlen, his eyes wildly staring at his outstretched
hand, as if burned.
Nejii laughs cruelly and stomps upon a tender sapling as Nessa and Shorlen grab you, and hold you
(Serenwilde): Xiphoid (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Does Elryn need assistance and wasn't
that trooper, Nikua Gladheon, the a leader of the Commune 50 or 60 years ago?"
You feel your will manipulated by a pooka.
You give a black crow's feather to High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance.
(Serenwilde): Sano (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Dunno."
Shorlen sets about with his shovel, digging a deep hole. He is forced to occasionally stop and rest,
so difficult is the work. Finally, the hole is done, and he places a black crow's feather inside of
it, then fills the hole back in.
(Serenwilde): Tsuki (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Yes, Xiphoid."
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Cease this, my friend."
(Serenwilde): Sano (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "What he need help with?"
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Throw out the voices and the
You shout, "I call upon true allies of the forest! Save me from the defilers! Nessa, Nejii...
Sano Mes'ard-Vryce, Spirit Hunter shouts, "Forgot me."
Nessa gives a pained sigh.
Sano tells you, "Hehe."
Sano tells you, "Who is hitting you?"
You tell Sano Mes'ard-Vryce, Spirit Hunter, "The Seren! They burn my woods!"
A leprechaun bends over and picks up a black crow's feather.
You shudder violently as a chill ripples down your spine.
Sano tells you, "What?"
Yrael tells you, "What the bloody Nil are you on about this time? Did a particularly large bug get
loose in Avaerin?"
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to a leprechaun, "Plesae, hide that away."
The unearthly voice of Viravain whispers upon the ether, "Is that so? By all means, then, destroy
them quickly. It was only time before they would strive to not only harm My forest, but another's as
Nessa Falassion lightly caresses the back of Elryn's hand, hoping some contact would help break
through this strange ordeal.
You say, "Viravain?"
(Serenwilde): Sano (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "What is goin on?"
You say, "But, She is a foe of the forests."
(Serenwilde): Sano (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I also."
(Serenwilde): Everiine (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I have no clue, but it's got Viravain
You put your hand to your forehead and swoon.
(Serenwilde): Avaleigh (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Me too."
Nessa Falassion says, "Indeed, Elryn."
You say, "Or, she was."
Nessa Falassion says, "To the Forest that you love."
A deep voice whispers in agony, "Even She does not harm her forest, as changed as it is!
Aether Empath, Nejii Talnara, Moonsage says, "Or did."
You see High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance shout, "Viravain! Cease this nonesense at
once! Your lies, your poisons - we of the Seren are stronger than that."
Nessa Falassion says, "No. to the one you grew up in."
The briars wither away and crumble into dust.
The Moralis, Light upon the Webs shouts, "Watch it shorlen, You do NOT speak to my Lady like that
without consequence."
Someone powerful's divine voice echoes across the land, "What nonsense, beyond your own words?"
You yell, "Viravain, have you the power to remove the defilers!"
Nessa gives a pained sigh.
(Serenwilde): Everiine (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I didn't recognize that last voice,
that frightens me."
Forren tells you, "I do not understand your shout.. what is happening?"
Nessa Falassion says to you, "Please, Elryn, stop listening to the spirits."
The Divine voice of Someone powerful echoes in your head, "Do you seek My help, then?"
You say, "Your help?"
Forren tells you, "And how can I help?"
Nessa jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light.
The Divine voice of Someone powerful echoes in your head, "He who once tried to harm My home and
(Serenwilde): Avaleigh (from the Prime Material Plane) says, ""Viravain!Cease this nonsense at once!
Your lies, your poisons - we of the SEren are stronger than that.""
Nessa Falassion says, "Who?"
You say, "At what cost... oh Spirits, at what cost."
Among the sparkling motes of light, a translucent figure appears in the air and then quickly
solidifies as Barrin comes into view.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says, "Barrin."
(Serenwilde): Avaleigh (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "That's what Shorlen said... and me
neither Everiine."
Aether Empath, Nejii Talnara, Moonsage says, "At no cost to themselves, that's for certain."
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Elryn, my friend - we do not seek to
harm your forest."
You say, "You were protecting your home..."
You say, "My home is burning!"
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "There is no fire here."
The Divine voice of Someone powerful echoes in your head, "Do you wish My aide, then?"
(Serenwilde): Tsuki (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "That might help."
(Serenwilde): Sano (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Hehe."
Barrin tells you, "Let me join you."
Nessa Falassion says, "It's not burning, Elryn."
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Viravain is showing you lies."
You put your hand to your forehead and swoon.
You say, "So many voices."
(Serenwilde): Invid (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Where's your ship?"
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Push them away, my friend."
You say, "The Music, it is silent."
Aether Empath, Nejii Talnara, Moonsage says, "Whoever it is whose advice to harm your fellows in
favour of Lady Viravain certainly has nothing wise to say."
Aether Empath, Nejii Talnara, Moonsage says, "You had better listen harder, Elryn."
Edit: Can someone post after this? I can't add the rest without it combining and then chopping it off.
Shiri2006-03-07 08:21:15
(posting something 'cause Elryn asked me)
Unknown2006-03-07 08:21:54
(Serenwilde): Everiine (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Did anyone recognize that last divine
(Serenwilde): Invid (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "No."
(Serenwilde): Sano (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Viravain."
Nessa gives you a friendly squeeze.
You say, "If you will save my forest, I ask it of you, whomever listens."
You collapse in a heap on the floor, unwilling to bear the pain any longer.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "No, your forest is safe, Elryn."
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to you, "Do not give in to the lies."
Shorlen whispers soothing words to you.
Soft gray clouds form in the skies above, softly shifting to charcoal and black. Thunder rumbles
around you like mighty beating drums, as light fills the skies once more, blessed rain falling from
them to drench the fires of the wicked defilers.
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance is ripped from your location by an unseen force.
Nessa Falassion is ripped from your location by an unseen force.
Aether Empath, Nejii Talnara, Moonsage is ripped from your location by an unseen force.
Pantoo tells you, "Friend what you be going on about?"
Barrin Starleaf, Mist Walker is ripped from your location by an unseen force.
(Serenwilde): Shorlen (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "NO!"
(Serenwilde): Xiphoid (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "No, not Viravain. The Divine berating
(Serenwilde): Sano (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Huh."
Viravain shimmers into view before you, emerging from the shadows.
You cower in the corner, fearful of Viravain's wrath.
Shorlen tells you, "ELRYN!"
(Serenwilde): Sano (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Pipe down, Shorlen. hurting my ears."
Shorlen tells you, "Please, do not do this..."
Shorlen tells you, "Your forest was safe, it was fine - Viravain is showing you lies!"
(Serenwilde): Nejii (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Now really isn't the time to try and be
smart, Sano."
You tell High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance, "Little voice, I remember Shorlen."
Viravain, Mistress of the Webs raises Her hands to the skies and the rains cease, releasing gentle
sunlight to begin healing what has been damaged.
You tell High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance, "He was true."
(Serenwilde): Sano (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Sorry for having a headache."
(Serenwilde): Nessa (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Remind me to say that to you when one of
your close friends is being taken slowly but surely by the taint and illusions."
Shorlen tells you, "I am shorlen!"
You sniffle softly.
Viravain gives a pained sigh.
Sano tells you, "Where are you."
(Serenwilde): Xiphoid (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "More respect should be shown abd is in
order I think for a leader of the Commune, Sano."
You say, "The pain, the Spirits..."
Viravain, Mistress of the Webs kneels beside a gentle ravenwood sapling, tenderly brushing Her
fingers along the fronds.
You tell High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance, "Such a little voice, but I knew dear
Shorlen so long ago... long, long ago."
Shorlen tells you, "Elryn!"
Shorlen tells you, "Please... my friend, I am begging you - I know you, I know how strong you are,
of heart and spirit."
You say, "Vira... Lady... what, what have they done?"
Barrin tells you, "Fair friend, may I enter you fair forest?"
Viravain, Mistress of the Webs says, "..."
Nessa tells you, "Elryn dear, let us in. We can go speak to the White Hart again. but you must leave
the feather behind. that's what the Hart reacted to, not you. You must realise that. Please Elryn,
you cannot tear yourself up over this."
Shorlen tells you, "You saved Jasper, don't you remember? Saved him from the taint to which you are
now succumbing?"
Viravain, Mistress of the Webs rises once more, gazing benevolently down upon you.
You say, "The fog is in my mind, if I could but think."
Viravain, Mistress of the Webs says, "They will heal in time, Elryn."
Viravain, Mistress of the Webs says, "You must care for them tenderly, but they will heal and grow
tall, and their branches will spread wide."
(Serenwilde): Shorlen (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Viravain is speaking to Elryn, in
visions and voices, convincing him that we were burning down his forest when we tried to aid him..."
(Serenwilde): Everiine (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Oh my..."
You have emoted: Elryn blushes, turning his tear-stained face away from the radiant visage before
You say, "They, they were all that is left of Gloriana."
You sniffle softly.
You say, "I could not lose them."
Viravain, Mistress of the Webs says, "But they are not, Elryn."
(Serenwilde): Leef (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Virivain would be the last voice I pay any
attention to."
You say, "They are not?"
You feel a slight tug within your chest and the air around you sparkles with motes of bright light.
Sano tells you, "Do not listen to Virivain!"
Viravain, Mistress of the Webs says, "Does a rose change, simply because a mortal child mistakenly
calls it a daisy?"
Among the sparkling motes of light, a translucent figure appears in the air and then quickly
solidifies as Barrin comes into view.
Sano tells you, "She is filling your mind with lies."
Nessa tells you, "Elryn...you're always been my pillar, don't do this. you're only going to regret
it. Let me in, dear."
(Serenwilde): Everiine (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Well, when you're having visions, you
never know what to expect."
Barrin gives you a compassionate hug.
Viravain, Mistress of the Webs says, "Or is a rose still a rose, no matter what it is called?"
Barrin shuffles over to you and shyly takes your hand in his own.
You say, "The rose changes... it grows."
You say, "But it is still a rose, yes."
Barrin bows respectfully to Viravain.
You cringe away in terror from Barrin.
(Serenwilde): Sano (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "You're missing the point. it is Virivian."
Viravain, Mistress of the Webs says, "Was he one of those, Elryn?"
Barrin Starleaf, Mist Walker says, "I mean no harm."
Viravain narrows Her eyes to thin slits.
You say, "He was with the defilers..."
Barrin reaches out and touches Viravain.
Viravain, Mistress of the Webs says, "Defiler, do not touch Me."
Barrin Starleaf, Mist Walker is ripped from your location by an unseen force.
You flash Viravain a joyous smile.
Viravain takes a twilight blue rose from a bouquet of flowers.
Viravain, Mistress of the Webs says, "A rose...remains the same."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Viravain, Mistress of the Webs says, "Something as simple as mortal tongues cannot change what it
You say, "Still beautiful..."
Viravain gives a twilight blue rose to you.
You reach over and caress a twilight blue rose tenderly.
Viravain, Mistress of the Webs says, "Make sure to take care of your forest."
You nod solemnly.
From then on, Elryn was pretty much deaf to everyone, but he went to the White Hart a bit later...
White Hart Grove.
The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. Climbing up through the thick foliage of the rocky slope
to the north provides entry into this serene area. There is a primeval stillness that holds this
tiny copse at the very centre of this ancient forest with a perpetual hush. Age and time blanket the
land with a heaviness, a weighty pall that might bring on a natural reverence in the most open of
hearts. Emerald grass keeps to the perfect height, each blade almost clipped in its neatness while
blanketing the clearing, small flowers of the sun's captured gold stud the soft carpet with light.
So large are the ringing framework of thickly boled oaks that two men reaching round could not hold
them tight, although the brambles and thorns that cluster between them manage to create an
impenetrable wall. A tiny breeze flits in the air, a serenity matched by the beams of light from
above. The leaves rustle reverently, animals visible but silent as they move through the plants, and
even the birds that flit overhead sing their sweetest. As still as a statue, the White Hart stands
here motionless, though his amber eyes remain ever watchful. Reaching up as high as the eye can see
looms the awesome presence of a living totem. A mature birch tree stands proudly here. Hovering
eerily here is a frost hag, emanating a pale silver glow.
You see a single exit leading north.
You slip into a golden torc.
You place the torc around your neck and feel a strange power vibrate in your throat.
You say to the White Hart, "Great One of the Winter Breath, I sought Your counsel once before."
You hear a rustling and turn to see Invid emerging from the undergrowth.
The White Hart gazes deep into the soul of you, his heart in his eyes.
You say to the White Hart, "In my time of need, I was forsaken by the Music."
You say to the White Hart, "Defilers came to my forest, burning and pillaging."
You say to the White Hart, "The Music..."
You have emoted: Elryn trembles as his voice breaks.
The White Hart tells you, "The Music forsakes none, Elryn. You are not forsaken."
You say to the White Hart, "Yet I am marked, and the Music is faint."
A black crow's feather dissolves before your eyes.
You say to the White Hart, "Marked by both forests."
You ponder a twilight blue rose's profile, wondering if it would make a suitable subject for a
The chirping of crickets surrounds you in a medley of night-time music.
The White Hart tells you, "The forests were once closer than they are now, despite the changes that
have occurred."
You say, "A rose of dusk, the bellowing of morning's soft dawn."
With a quiet invocation to White Hart, Barrin's eyes drift closed and an unearthly music somehow
reminiscent of the deep forest emanates from his form. Moments later, the ethereal refrains fade
into silence as he emerges from his meditation.
Barrin ponders the situation.
You nod your head at the White Hart.
The White Hart stares implacably at you.
You say, "Closer, yes."
Barrin gently places his hand upon your forehead, invoking the White Hart to grant you wisdom and
truth. Your eyes close momentarily and visions dance through your mind, laden with obscure meaning.
You say, "But the two forests have an uncrossable chasm between them."
You say to the White Hart, "I wander within that chasm."
The White Hart tells you, "Knowing what is different is the key to knowing what is familiar, Elryn."
Barrin Starleaf, Mist Walker says, "Viravain is the result of you wondering in that chasm."
You say to the White Hart, "I have been taken by the twilight, shown the evils of purity and the
evils of corruption."
You say to the White Hart, "Until I have resolved that struggle within myself, I do not know if I
can serve you fully."
You crease your brow in a frown.
The White Hart tells you, "By knowing them now, do you see yourself able to learn of yourself and
this forest, of what is familiar more easily?"
Barrin gives you a friendly squeeze.
You pause for a second in contemplation.
You say to the White Hart, "I do not know if I can learn more of these things while I see both ally
and foe in all around me."
Ialie creases her brow in a frown.
(Serenwilde): Ialie says, "I won't forget this."
The White Hart tells you, "If you see this, then you can see Nature. The wolf and rabbit consider
each other as both, as they rely on one another for survival, as well as death."
The White Hart tells you, "Nature will care for itself, but when mortals forget this, troubles will
(Serenwilde): Ialie says, "I won't forget the day that you took the word of the Goddess who impaled
your body on the mother tree and left you bleeding over the words of your communemates and called us
foes and defilers."
You have emoted: Elryn nods slowly to the White Hart.
(Hartstone): Caedryn says, "What happened, precisely, Ialie?"
(Hartstone): Ialie says, "I c-can."
You hear a rustling and turn to see Caedryn emerging from the undergrowth.
Caedryn tilts his head and listens intently to Ialie.
(Hartstone): Ialie says, "I can't speak it hurts."
You say to the White Hart, "Then I will journey until I have remembered my way."
Shorlen gives you a concerned look.
Tears fill Ialie's eyes and begin to slowly run down her face.
Invid gives a pained sigh.
The White Hart kneels, carefully laying one the points of his antlers on Elryn's shoulder.
Ialie Starfall, ays Lyreth ey Xalya says, "We are just going to let this happen? Let him go? Let him
go on thinking that his commune mates would defile his forest? Let him go on this journey based on
lies and untruthes?"
Nessa blinks.
You say to the White Hart, "Show them that time is the mender of wounds, and that those who search
will return when they have found."
Caedryn vanishes before your eyes, scattered by the forest breeze.
Barrin Starleaf, Mist Walker says to you, "Then all I have to say is, may the forests guide you, no
matter which one you choose."
The White Hart tells you, "Simply remember, if you think you've forgotten."
Tears fill Ialie's eyes and begin to slowly run down her face.
Shorlen stares implacably at Barrin.
You nod your head at the White Hart.
The White Hart stares implacably at you.
Ialie Starfall, ays Lyreth ey Xalya angrily says, "No one cares."
Barrin Starleaf, Mist Walker says, "We cannot help him."
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to Ialie, "I care, but my words, they fall on
deaf ears."
High Wisdom Shorlen Mes'ard, of the Moon's Dance says to Ialie, "Why speak, when the one you speak
to will not listen?"
Shorlen shrugs helplessly.
Barrin Starleaf, Mist Walker says, "As he has said, its a battle from within."
The White Hart rises once more, gazing out around himself.
You nod your head emphatically.
Ialie Starfall, ays Lyreth ey Xalya reaches out to grab Elryn, pulling his shoulder rightly as she
glares at him.
Ialie Starfall, ays Lyreth ey Xalya says, "He has to be willing to help himself."
Ialie Starfall, ays Lyreth ey Xalya says, "Listen to logic."
You say, "Neither light nor shadow for me, until I have remembered what it means to be a Druid."
Ialie Starfall, ays Lyreth ey Xalya says, "Why would we suddenly want to burn Avaerin?"
Barrin Starleaf, Mist Walker says to you, "Then Elryn, you have chosen neutrality."
Ialie Starfall, ays Lyreth ey Xalya says, "He has chosen a lie."
Barrin Starleaf, Mist Walker says, "He has chosen neithet."
Barrin Starleaf, Mist Walker says, "Neither."
Ialie Starfall, ays Lyreth ey Xalya says, "To barin a lie."
"Grrrrrr," Ialie says.
You say to the White Hart, "I will remember what you have said, and when the screams of the Spirits
no longer ring in my ears, I will listen to the other voices."
Fond thoughts of your homeland, Serenwilde, fill your head as you leave it, ready to embark on new
adventures elsewhere.
He's lost his sense of the Music of the Wilds when he started listening to the voices over everything else, and is pretty broken. But it was so much fun, thanks Viravain, for that awesome event.

However, I have some explaining to do to everyone else. I want to apologise to Shorlen, Nejii, Barrin, Nessa and Ialie for ignoring them when Elryn chose the voices. I want to apologise to Serenwilde for making such a big deal to them about it, and then leaving, and leaving so many people upset - and not giving them anything to do about it. Maybe the event will continue on its arc, and I'll be able to make it up to them somehow.
I also want to deeply apologise to Viravain, for making her think that the event was not fun, or for making her feel guilty - when she has absolutely no reason to do so. I enjoyed it, and I made a decision to take it where it led.
In essence, I took what was a beautiful, well-crafted little gift to Elryn, and made it painful for everyone else. I am sorry, and I hope that I will be able to offer more to them soon.
Shorlen2006-03-07 08:41:12
I just wish Viravain would run fewer spectator events, in which the players have no say
Roleplaying is supposed to be interactive, not a spectator sport. But this is me speaking from LARP and tabletop experience and expectations :shrug:
And Sano? Ugh. Really, I don't have to say anymore.
And now I'm going to bed before I post more while grumpy-tired

And Sano? Ugh. Really, I don't have to say anymore.
And now I'm going to bed before I post more while grumpy-tired

Ialie2006-03-07 08:44:30
There are no smile-faces or words capable to express my emotions right now.
Unknown2006-03-07 08:45:10
To be fair, I had the only say (or so it seemed), and I didn't let the other players have enough of an impact on what was happening to me. The fault is mine, not Viravain's. 
Blame me for that.

Blame me for that.
Tsuki2006-03-07 10:45:10

And when they give up CR6 (and GR19? quit Hartstone too or not?) ... I'd hope this was something you'd thought of and considered before doing it. But if you had been thinking of it and there was no indication ... it's frustrating and saddening not to be able to do anything. I'm becoming accustomed to such things, though, I guess (hence why when I was free I came to ask if I could find out what was going on and possibly help, and when denied I went elsewhere to work on other things *sigh*).
Ah well. As a player, I guess I'll just say it's you playing your game and making your decisions and choices which is fine. Even if I as a player prefer more ordinary RP things, not the extraordinary ones as much *wry*
Unknown2006-03-07 10:58:56
QUOTE(Tsuki @ Mar 7 2006, 10:45 AM) 266658

And when they give up CR6 (and GR19? quit Hartstone too or not?) ... I'd hope this was something you'd thought of and considered before doing it. But if you had been thinking of it and there was no indication ... it's frustrating and saddening not to be able to do anything. I'm becoming accustomed to such things, though, I guess (hence why when I was free I can to ask if I could find out what was going on, and when denied I went elsewhere to work on other things *sigh*).
Ah well. As a player, I guess I'll just say it's you playing your game and making your decisions and choices which is fine. Even if I as a player prefer more ordinary RP things, not the extraordinary ones as much *wry*
It's certainly not out of the blue, Elryn's been having visions for months and months, since Glomdoring became a commune. It wasn't planned, but I did give it a lot of thought before leaving Serenwilde (while Elryn was recovering from his fit). It was the least drastic option that still had a good possibility of resolution.
Tsuki2006-03-07 11:03:23
*shrugs* If it works for you, that's something.
Verithrax2006-03-07 11:44:40
This should happen more often. Nice seeing the gods helping with RP.
And now I go preach somewhere about the dangers of fanaticism...
And now I go preach somewhere about the dangers of fanaticism...

Shamarah2006-03-07 13:18:56
That was cool. Now you should pull a 360 degree turn and join Magnagora 
Munsia's comments were hilarious.

Munsia's comments were hilarious.
Cwin2006-03-07 13:19:16
Some events allow for alot of player interaction. This, really, isn't one of them. It centered on an inner struggle between your allies and the Spirits and visions. The only deciding factor was your character's will. Once you had that decided, there wasn't much else to do but watch the show. White Hart kept away from you, the spirits painted a very cute argument (it wasn't a full lie: Serenwilde IS very fanatical and violent towards who they don't approve of. It was a twisted truth, though.)
Of course, now that you've gone neutral, I can imagine his fate will be based on the next comming events. THIS is when player interaction becomes vital. Of course, opening yourself leads to odd results, but interesting ones.
*watches as both Glomdoring and Serenwilde swarm around the poor druid, attempting to influence him like a villager*
*sits back, glad she's FAR away from the insanity in a nice city*
*rearanges her hair and sighs, realizing she's not THAT far away from it*
Of course, now that you've gone neutral, I can imagine his fate will be based on the next comming events. THIS is when player interaction becomes vital. Of course, opening yourself leads to odd results, but interesting ones.
*watches as both Glomdoring and Serenwilde swarm around the poor druid, attempting to influence him like a villager*
*sits back, glad she's FAR away from the insanity in a nice city*
*rearanges her hair and sighs, realizing she's not THAT far away from it*
Unknown2006-03-07 13:23:58
QUOTE(Cwin @ Mar 7 2006, 01:19 PM) 266689
*watches as both Glomdoring and Serenwilde swarm around the poor druid, attempting to influence him like a villager*
*sits back, glad she's FAR away from the insanity in a nice city*
*rearanges her hair and sighs, realizing she's not THAT far away from it*
Hehe, aside from the fact I'm not that important to be fought over... Glomdoring won't be coming after Elryn with anything other than a sharp blade.

Tsuki2006-03-07 13:28:03
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Mar 7 2006, 06:44 AM) 266668
And now I go preach somewhere about the dangers of fanaticism...

That's different from normal?

I need to find time to start preaching about the dangers of tolerance

Cwin2006-03-07 13:31:19
(Hartstone): Invid (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "What's the status?"
Your action causes the nearly invisible magical shield around you to fade away.
You raise your arms to the sky and shout loudly, shaking your fists. Dark clouds form overhead,
rumbling with thunder and flashing with forks of lightning.
(Hartstone): Nessa says, "Bad."

(Hartstone): Invid (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "What's the status?"
Your action causes the nearly invisible magical shield around you to fade away.
You raise your arms to the sky and shout loudly, shaking your fists. Dark clouds form overhead,
rumbling with thunder and flashing with forks of lightning.
(Hartstone): Nessa says, "Bad."

Ashteru2006-03-07 16:41:22
QUOTE(Avaer @ Mar 7 2006, 11:58 AM) 266659
It's certainly not out of the blue, Elryn's been having visions for months and months, since Glomdoring became a commune. It wasn't planned, but I did give it a lot of thought before leaving Serenwilde (while Elryn was recovering from his fit). It was the least drastic option that still had a good possibility of resolution.
Come to us...*whisper*
Murphy2006-03-07 16:44:38
QUOTE(Avaer @ Mar 7 2006, 11:23 PM) 266691
Hehe, aside from the fact I'm not that important to be fought over... Glomdoring won't be coming after Elryn with anything other than a sharp blade.

Joinn ussssss
i'll even give you lessons on how not to get your ass kicked, and you can be a geomancer and thusly become batshit insane.
Do eett
Ashteru2006-03-07 16:45:23
Nono, come to usss....we have more style. *whisperwhisper*
Verithrax2006-03-07 16:45:49
QUOTE(Tsuki @ Mar 7 2006, 10:28 AM) 266693
That's different from normal?

I need to find time to start preaching about the dangers of tolerance

Now I have the 'fanatics are all the more likely to be lead astray by liars, just look at Elryn' argument.

Xenthos2006-03-07 16:51:32
(Hartstone): Munsia (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Nope.. I stopped talking to the aspects
and Him when I got called an idiot by the White Doe."
That was fun, too.
Anyways... wow, that was a very interesting read.
and Him when I got called an idiot by the White Doe."
That was fun, too.
Anyways... wow, that was a very interesting read.