Ixion2006-03-08 16:44:08
Preface: I have an agreement with Celest that so long as I am defending against people in enemied territory, I can slay them with no chance of being re-enemied. Thoros and Telum slew ur'dead and Krangar in prime Shallach. They just ran to catacombs where I killed them both. Other than that you can read the idiocy that follows. This is come classic stuff. I hope Celest enjoys Ixion coming out of retirement.
As an aside, I don't blame Catarin too much, except for clear ignorance. All in all Catarin handled the situation more tactful that I gave her credit for, though she was trying to sound too official.
Thoros has declared you a formal enemy of the Holy Grand Duchy of New Celest.
Thoros tells you, "Enjoy."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "It appears Thoros has broken the
agreement set forth by the Star Council, Holy Grand Duchess."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "I can provide proof if my word is
not enough, though I doubt it will be necessary."
Catarin tells you, "You killed an Archangel."
Catarin tells you, "Which took 5 power from the city."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "I'll add double it back. My
actions were in pure defense."
Catarin tells you, "He and Telum initiated the attacks against you in Ethereal
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "That was the catacombs, and they
slew the leader of the Shallach ruins."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "I have the corpse that they
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "(shallach is on prime, I tracked
them into the catacombs)"
Catarin tells you, "The slaying of the angel remains. You could have walked
away. You initiated the attacks, they defended themselves, the angel was
defending her bonded."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "I have religiously obeyed your
guidelines, and to have my unenemied status revoked and then bragged about by
Thoros is rather insulting to the Star Council."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "I initiated the attacks? Just like
I initiated Telum raiding Paavik not two months ago."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "The bonded should not have me
enemied, then."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "Again, defense."
Catarin tells you, "If you killed him in Paavik that would be one thing. If you
track down and kill citizens of Celest, it's a crime against Celest. I told you
this when you were unenemied and we discussed the Catacombs. At no time did I
say you would be exempted if you killed people for hunting the Catacombs."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "Perhaps you did not hear me. I
HAVE the corpse of my kin they JUST slew."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "They were not killed for hunting
the catacombs."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "They were hunted for killing the
Keeper of the Gates on Prime, Krangar."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "And to this you DID agree to."
***inserted IH***
"knight (dead)77069" the corpse of an ur'dead knight of Shallach
"krangar (dead)46069" the corpse of Krangar, Guardian of the Gates
"garshade (dead)42581" the corpse of a shadowy garshade
"knight (dead)76968" the corpse of an ur'dead knight of Shallach
"garshade48219" a shadowy garshade
Number of objects: 5
***Done insert***
Catarin tells you, "You have also killed Thoros on Astral while he was hunting."
Catarin tells you, "You know we take the word of our citizens over outsiders.
Prove that it is a lie."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "I have the proof of what I claim
in my very hands, the corpses of Krangar and ur'knights."
Catarin tells you, "He states you attacked him on Capricorn along with Rakor."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "For one who raids as much as he, I
gave him every benefit and courtesy. He linked a multitude of goats which slew
countless of my citymates. As Capricorn is the main astral sphere for Magnagora
(likewise Taurus for Seren and Cancer for Celest) it was my duty to clear them.
Note that I first hexagrammed him to force him to see what he had done."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "I gave him a chance to leave,
about 5 minutes. He carcered in an attempt to kill me, so I continued to clear
goats and then went aggressive on him. THAT is the truth."
Catarin tells you, "He tells a different story."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "It is my respect for some of your
citizenry, such as Ekard, that gives me the patience to deal with this situation
where I am clearly in the right."
Catarin tells you, "A citizen claims you attacked him unprovoked on Astral. He
states that he was hunting Capricorn at the time, not purposefully overlinking.
And hexagram IS an attack as it does damage and gives a concussion. Our laws
state we take the word of the citizen. You killed two citizens in the catacombs.
It was not defense of your kin, it was revenge for the slaying of your kin.
Those are two different things. If someone is in the process of killing your kin
and you defend them, that is one thing. Hunting them down later is something
else altogether."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "He cannot hunt 11 goats at the
same time. (You can get a damn divine for the log for god's sake.) That is a
blatant lie."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "In addition to him not being able
to slay 11 goats, you still have failed to provide me, as per your word, the
agreement in writing."
Catarin tells you, "Interestingly enough, I am a busy person and while I am
earnest in wishing things to be clear for you, it cannot be my main focus. I am
seeing if a divine can verify your claims or disprove his. If not, I will take
his word."
***Catarin managed to get a divine, who I'll assume is Terentia, to check the logs***
***Resume code***
Catarin tells you, "My Lady has reviewed the situation and finds that you
initiated hostilities with Thoros and it does not appear that Thoros attacked
back beyond the carcer."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "So hoards of aggressive goats
linked for the sole purpose to kill Magnagorans, namely me, is not an 'initiated
hostility'? Even my blades couldn't skim the ignorance out of that claim."
Catarin tells you, "There is no evidence of the hordes of aggressive goats. You
asked for a divine to verify your story and now you dislike what They found when
investigating it."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "Astral may induce insanity but
surely I would think a Divine competant enough to see the goats present and
linked at that time."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "It is of course your prerogative
to believe whoever you want to. They were there, and in hoards. Period."
Catarin tells you, "A divine and a citizen of the city contradict you. I will
take their word over yours. Besides that, by your own admission you killed them
in the Catacombs for earlier trangressions in Shallach. As I said before, that
is not defense but revenge."
As an aside, I don't blame Catarin too much, except for clear ignorance. All in all Catarin handled the situation more tactful that I gave her credit for, though she was trying to sound too official.
Thoros has declared you a formal enemy of the Holy Grand Duchy of New Celest.
Thoros tells you, "Enjoy."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "It appears Thoros has broken the
agreement set forth by the Star Council, Holy Grand Duchess."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "I can provide proof if my word is
not enough, though I doubt it will be necessary."
Catarin tells you, "You killed an Archangel."
Catarin tells you, "Which took 5 power from the city."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "I'll add double it back. My
actions were in pure defense."
Catarin tells you, "He and Telum initiated the attacks against you in Ethereal
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "That was the catacombs, and they
slew the leader of the Shallach ruins."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "I have the corpse that they
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "(shallach is on prime, I tracked
them into the catacombs)"
Catarin tells you, "The slaying of the angel remains. You could have walked
away. You initiated the attacks, they defended themselves, the angel was
defending her bonded."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "I have religiously obeyed your
guidelines, and to have my unenemied status revoked and then bragged about by
Thoros is rather insulting to the Star Council."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "I initiated the attacks? Just like
I initiated Telum raiding Paavik not two months ago."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "The bonded should not have me
enemied, then."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "Again, defense."
Catarin tells you, "If you killed him in Paavik that would be one thing. If you
track down and kill citizens of Celest, it's a crime against Celest. I told you
this when you were unenemied and we discussed the Catacombs. At no time did I
say you would be exempted if you killed people for hunting the Catacombs."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "Perhaps you did not hear me. I
HAVE the corpse of my kin they JUST slew."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "They were not killed for hunting
the catacombs."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "They were hunted for killing the
Keeper of the Gates on Prime, Krangar."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "And to this you DID agree to."
***inserted IH***
"knight (dead)77069" the corpse of an ur'dead knight of Shallach
"krangar (dead)46069" the corpse of Krangar, Guardian of the Gates
"garshade (dead)42581" the corpse of a shadowy garshade
"knight (dead)76968" the corpse of an ur'dead knight of Shallach
"garshade48219" a shadowy garshade
Number of objects: 5
***Done insert***
Catarin tells you, "You have also killed Thoros on Astral while he was hunting."
Catarin tells you, "You know we take the word of our citizens over outsiders.
Prove that it is a lie."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "I have the proof of what I claim
in my very hands, the corpses of Krangar and ur'knights."
Catarin tells you, "He states you attacked him on Capricorn along with Rakor."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "For one who raids as much as he, I
gave him every benefit and courtesy. He linked a multitude of goats which slew
countless of my citymates. As Capricorn is the main astral sphere for Magnagora
(likewise Taurus for Seren and Cancer for Celest) it was my duty to clear them.
Note that I first hexagrammed him to force him to see what he had done."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "I gave him a chance to leave,
about 5 minutes. He carcered in an attempt to kill me, so I continued to clear
goats and then went aggressive on him. THAT is the truth."
Catarin tells you, "He tells a different story."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "It is my respect for some of your
citizenry, such as Ekard, that gives me the patience to deal with this situation
where I am clearly in the right."
Catarin tells you, "A citizen claims you attacked him unprovoked on Astral. He
states that he was hunting Capricorn at the time, not purposefully overlinking.
And hexagram IS an attack as it does damage and gives a concussion. Our laws
state we take the word of the citizen. You killed two citizens in the catacombs.
It was not defense of your kin, it was revenge for the slaying of your kin.
Those are two different things. If someone is in the process of killing your kin
and you defend them, that is one thing. Hunting them down later is something
else altogether."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "He cannot hunt 11 goats at the
same time. (You can get a damn divine for the log for god's sake.) That is a
blatant lie."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "In addition to him not being able
to slay 11 goats, you still have failed to provide me, as per your word, the
agreement in writing."
Catarin tells you, "Interestingly enough, I am a busy person and while I am
earnest in wishing things to be clear for you, it cannot be my main focus. I am
seeing if a divine can verify your claims or disprove his. If not, I will take
his word."
***Catarin managed to get a divine, who I'll assume is Terentia, to check the logs***
***Resume code***
Catarin tells you, "My Lady has reviewed the situation and finds that you
initiated hostilities with Thoros and it does not appear that Thoros attacked
back beyond the carcer."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "So hoards of aggressive goats
linked for the sole purpose to kill Magnagorans, namely me, is not an 'initiated
hostility'? Even my blades couldn't skim the ignorance out of that claim."
Catarin tells you, "There is no evidence of the hordes of aggressive goats. You
asked for a divine to verify your story and now you dislike what They found when
investigating it."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "Astral may induce insanity but
surely I would think a Divine competant enough to see the goats present and
linked at that time."
You tell Catarin Peulus, Bane of Corruption, "It is of course your prerogative
to believe whoever you want to. They were there, and in hoards. Period."
Catarin tells you, "A divine and a citizen of the city contradict you. I will
take their word over yours. Besides that, by your own admission you killed them
in the Catacombs for earlier trangressions in Shallach. As I said before, that
is not defense but revenge."
Athana2006-03-08 16:47:49
Unprovoked on Astral? haha..he was linking up a storm and even -shouted- something along the lines of "GO FORTH MY GOAT ARMY" 

Unknown2006-03-08 16:50:31
I don't know what actually happened or anything, but can I just point out that our characters don't necessarily have to be oocly reasonable and fair? I know Elryn isn't. 
I know that's not the main point you're making, but it's often overlooked.

I know that's not the main point you're making, but it's often overlooked.
Ixion2006-03-08 16:52:35
I'm well aware that they don't.
However, the Star Council, and Catarin, claim to have such as they gave me their word and expected me to do the same. Only if you boast to have even a smidgen of honor can you make such an agreement.
Edit:: A secondary issue that bothers me is Catarin's so called interaction with the divine. There were loads of goats up there. Either the divine made a mistake, was incompetant at reviewing logs, intentionally did not tell Catarin that fact (which actually makes some RP sense), or Catarin was informed but acted like it never happened.
However, the Star Council, and Catarin, claim to have such as they gave me their word and expected me to do the same. Only if you boast to have even a smidgen of honor can you make such an agreement.
Edit:: A secondary issue that bothers me is Catarin's so called interaction with the divine. There were loads of goats up there. Either the divine made a mistake, was incompetant at reviewing logs, intentionally did not tell Catarin that fact (which actually makes some RP sense), or Catarin was informed but acted like it never happened.
Unknown2006-03-08 16:57:07
Psh, and at a time you were thinking about leaving the Engine...

Ixion2006-03-08 16:59:20
With a certain event (you know who you are!) that happened just this morning, I was thinking of finally moving to celest too. There goes that plan.
Terenas2006-03-08 17:06:05
I don't know about anyone else but I enjoyed the conversation, unfortunate that Celest re-enemied you for something like that but then again Ravlok re-enemied me to Magnagora because I helped kill him outside of the city. This isn't the first time a city will enemy indiscriminately and won't be the last, just deal with it.
Unknown2006-03-08 17:07:18
I agree its kind of petty, and I'd be surprised if they really want to keep you as an enemy. 
There is an argument to be made that the Shallach ruins isn't magnagoran territory though. Not that I'm making it (I find it pretty damn close myself)... but there is latitude for their response to be justified.

There is an argument to be made that the Shallach ruins isn't magnagoran territory though. Not that I'm making it (I find it pretty damn close myself)... but there is latitude for their response to be justified.
Ialie2006-03-08 17:07:25
I hate when people say Just deal with it.
So mean and insensitive.

So mean and insensitive.

Iridiel2006-03-08 17:09:13
I am no so sure you can check how many goats had spawned at a said moment.
But I guess you could have told Catarin about the nice sarcastic tell you recived right after being enemied, as a proof of how his citimate was using enemiying just to satisfy his lust for revenge.
But I guess you could have told Catarin about the nice sarcastic tell you recived right after being enemied, as a proof of how his citimate was using enemiying just to satisfy his lust for revenge.
Terenas2006-03-08 17:10:55
QUOTE(Ialie @ Mar 8 2006, 05:07 PM) 267449
I hate when people say Just deal with it.
So mean and insensitive.

I'd have more sympathy if Magnagora didn't pull the same crap on me and Daevos just simply told me to take the enemy status.

Unknown2006-03-08 17:11:41
See, if we had documents like suggested here, you could just point to the terms of the signed agreement without facing dispute. 

Ixion2006-03-08 17:11:57
QUOTE(Avaer @ Mar 8 2006, 12:07 PM) 267448
I agree its kind of petty, and I'd be surprised if they really want to keep you as an enemy.

There is an argument to be made that the Shallach ruins isn't magnagoran territory though. Not that I'm making it (I find it pretty damn close myself)... but there is latitude for their response to be justified.
Which is -exactly- why we discussed the specific areas which would be considered defense. Defending Shallach denizens was a non-enemyable offense, period. Claiming 'oh you killed them in the catacombs as they left the local area' is simply bullcrap. Defending is more than killing- defending is also defending the livelihood and even the honor of an individual or organization.
Saran2006-03-08 17:19:39
Well, Ima gonna side with Ixion.
I mean if mag had an agreement that celests strongest fighter could defend celestia without being enemied they'd demand the ability to hunt down people who killed the inhabitants. Or something...
Anyway... does anyone actually have a log him linking up his "goat army"?
I mean if mag had an agreement that celests strongest fighter could defend celestia without being enemied they'd demand the ability to hunt down people who killed the inhabitants. Or something...

Anyway... does anyone actually have a log him linking up his "goat army"?
Amaru2006-03-08 17:28:36
QUOTE(Ixion @ Mar 8 2006, 04:59 PM) 267443
With a certain event (you know who you are!) that happened just this morning, I was thinking of finally moving to celest too. There goes that plan.

We're glad.
Ixion2006-03-08 17:32:22
QUOTE(Amaru @ Mar 8 2006, 12:28 PM) 267473

We're glad.
By 'we' you mean you, singularly.
Ekard tells you, "Ok, and im tempted to unenemy you with this comment: i want
him in Paladins! heh."
Glad we cleared that up.
Amaru2006-03-08 17:34:20
QUOTE(Ixion @ Mar 8 2006, 05:32 PM) 267477
By 'we' you mean you, singularly.
Ekard tells you, "Ok, and im tempted to unenemy you with this comment: i want
him in Paladins! heh."
Glad we cleared that up.
50/50 so far

Aiakon2006-03-08 17:46:49
I'm glad, certainly. Ixion carries a gem of ressurection in his back pocket which half belongs to Magnagora. Aiakon has had an inkling of Ixion's plans for some time.. and he was hoping that the blockheadedness of Celest would mess things up.
Amaru2006-03-08 17:54:04
QUOTE(Aiakon @ Mar 8 2006, 05:46 PM) 267487
I'm glad, certainly. Ixion carries a gem of ressurection in his back pocket which half belongs to Magnagora. Aiakon has had an inkling of Ixion's plans for some time.. and he was hoping that the blockheadedness of Celest would mess things up.
Blockheadedness, or just not wanting a long term hated enemy in our org?
Ixion2006-03-08 17:58:18
That's not a bad argument, except that Ixion hasn't done a single IC action against celest since at worst the beginning of December. Wait, that does make it a bad argument.