Unknown2006-04-26 07:32:40
Yep, I got bored and decided to post a very real fight I had. Yes sir. Fun stuff.
(And no, I'm not attacking anyone)
Oh, and first post. Yay.
I hope this has scared you very much.
EDIT: And it has occured to me that perhpas posting a brand new topic wasn't the wisest thing to do. Flame me.
(And no, I'm not attacking anyone)
Oh, and first post. Yay.
The Scales of Justice.
Entering this room appears to supernaturally demand a sovereign
silence as a massive bronze and marble scale situated in the center
weights the rights and wrongs. Surrounding the dominant scale in the
center, are seven pillars, each one inscribed from top to bottom with
minuscule chiseled words. The entire area is the color of sand. Hope's
Defender, Lord Thoros La'Saet is here.
You see a single exit leading south.
98620h, 113456m, 95100e, 50p ex-
Summoning up your courage, you shout insults and nasty names at
Thoros. After a barrage of horrible words and particularly choice
name-calling, Thoros becomes overwhelmed by it all, doubles over and
begins to cry, painfully choking on his tears.
You have recovered equilibrium.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-pro
You feel particularly nasty today! Taking your fearsome finger, you
begin to prod Thoros mercilessly. With a final couple of pokes in the
choicest of areas, you deliver a truly horrible kick to the shin,
seating him upon the ground with his tears.
98620h, 113456m, 94750e, 50p ex-ts
You must regain equilibrium first.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-ts
You must regain equilibrium first.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-ts
You must regain equilibrium first.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-ts
You must regain equilibrium first.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
(Market): Narsrim says, "Selling corpses."
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
(Market): Richter says, "Giving away all my credits, free."
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
You have recovered equilibrium.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
Narsrim has been beaten to a pulp by Urth Bob, Instrument of the Fates.
You see the death occur at the Pool of Stars.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
The massive scales of Justice tip, weighing the crime of Urth Bob,
Instrument of the Fates.
Urth Bob, Instrument of the fates is found guilty, writing upon one of
the fifth pillars seems to vanish and reappear, and a wracked scream
can be heard from the south.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
Thoros stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-bully whack thoros
Reaching your arm as far back as it can go, you whack Thoros in the
nose. You bully! Thoros reels a bit, before falling to the ground,
flat on his back.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
(Magnagora): Terentia says, "I've defected."
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
(Magnagora): Daevos says, "Yay!"
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
Thoros stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
You have recovered equilibrium.
98620h, 113456m, 92500e, 50p ex-
Thoros leaves south.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-s
The Chamber of Life and Death.
Dread and hope seem to permeate this room as entities, almost
appearing to swirl through the crevices, decaying and renewing in a
never-ending cycle. A sharp contrast cuts through the chamber, the
left half being dominated by white marble, and the right of black. On
the left stands, of the same white marble, a statue depicting the
keeper of life, a luminous scroll in her right hand and on the left of
black marble, is imposed the harbinger of death, a wretched skull in
his left hand. Placed in the center stands a basin, the exterior of it
being formed of more black marble, and the interior of white, with
circular steps leading up to it. Peering into it you see what appears
to be continually swirling water. Hope's defender, Lord Thoros La'Saet
is here.
You see exits leading north, south, east and west.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
Thoros leaves south.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-ab bullying
You have gained the following abilities in Bullying:
Guess You're so mean that you can guess when people die.
Cowardly_intuition You can now sense when enemies are near.
Flee Start making tracks when things look bad.
Frighten Immobilize people just with your hate stares!
Lie The truth is for do-gooders, lie about
your health.
Anger Little tots making trouble? Temporarily
increase your str/con.
Insult Ruin someone's day with nasty names.
Scream Make your anger known, scream a bit.
Steal Horrible thief! Steal all the gold
someone has on-hand.
Pretend Are you afflicted? Sure aren't. Pretend
you're just fine for a while.
Whack The signature move, beat someone's nose in
just for fun.
Prod No one likes being prodded. But you like prodding.
Shield Grab something for protection.
Double Know no bounds, get another bully to help you out.
Stomp Stomp on people's toes. Must be prone or
otherwise immobile.
AB BULLYING for more information on an ability.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-do
You give a sharp whistle and one of your faithful gang-members waltzes in.
98620h, 113456m, 92500e, 50p ex-l
The Chamber of Life and Death.
Dread and hope seem to permeate this room as entities, almost
appearing to swirl through the crevices, decaying and renewing in a
never-ending cycle. A sharp contrast cuts through the chamber, the
left half being dominated by white marble, and the right of black. On
the left stands, of the same white marble, a statue depicting the
keeper of life, a luminous scroll in her right hand and on the left of
black marble, is imposed the harbinger of death, a wretched skull in
his left hand. Placed in the center stands a basin, the exterior of it
being formed of more black marble, and the interior of white, with
circular steps leading up to it. Peering into it you see what appears
to be continually swirling water. There is a mean looking Bully here.
You see exits leading north, south, east and west.
98620h, 113456m, 92500e, 50p ex-otk
You order a mean looking Bully to attack Thoros.
98620h, 113456m, 92500e, 50p ex-s
The Collector of Time.
There are six black pillars arranged in a circle, with a seventh one
in the center. Each pillar has in its center, a golden hourglass with
a seemingly endless supply of sand. If you considered yourself crazy,
you would swear that the continual waterfall of sand formed faces as
it fell, and that the floor itself shifted with each of your steps.
There are seven hourglasses here. Hope's defender, Thoros La'Saet is
here. A Celestial Archangel is here.
98620h, 113456m, 92500e, 50p ex-bully shield angel
Thinking quick, you grab a Celestial Archangel and huddle behind it for cover.
Thoros's attack is absorbed by a Celestial Archangel. Spluttering with
anger, a Celestial Archangel takes the full shock of the blow, and
collapses to the ground as a collection of blood creeps out of its
Thoros has slain a Celestial Archangel.
98620h, 113456m, 90050e, 50p ex-
You have recovered equilibrium.
98620h, 113456m, 90050e, 50p ex-fri
Arranging your face into the most terrifying of stares, you glare at
Thoros intently. Thoros lets out a squeak and stumbles back, unable to
do anything but huddle in horror.
98620h, 113456m, 90050e, 50p ex-
98620h, 113456m, 90050e, 50p ex-
You have recovered equilibrium.
98620h, 113456m, 90050e, 50p ex-
A mean looking Bully thwoks Thoros on the head.
98620h, 113456m, 90050e, 50p ex-pro
You feel particularly nasty today! Taking your fearsome finger, you
begin to prod Thoros mercilessly. With a final couple of pokes in the
choicest of areas, you deliver a truly horrible kick to the shin,
seating him upon the ground with his tears.
98620h, 113456m, 89800e, 50p ex-
Thoros seems to recover from his horror.
98620h, 113456m, 89800e, 50p ex-
You have recovered equilibrium
98620h, 113456m, 89800e, 50p ex-ts
A mean looking Bully leers at Thoros.
Summoning all your bullying might, you bring your trainers down on
Thoros's toes. Thoros howls in pain and begins to bawl, you merrily
watch as he begins to cry, rub his toes, and pass away from grief.
You're a horrible person.
You have slain Thoros
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
The corpse of a helpless child falls out of his inventory.
The corpse of a helpless child falls out of his inventory.
The corpse of a helpless child falls out of his inventory.
The corpse of a helpless child falls out of his inventory.
The corpse of an innocent puppy falls out of his inventory.
The corpse of an innocent puppy falls out of his inventory.
The corpse of an innocent puppy falls out of his inventory.
A stalk of faeleaf falls out of his inventory.
A bunch of chervil falls out of his inventory.
98620h, 113456m, 89800e, 50p ex-
You feel the scales of justice tip.
98620h, 113456m, 89800e, 50p ex-
Horrified, you feel them land on guilty.
98620h, 113456m, 89800e, 50p ex-
You feel invisible chains wrap around you, seeming to tug at your
chest. With an almighty scream your soul is brutally ripped from your
body, you watch as your lifeless body topples to the ground, and
struggle as the chains pull on you once more.
You have been slain by the Scales of Justice.
The corpse of Kethuru falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a three-headed dragon falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a black dragon falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of Largo falls out of your inventory.
0h, 113456m, 89800e, 50p ex-
As a bodiless soul, you can only watch in horror as the chains drag
you into The Chamber of Life and Death. Slowly, the harbinger of death
materializes from what you assumed to be a statue, and grips you with
a clammy hand.
With a harsh laugh and a deranged stare, he throws you into the basin.
A series of memories takes encapsulates you; vaguely you ponder what
you would've done if you had another chance. Oh well.
Abruptly, you find yourself plummeting toward the inner sea. For a
heart stopping moment you forget you are but a soul. As the waves
envelope you… darkness. You see nothing but black.
Another harsh laugh, and you feel yourself thrown to the ground.
Through a numbing sensation, you feel you have a body.
Before the Portal of Fate.
Blah blah blah.
Entering this room appears to supernaturally demand a sovereign
silence as a massive bronze and marble scale situated in the center
weights the rights and wrongs. Surrounding the dominant scale in the
center, are seven pillars, each one inscribed from top to bottom with
minuscule chiseled words. The entire area is the color of sand. Hope's
Defender, Lord Thoros La'Saet is here.
You see a single exit leading south.
98620h, 113456m, 95100e, 50p ex-
Summoning up your courage, you shout insults and nasty names at
Thoros. After a barrage of horrible words and particularly choice
name-calling, Thoros becomes overwhelmed by it all, doubles over and
begins to cry, painfully choking on his tears.
You have recovered equilibrium.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-pro
You feel particularly nasty today! Taking your fearsome finger, you
begin to prod Thoros mercilessly. With a final couple of pokes in the
choicest of areas, you deliver a truly horrible kick to the shin,
seating him upon the ground with his tears.
98620h, 113456m, 94750e, 50p ex-ts
You must regain equilibrium first.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-ts
You must regain equilibrium first.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-ts
You must regain equilibrium first.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-ts
You must regain equilibrium first.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
(Market): Narsrim says, "Selling corpses."
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
(Market): Richter says, "Giving away all my credits, free."
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
You have recovered equilibrium.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
Narsrim has been beaten to a pulp by Urth Bob, Instrument of the Fates.
You see the death occur at the Pool of Stars.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
The massive scales of Justice tip, weighing the crime of Urth Bob,
Instrument of the Fates.
Urth Bob, Instrument of the fates is found guilty, writing upon one of
the fifth pillars seems to vanish and reappear, and a wracked scream
can be heard from the south.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
Thoros stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-bully whack thoros
Reaching your arm as far back as it can go, you whack Thoros in the
nose. You bully! Thoros reels a bit, before falling to the ground,
flat on his back.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
(Magnagora): Terentia says, "I've defected."
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
(Magnagora): Daevos says, "Yay!"
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
Thoros stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
You have recovered equilibrium.
98620h, 113456m, 92500e, 50p ex-
Thoros leaves south.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-s
The Chamber of Life and Death.
Dread and hope seem to permeate this room as entities, almost
appearing to swirl through the crevices, decaying and renewing in a
never-ending cycle. A sharp contrast cuts through the chamber, the
left half being dominated by white marble, and the right of black. On
the left stands, of the same white marble, a statue depicting the
keeper of life, a luminous scroll in her right hand and on the left of
black marble, is imposed the harbinger of death, a wretched skull in
his left hand. Placed in the center stands a basin, the exterior of it
being formed of more black marble, and the interior of white, with
circular steps leading up to it. Peering into it you see what appears
to be continually swirling water. Hope's defender, Lord Thoros La'Saet
is here.
You see exits leading north, south, east and west.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-
Thoros leaves south.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-ab bullying
You have gained the following abilities in Bullying:
Guess You're so mean that you can guess when people die.
Cowardly_intuition You can now sense when enemies are near.
Flee Start making tracks when things look bad.
Frighten Immobilize people just with your hate stares!
Lie The truth is for do-gooders, lie about
your health.
Anger Little tots making trouble? Temporarily
increase your str/con.
Insult Ruin someone's day with nasty names.
Scream Make your anger known, scream a bit.
Steal Horrible thief! Steal all the gold
someone has on-hand.
Pretend Are you afflicted? Sure aren't. Pretend
you're just fine for a while.
Whack The signature move, beat someone's nose in
just for fun.
Prod No one likes being prodded. But you like prodding.
Shield Grab something for protection.
Double Know no bounds, get another bully to help you out.
Stomp Stomp on people's toes. Must be prone or
otherwise immobile.
98620h, 113456m, 94900e, 50p ex-do
You give a sharp whistle and one of your faithful gang-members waltzes in.
98620h, 113456m, 92500e, 50p ex-l
The Chamber of Life and Death.
Dread and hope seem to permeate this room as entities, almost
appearing to swirl through the crevices, decaying and renewing in a
never-ending cycle. A sharp contrast cuts through the chamber, the
left half being dominated by white marble, and the right of black. On
the left stands, of the same white marble, a statue depicting the
keeper of life, a luminous scroll in her right hand and on the left of
black marble, is imposed the harbinger of death, a wretched skull in
his left hand. Placed in the center stands a basin, the exterior of it
being formed of more black marble, and the interior of white, with
circular steps leading up to it. Peering into it you see what appears
to be continually swirling water. There is a mean looking Bully here.
You see exits leading north, south, east and west.
98620h, 113456m, 92500e, 50p ex-otk
You order a mean looking Bully to attack Thoros.
98620h, 113456m, 92500e, 50p ex-s
The Collector of Time.
There are six black pillars arranged in a circle, with a seventh one
in the center. Each pillar has in its center, a golden hourglass with
a seemingly endless supply of sand. If you considered yourself crazy,
you would swear that the continual waterfall of sand formed faces as
it fell, and that the floor itself shifted with each of your steps.
There are seven hourglasses here. Hope's defender, Thoros La'Saet is
here. A Celestial Archangel is here.
98620h, 113456m, 92500e, 50p ex-bully shield angel
Thinking quick, you grab a Celestial Archangel and huddle behind it for cover.
Thoros's attack is absorbed by a Celestial Archangel. Spluttering with
anger, a Celestial Archangel takes the full shock of the blow, and
collapses to the ground as a collection of blood creeps out of its
Thoros has slain a Celestial Archangel.
98620h, 113456m, 90050e, 50p ex-
You have recovered equilibrium.
98620h, 113456m, 90050e, 50p ex-fri
Arranging your face into the most terrifying of stares, you glare at
Thoros intently. Thoros lets out a squeak and stumbles back, unable to
do anything but huddle in horror.
98620h, 113456m, 90050e, 50p ex-
98620h, 113456m, 90050e, 50p ex-
You have recovered equilibrium.
98620h, 113456m, 90050e, 50p ex-
A mean looking Bully thwoks Thoros on the head.
98620h, 113456m, 90050e, 50p ex-pro
You feel particularly nasty today! Taking your fearsome finger, you
begin to prod Thoros mercilessly. With a final couple of pokes in the
choicest of areas, you deliver a truly horrible kick to the shin,
seating him upon the ground with his tears.
98620h, 113456m, 89800e, 50p ex-
Thoros seems to recover from his horror.
98620h, 113456m, 89800e, 50p ex-
You have recovered equilibrium
98620h, 113456m, 89800e, 50p ex-ts
A mean looking Bully leers at Thoros.
Summoning all your bullying might, you bring your trainers down on
Thoros's toes. Thoros howls in pain and begins to bawl, you merrily
watch as he begins to cry, rub his toes, and pass away from grief.
You're a horrible person.
You have slain Thoros
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
The corpse of a helpless child falls out of his inventory.
The corpse of a helpless child falls out of his inventory.
The corpse of a helpless child falls out of his inventory.
The corpse of a helpless child falls out of his inventory.
The corpse of an innocent puppy falls out of his inventory.
The corpse of an innocent puppy falls out of his inventory.
The corpse of an innocent puppy falls out of his inventory.
A stalk of faeleaf falls out of his inventory.
A bunch of chervil falls out of his inventory.
98620h, 113456m, 89800e, 50p ex-
You feel the scales of justice tip.
98620h, 113456m, 89800e, 50p ex-
Horrified, you feel them land on guilty.
98620h, 113456m, 89800e, 50p ex-
You feel invisible chains wrap around you, seeming to tug at your
chest. With an almighty scream your soul is brutally ripped from your
body, you watch as your lifeless body topples to the ground, and
struggle as the chains pull on you once more.
You have been slain by the Scales of Justice.
The corpse of Kethuru falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a three-headed dragon falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a black dragon falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of Largo falls out of your inventory.
0h, 113456m, 89800e, 50p ex-
As a bodiless soul, you can only watch in horror as the chains drag
you into The Chamber of Life and Death. Slowly, the harbinger of death
materializes from what you assumed to be a statue, and grips you with
a clammy hand.
With a harsh laugh and a deranged stare, he throws you into the basin.
A series of memories takes encapsulates you; vaguely you ponder what
you would've done if you had another chance. Oh well.
Abruptly, you find yourself plummeting toward the inner sea. For a
heart stopping moment you forget you are but a soul. As the waves
envelope you… darkness. You see nothing but black.
Another harsh laugh, and you feel yourself thrown to the ground.
Through a numbing sensation, you feel you have a body.
Before the Portal of Fate.
Blah blah blah.
I hope this has scared you very much.
EDIT: And it has occured to me that perhpas posting a brand new topic wasn't the wisest thing to do. Flame me.
Unknown2006-04-26 15:44:12
I liked it.
Bullying = overpowered.
Bullying = overpowered.
Tzekelkan2006-04-26 15:55:05
Bah, we're gonna have to wait for the next envoy reports to nerf bullying.
Btw, funny.
Btw, funny.
Shamarah2006-04-26 16:09:10

People need to make more good fake logs like that. *prod Guido*
Verithrax2006-04-27 02:54:19
Sounds fun. Let me try my hand at it.
The Chamber of Life and Death
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Prefect
of Crones, Narsrim D'cente is here.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^53e, 10p ex-ab pacifism
You have gained the following skills in Pacifism:
Whine          Make people attack you spontaneously.
Accuse          What's the point of life if you can't recriminate people?
Demagogue      Learn to lie through your teeth.
Deathsmell      Sense griefing from any plane, anywhere.
Convert        Turn someone into your abiding fanatic.
Hippyness      Like, you can't OWN Nature, man.
Soapbox        Up in your pedestal of demagogy, you're untouchable.
GuiltTrip      Make people regret killing you.
TaintCoddle    Sure they worship the the Demon Lords of Nil, but it's not their fault.
SummonFanboy    Aid shall come from the most annoying - Verithrax
ToldYouSo      Foresight works best retroactively.
Superiority    You're better than them and YOU KNOW IT
WyrdAdvocate    Sure they're crazy, but it's their RIGHT.
Arrogance      Boost your ego several orders of magnitude, as if you needed to.
Fundraising    Make loads of money by telling people about your cause.
LightDefend    Sure they're wimpy fanatics, but they're my friends.
Argue          Start an argument with someone.
WildeDefend    Sure they have a Fae fetish, but they're... er... uh... nice?
PartingShot    Walk out on a conversation and make them lose an argument.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^53e, 10p ex-arr
Raising your head high, you prepare to be an arrogant bastard.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-gt
You get ready to give anyone who kills you the guilt trip of their lives.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-soapbox
You summon a soapbox to aid you in defending against griefers.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-deathsmell
You get ready to sniff any nasty griefers who kill people.
Amaru has been torn to shreds by Syntobis. What a griefer!
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-sup
Since you're better than them, they can't touch you.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-x narsrim
You whine incessantly, telling Narsrim about how much people grief you and
about how the game is unfair. Taken by surprise, Narsrim rolls his eyes so
far he goes blind.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-
Narsrim eats a stalk of faeleaf.
Taking his grief stick, Narsrim flails wildly at you, hitting you hard and
fast. You stumble to the ground and he stomps all over you, dancing happily.
You have been slain by Narsrim.
Coming back from death by the sheer force of whinyness, you return to give
Narsrim a huge guilt trip, making him stumble away, haunted by his own crimes.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-
You have recovered equilibrium.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-
Narsrim's eyes widen in disbelief as he says, "OMG!"
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-hyp
Spouting lots of semi-mystical gibberish, you convince Narsrim's entourage
that, like, you can't OWN Nature, man. The fae disperse, just after giving
Narsrim a piece of their mind.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-
You have recovered equilibrium.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-stand on soapbox
You stand on a whining soapbox.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-argue
Talking hard and fast, you start to argue with Narsrim about peace, love and
life, changing topic frantically. After a while, he is dazed by your
argumentative abilities.
Taking his grief stick, Narsrim flails wildly at you, hitting you hard and
Your soapbox protects you from harm.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-fb
Raising your hands in the air, you summon an annoying fanboy.
You order an annoying fanboy to attack Narsrim.
An annoying fanboy widens his eyes and disbelief and snuggles Nasrim with
crushing strength.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-
You have recovered equilibrium.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-ps n
Walking away fast towards the north, you say you have to go, winning the
argument by default. As you move away, you look back to see Narsrim's head
explode in contempt.
The Chamber North of The Actual Chamber of Life and Death.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth.
You have slain Narsrim.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-s
The Chamber of Life and Death
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Talking
happily about peace and love, an annoying fanboy stands here. A soapbox is
here. The corpse of Prefect of Crones, Narsrim D'cente, has been left here.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-tys
"I TOLD YOU SO," you scream at a corpse of Narsrim, making it wither beyond
The Chamber of Life and Death
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Prefect
of Crones, Narsrim D'cente is here.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^53e, 10p ex-ab pacifism
You have gained the following skills in Pacifism:
Whine          Make people attack you spontaneously.
Accuse          What's the point of life if you can't recriminate people?
Demagogue      Learn to lie through your teeth.
Deathsmell      Sense griefing from any plane, anywhere.
Convert        Turn someone into your abiding fanatic.
Hippyness      Like, you can't OWN Nature, man.
Soapbox        Up in your pedestal of demagogy, you're untouchable.
GuiltTrip      Make people regret killing you.
TaintCoddle    Sure they worship the the Demon Lords of Nil, but it's not their fault.
SummonFanboy    Aid shall come from the most annoying - Verithrax
ToldYouSo      Foresight works best retroactively.
Superiority    You're better than them and YOU KNOW IT
WyrdAdvocate    Sure they're crazy, but it's their RIGHT.
Arrogance      Boost your ego several orders of magnitude, as if you needed to.
Fundraising    Make loads of money by telling people about your cause.
LightDefend    Sure they're wimpy fanatics, but they're my friends.
Argue          Start an argument with someone.
WildeDefend    Sure they have a Fae fetish, but they're... er... uh... nice?
PartingShot    Walk out on a conversation and make them lose an argument.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^53e, 10p ex-arr
Raising your head high, you prepare to be an arrogant bastard.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-gt
You get ready to give anyone who kills you the guilt trip of their lives.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-soapbox
You summon a soapbox to aid you in defending against griefers.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-deathsmell
You get ready to sniff any nasty griefers who kill people.
Amaru has been torn to shreds by Syntobis. What a griefer!
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-sup
Since you're better than them, they can't touch you.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-x narsrim
You whine incessantly, telling Narsrim about how much people grief you and
about how the game is unfair. Taken by surprise, Narsrim rolls his eyes so
far he goes blind.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-
Narsrim eats a stalk of faeleaf.
Taking his grief stick, Narsrim flails wildly at you, hitting you hard and
fast. You stumble to the ground and he stomps all over you, dancing happily.
You have been slain by Narsrim.
Coming back from death by the sheer force of whinyness, you return to give
Narsrim a huge guilt trip, making him stumble away, haunted by his own crimes.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-
You have recovered equilibrium.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-
Narsrim's eyes widen in disbelief as he says, "OMG!"
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-hyp
Spouting lots of semi-mystical gibberish, you convince Narsrim's entourage
that, like, you can't OWN Nature, man. The fae disperse, just after giving
Narsrim a piece of their mind.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-
You have recovered equilibrium.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-stand on soapbox
You stand on a whining soapbox.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-argue
Talking hard and fast, you start to argue with Narsrim about peace, love and
life, changing topic frantically. After a while, he is dazed by your
argumentative abilities.
Taking his grief stick, Narsrim flails wildly at you, hitting you hard and
Your soapbox protects you from harm.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-fb
Raising your hands in the air, you summon an annoying fanboy.
You order an annoying fanboy to attack Narsrim.
An annoying fanboy widens his eyes and disbelief and snuggles Nasrim with
crushing strength.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-
You have recovered equilibrium.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-ps n
Walking away fast towards the north, you say you have to go, winning the
argument by default. As you move away, you look back to see Narsrim's head
explode in contempt.
The Chamber North of The Actual Chamber of Life and Death.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth.
You have slain Narsrim.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-s
The Chamber of Life and Death
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Talking
happily about peace and love, an annoying fanboy stands here. A soapbox is
here. The corpse of Prefect of Crones, Narsrim D'cente, has been left here.
3264h, 4530m, 234x10^253e, 10p ex-tys
"I TOLD YOU SO," you scream at a corpse of Narsrim, making it wither beyond
Mirk2006-04-27 03:38:30
now you just have to do a bully vs a hippy
Arix2006-04-27 03:50:26
is there a griefer skillset?
Verithrax2006-04-27 06:18:11
Yeah. It's called hexes.