
by Alaskar

Back to Survival Guide.

Alaskar2006-03-11 02:54:07
Please, I need directions from the harbor or New Celest to Roberto, the giant clam, Lanikai, and I've already got the directions to the Spire. I've been searching the sea for nearly an hour now, and have found nothing other than 18 dead-ends and 5 headaches.

Directions like S, N, E, E, etc. would be appreciated alot more than "Oh, well, you wanna head South, and then east a bit, and south again, and then it's towards the northeast corner, then you go down, up, left, diaganol, etc."
Shamarah2006-03-11 03:20:25
Actually (and I know you said you don't want these kinds of directions, but meh) Lanikai's really easy to find. Just go into the shallows (one level down from the surface) and move towards the southeast until you find the kelpie shoals, then wander the shoals until you find the Hag herself.

Roberto, on the other hand, is tough to find. If you can't seem to find him, you're probably in the wrong "half" of the bottom of the sea. It's split in two parts that aren't connected to each other and Roberto is only in one of them.

Exact directions for places so far off in the Inner Sea are useless anyway, because of the currents.
Acrune2006-03-11 05:45:05
This sounds suspiciously like aquamancer novice advancements. If it is, the directions I put in the ghelp file are probably the best you're going to get. The currents make it impossible to find exact directions, and even if you could find them, the odds of someone able to follow them without having to start over from currents is near impossible. I know I have enough trouble walking to the isle of light, and its near Celest. Lanikai and Roberto are both near the opisite sides of the Inner Sea, which makes things tricky.
Alaskar2006-03-11 14:03:48
I've followed the GHELP instructions, and found nothing. They tell me Northeast corner, but when I do that and go to the icy depths, I cannot find Roberto. Or anything else, for that matter.
Ekard2006-03-11 15:05:49
Alaskar2006-03-11 17:31:01
Could you highlight the area that Roberto is in? Or Lanikai? Because I've been using that map, and I've still found nothing. Appreciate the effort Ekard, but that map is pretty much useless. For finding Roberto at least.
Shamarah2006-03-11 18:16:08
Roberto is at the "thermal vent".

And Lanikai is in the Kelpie Shoals.
Shyshaeia2006-03-11 18:53:43
My 'Guide to the Innner Sea and Area' was just published, why dont you check it out of the library and have a look. I have directions there and the exact location of Lanikai and Roberto. I hope it helps you.
Acrune2006-03-11 22:13:49
QUOTE(alaskar @ Mar 11 2006, 09:03 AM) 268807

I've followed the GHELP instructions, and found nothing. They tell me Northeast corner, but when I do that and go to the icy depths, I cannot find Roberto. Or anything else, for that matter.

Then you were just missing him. I'd guess there is about 25-30 rooms in that area.