Interesting Exchange

by Shamarah

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Shamarah2006-04-28 21:12:56
Yay for politics!

Date: 4/28/2006 at 20:59
From: Admiral Shamarah, Aquatic Veradin
To : Everyone
Subj: Lisaera and the Flood.

Today, Lisaera flooded the city with a massive tidal wave from the Inner

This flood killed many citizens. Most of the victims were novices, as
they were unable to use waterwalk or waterbreathe. Many of them died
multiple times.

The flood receded several minutes later.

The logical action to any response is a counter-response. If Viravain
attacked the city, we would attack Viravain, Her shrines, and

What was the Council's response to the attack of Lisaera?

To ban the conversion of the fae in an attempt to appease her after her
'divine temper tantrum', of course!

Why is Lisaera not held responsible for Her actions?

Are we afraid of a Goddess who throws water at us? Do we cower in fear
behind our walls?

Are we afraid of being hurt, of being attacked? Does this logic, then,
say that we should not raid Nil?

Or, and here's the clincher... are we afraid that maybe, it's possible
that, Yudhe forbid, Serenwilde might not like us?!

Lisaera needs to be held responsible for her slaughter of innocent
citizens, and as patron of the Serenwilde, she is a representative of
that commune.

The council's response to this situation - an attempt to appease
Lisaera's temper - can be described in one word: Pathetic.


In service of the Light,

Penned by my hand on the 20th of Urlachmar, in the year 146 CE.
Lisaera2006-04-28 21:35:03
Just to let you all know, I actually wouldn't have done the flooding if I'd remembered there would likely be newbies in the city who would be harmed - however luckily only a handful of them died, and they even conglutinated because it was their own city, so I think the harm done, especially at their level, is justified by the fact that there was some good RP, and a situation annoying a lot of people was brought into a satisfactory avenue.

Also, as those of you paying attention in Serenwilde may have noticed, we have even more stuff going on that may or may not develop how you might think. Bwahahaha!
Penelope2006-04-28 21:39:24
As amusing as what happened a little bit ago happens to have been, I don't see how this news post is the least bit funny. It's a great post and has a great point for the citizens of Celest, but I still don't see the humour in it...though I certainly see the irony of the situation. It would be better served in the idiots section along with the other rant about the leadership of Celest.
Athana2006-04-28 21:44:28
You didn't capitalize all the "Her"s! For shame tongue.gif But kudos to you on the post, Shammy, at least someone in Celest has a backbone


we have even more stuff going on that may or may not develop how you might think. Bwahahaha!

I am both very afraid of what that may be, but at the same time greatly intrigued. secret.gif
Shamarah2006-04-28 21:45:15
Actually, I put it here because some people on Bellator wanted to see it and it was too big to paste in there.
Rakor2006-04-28 21:45:38
Lisaera is a griefer! biggrin.gif

I'll agree with Penelope though, in that it's more interesting than amusing. Sort of makes me wish I was in Celest when it happened, just to see the immediate response.
chandestri2006-04-28 21:49:29
...There was some conflict in Faethorn just before this, but chars involved can expand on that if they think this is related.


Gossamer winds whip around you suddenly as the voice of Lisaera, the Empyrean Mother reverberates, "As I remember it, warriors are supposed to be paragons of discipline, so tell Me Terentia, why is it that you cannot even stop your city from attacking its own friends? Do the mortals intimidate you, Even-Blade?"

The commanding voice of Terentia, the Even Bladed resounds across the firmament, "It has been a while since you spoke above the whispers of the forest, Lisaera. Do you truly expect Me to fall prey to such words? Mortals do not intimidate Me, nor shall they ever. It is, perhaps time, that I make My will known, however."

The deep, multi-toned voice of Elcyrion booms through the firmament, "Now now, surely we Elders are above such petty squabbles, especially since there are only so few of Us left, such things are unproductive."

Gossamer winds whip around you suddenly as the voice of Lisaera, the Empyrean Mother reverberates, "I would have no reason to criticise if Terentia would take her people in hand. Yudhe knows she would not enjoy it if I am forced to."

The commanding voice of Terentia, the Even Bladed resounds across the firmament, "You would raise force against Me, Lisaera?"

The raging winds across the Inner Sea whip up in a frenzy, throwing massive waves towards New Celest, the sea water flooding vast sections of the city as it slams into the buildings of the city and surges through the streets.

The deep, multi-toned voice of Elcyrion booms through the firmament, "Now now, let's not do anything rash!"

Strifeon has drowned.
Strifeon has been suffocated by Strifeon.
Sheia has drowned.
Zarek has drowned.
Sheia has been choked to death by Sheia.
Zarek has been suffocated by Zarek.
Strifeon has drowned.
Strifeon has been suffocated by Strifeon.
Tobais has drowned.
Tobais has been choked to death by Tobais.
Sheia has drowned.
Strifeon has drowned.
Sheia has been choked to death by Sheia.
Strifeon has been suffocated by Strifeon.
Tobais has drowned.

The commanding voice of Terentia, the Even Bladed resounds across the firmament, "Lisaera! What have you done!"

Tobais has been suffocated by Tobais.
Strifeon has drowned.
Strifeon has been choked to death by Strifeon.
Tobais has been suffocated by Tobais.

The waters flooding New Celest spill back into the Inner Sea.

Gossamer winds whip around you suddenly as the voice of Lisaera, the Empyrean Mother reverberates, "I think My point is aptly demonstrated."

The commanding voice of Terentia, the Even Bladed resounds across the firmament, "So shall it be, Lisaera."

The deep, multi-toned voice of Elcyrion booms through the firmament, "Such a pointless waste of life, do not let this escalate, it is pointless. Warring on one another is unproductive!"

The cold, compassionless voice of Fain, of the Red Masque knifes through the ether, "How very fiesty, Wench. I feel the stirring in My loins reminding Me of ages past. The taint of the bastard scum that twisted Your mind shall soon be purged amidst a torrent of death."

Gossamer winds whip around you suddenly as the voice of Lisaera, the Empyrean Mother reverberates, "Hardly, I don't trouble Myself with children. I only direct you to put your toys in their rightful places, or I shall tidy them all away like a good Mother."

The commanding voice of Terentia, the Even Bladed resounds across the firmament, "You never were one to regard toys very well. You did disregard your last. Sending it to the Void was one of the wisest things done."

Gossamer winds whip around you suddenly as the voice of Lisaera, the Empyrean Mother reverberates, "Aye, it's a nice place to put unwanted rubbish. You might want to bear in mind that there is yet plenty of space out there."

The deep, multi-toned voice of Elcyrion booms through the firmament, "Let's not do anything drastic that we will regret later, this will all end in tears that way."

The unearthly voice of Viravain whispers upon the ether, "Now, now - you should not be so quick to threaten her toys over negligence, of all things. After all, Terentia has clearly put all of Her toys neatly into place - they are doing exactly as She wishes them to do."

The commanding voice of Terentia, the Even Bladed resounds across the firmament, "Twisted words from a darkened forest, Viravain. Do not think to know My decrees or intentions, lest I show them to you more clearly."

The unearthly voice of Viravain whispers upon the ether, "I see your intentions as clear as crystal. You have no depth, which even Meridian could clearly see. Why else would he reject You so often?"

The commanding voice of Terentia, the Even Bladed resounds across the firmament, "...Do not speak His name again, Viravain. You no longer hold the worth to try."

The unearthly voice of Viravain whispers upon the ether, "Nothing better than to tell Me to quiet My tongue? How...sad....does the Truth sting you so badly? Or does remembering He would never have You hurt so much more?"

The deep, multi-toned voice of Elcyrion booms through the firmament, "Viravain, is this truly necessary? What do you possibly hope to gain by angering Terentia?"

Gossamer winds whip around you suddenly as the voice of Lisaera, the Empyrean Mother reverberates, "Perhaps you doubt My sincerity, Terentia. I find that foolish given My history and My willingness to show you little ones where your place is when necessary, but after all, some Gods have longer memories than others."

Gossamer winds whip around you suddenly as the voice of Lisaera, the Empyrean Mother reverberates, "Oh, My dear Fain, are you lonely? Perhaps you should visit your right hand, you always were good at that. If you tire of playing alone perhaps Raezon will even comfort you, if you ask nicely."

The unearthly voice of Viravain whispers upon the ether, "We are all aware of how Fain must play alone for lack of anyone else being near willing. For the time, however, there seems to be something more interesting than Him, Silver Goddess, perhaps you'll care to see."

The winds rush audibly as Elcyrion sighs deeply.

The deep, multi-toned voice of Elcyrion booms through the firmament, "Is this really necessary?"


Interesting Stuff!!!
OOC I hope all those drown victims didn't lose much if anything at all wacko.gif
Shamarah2006-04-28 21:53:56
I don't intend to respond to any threads regarding the Faethorn controversy until it's resolved. I'd prefer to keep this all IC.
Penelope2006-04-28 21:54:45
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Apr 28 2006, 05:53 PM) 283389

I don't intend to respond to any threads regarding the Faethorn controversy until it's resolved. I'd prefer to keep this all IC.

You just responded to this one. glare.gif
Shamarah2006-04-28 21:55:47
QUOTE(Penelope @ Apr 28 2006, 05:54 PM) 283390

You just responded to this one. glare.gif

Quiet j00.

Obviously I meant I won't respond with any actual content.
Hazar2006-04-28 21:58:02
OMG! I'm responding to the thread! I'm such a spoiler! ohmy.gif

That said, let's keep quiet on this for now.
chandestri2006-04-28 22:00:05
QUOTE(Hazar @ Apr 28 2006, 10:58 PM) 283392

OMG! I'm responding to the thread! I'm such a spoiler! ohmy.gif

That said, let's keep quiet on this for now.

I agree, wouldn't mind if it was locked down pretty soon myself.
Lisaera2006-04-28 22:07:21
Umm... that log had a load of stuff in totally the wrong order. Everything from

Gossamer winds whip around you suddenly as the voice of Lisaera, the Empyrean Mother reverberates, "Hardly, I don't trouble Myself with children. I only direct you to put your toys in their rightful places, or I shall tidy them all away like a good Mother."


Gossamer winds whip around you suddenly as the voice of Lisaera, the Empyrean Mother reverberates, "Perhaps you doubt My sincerity, Terentia. I find that foolish given My history and My willingness to show you little ones where your place is when necessary, but after all, some Gods have longer memories than others."

was BEFORE the tidal wave.
Arix2006-04-28 22:08:43
Torch the forests!
chandestri2006-04-28 22:09:28
YAY! Topic totally hijacked by Shamarah?

blackeye.gif ranting.gif explode.gif
Hazar2006-04-28 22:11:47

Please lock.
Unknown2006-04-28 22:12:59
Mention of divine masturbation, eh...?

I smell a new brew for alchemists.
Unknown2006-04-28 22:14:51
Make love, not war!