Furien2006-03-31 20:00:31
So, recently, I decided I'd see how combat is. Wahoo, I get torn apart by demenses.
Otherwise, I've got hexes. The thing is, I need an easier way to draw/hex and draw/whammy someone without having to spell it all out. I'm manual, so a few aliases/variables would work if anyone could help me with this kind of thing. Hence why I'm a Zmud newbie. Only triggers I have are insomnia and standing...all the plants are aliases.
Summed up, I'm having trouble with getting HEX target WITH hex/WHAMMY target WITH hex to turn into a targetable sort of works. Thanks in advance?
Otherwise, I've got hexes. The thing is, I need an easier way to draw/hex and draw/whammy someone without having to spell it all out. I'm manual, so a few aliases/variables would work if anyone could help me with this kind of thing. Hence why I'm a Zmud newbie. Only triggers I have are insomnia and standing...all the plants are aliases.
Summed up, I'm having trouble with getting HEX target WITH hex/WHAMMY target WITH hex to turn into a targetable sort of works. Thanks in advance?
Mirk2006-03-31 20:03:21
edit: nevermind, stupid me
Furien2006-03-31 20:04:16
QUOTE(Mirk @ Mar 31 2006, 08:03 PM) 275156
what do you use? If you could tell us that, it would help a lot...
Topic Title?
Mirk2006-03-31 20:16:28
QUOTE(Furien @ Mar 31 2006, 02:04 PM) 275157
Topic Title?
that's why I edited and put nevermind, stupid me there two seconds afterwards
Sylphas2006-03-31 20:38:46
#CLASS {Targetting}
#AL aim {#IF (%2) {t %2;#EXE %1} {#EXE %1}}
#AL t {#IF (%1) {#VA target %1;#SA %crlf%ansi( cyan)"Targeting:" %ansi( cyan, hi)%proper( %1)
    } {#SA %ansi( cyan)Must Specify a target.}}
#VA target {} {}
#CLASS {Lists}
#VA directions {n|north|ne|northeast|e|east|se|southeast|s|south|sw|southwest|w|west|nw|northwest|u|up|d|down|in|out}
#CLASS {Skills|Hexes}
#VA hexes1 {ad|ag|am|an|as|cl|cp|dm|dz|ep|fr|gl|hl|im|ms|pa|pc|ps|px|rk|sc|sl|sn|st|vg|vm|vp|vs|wr}
#VA hexes2 {ad=addiction|ag=agoraphobia|am=amnesia|an=anorexia|as=asthma|cl=clumsy|cp=claustrophobia|dm=dementia|dz=dizzy|ep=epilepsy|fr=fear|gl=gluttony|hl=healthleech|im=impatience|ms=masochism|pa=paranoia|pc=peace|ps=paralyse|px=pox|rk=reckless|sc=scabies|sl=sleep|sn=sensitivity|st=stupidity|vg=vertigo|vm=vomiting|vp=vapors|vs=vestiphobia|wr=worms}
#ONIN {^h({@hexes1}){| (%w)}$} {#IF (%1) {aim "hex @target with @hexes2.%1" %2;#SA Hex: %upper( @hexes2.%1)} {h}}
#ONIN {^p({@hexes1}) ({@directions})$} {#IF (%1 & %2) {push hex @hexes2.%1 %2} {p}}
#ONIN {^d({@hexes1})$} {#IF (%1) {draw hex @hexes2.%1} {d}} "" {notrig}
#ONIN {^w({@hexes1}){| (%w)}$} {#IF (%1) {aim "whammy @target with @hexes2.%1" %2} {w}} "" {notrig}
#ONIN {^dw({@hexes1})({@hexes1}){| (%w)}$} {#IF (%1 & %2) {aim "doublewhammy @target with @hexes2.%1 @hexes2.%1" %3} {dw}}
That's what I use. Oninput triggers because making tons and tons of aliases is not fun. End up with things like dsl, dsl, dwslsl, for drawing two sleep hexes, then doublewhammying them. Faster than it looks, once you memorize the abbreviations, which isn't actually that hard.