Osheri2006-05-18 04:04:20
How can i make it so my macro changes depending on the dispostion of the target? Currenly i have it to when i analyze a target and get the dispostion it put it in a variable
#ALIAS idis {#var idis %1}
#VAR idis {friendly}
#TRIGGER {displays a friendly disposition} {idis friendly}
i have it like that for all the dispostions, now i want to be able to use ctrl+1, ctrl +2, and ctrl+3 as my macros for influencing
Ie: Friendly Dispostion : Ctrl+1 (influence (mob) with begging), Ctrl+2 (influence (mob) with Supplication) Ctrl+3 (influence (mob) with Wheedling
Intimidating disposition : Ctrl+1 (influence (mod) with rumors), Ctrl+2 (Influence (mob) with distrust, Ctrl+3 (Influence (mob) with Conspiracies
i just dont know how to get the macro to change depending on the Disposition, or if it is even possible! Thanks ahead of time!
#ALIAS idis {#var idis %1}
#VAR idis {friendly}
#TRIGGER {displays a friendly disposition} {idis friendly}
i have it like that for all the dispostions, now i want to be able to use ctrl+1, ctrl +2, and ctrl+3 as my macros for influencing
Ie: Friendly Dispostion : Ctrl+1 (influence (mob) with begging), Ctrl+2 (influence (mob) with Supplication) Ctrl+3 (influence (mob) with Wheedling
Intimidating disposition : Ctrl+1 (influence (mod) with rumors), Ctrl+2 (Influence (mob) with distrust, Ctrl+3 (Influence (mob) with Conspiracies
i just dont know how to get the macro to change depending on the Disposition, or if it is even possible! Thanks ahead of time!
Daganev2006-05-18 04:21:24
put Begging, Rumors etch in a variable called, maybed InfluenceStage1 (for a long name).
Then based on if its friendly or not, have it set InfluenceStage1 to either 1 2 or 3, (or how ever many types you want to do.. I think its 5 types max)
then in Cntrl1 have.. If influencestage1 = 1 then do begging.
hmm, odd I changed my method mid typing.. *boggle*....
You can either do it with a stringlist, or you can do it with if statemetns in your Macro.
Then based on if its friendly or not, have it set InfluenceStage1 to either 1 2 or 3, (or how ever many types you want to do.. I think its 5 types max)
then in Cntrl1 have.. If influencestage1 = 1 then do begging.
hmm, odd I changed my method mid typing.. *boggle*....
You can either do it with a stringlist, or you can do it with if statemetns in your Macro.
Osheri2006-05-18 05:34:13
I am not familiar with if statements could you give me an example?
i tried this, didnt work at all
  #if {@idis=1 influence @itar with begging}
  #if {@idis=2 Influence @itar with rumors}
  #if {@idis=3 Influence @itar with Flattery}
  #if {@idis=4 Influence @itar with Teasing}
  #if {@idis=5 influence @itar with Compliments}
something im doing wrong?
i tried this, didnt work at all
  #if {@idis=1 influence @itar with begging}
  #if {@idis=2 Influence @itar with rumors}
  #if {@idis=3 Influence @itar with Flattery}
  #if {@idis=4 Influence @itar with Teasing}
  #if {@idis=5 influence @itar with Compliments}
something im doing wrong?
Acrune2006-05-18 19:47:22
#if {@idis=1} {influence @itar with begging} will give you better results, I think. Not sure what you're using to play, but typically conditions and actions aren't in the same {}
Shorlen2006-05-18 19:47:51
QUOTE(Osheri @ May 18 2006, 01:34 AM) 289295
I am not familiar with if statements could you give me an example?
  #if (@idis=1) {influence @itar with begging}
  #if (@idis=2) {Influence @itar with rumors}
  #if (@idis=3) {Influence @itar with Flattery}
  #if (@idis=4) {Influence @itar with Teasing}
  #if (@idis=5) {influence @itar with Compliments}
Try that. That's the zMUD code for what you're trying to do, assuming you are setting idis to 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 based on what type of influencing you are trying to perform.
Daganev2006-05-18 19:49:49
This is a really good idea by the way, I should do this
same my fingers from lots of pain.
same my fingers from lots of pain.
Daganev2006-05-18 19:51:10
This is a really good idea by the way, I should do this
same my fingers from lots of pain.
same my fingers from lots of pain.
Osheri2006-05-18 22:11:14
Thanks for the help guys! i havent been able to try it yet, as i am at work, but i will when i get home. If it works i post it for anyone who wants to use it
Shorlen2006-05-18 22:34:23
This will technically run faster, not that it has to, though it's harder to read:
  #if (@idis=1) {influence @itar with begging}
  {#if (@idis=2) {Influence @itar with rumors}
  {#if (@idis=3) {Influence @itar with Flattery}
  {#if (@idis=4) {Influence @itar with Teasing}
  {#if (@idis=5) {influence @itar with Compliments}}}}}
The syntax for #if in zMUD is:
#if () {} {}
Note there are parentheses around the expression and curly thingies around the statements to execute if true/false.
  #if (@idis=1) {influence @itar with begging}
  {#if (@idis=2) {Influence @itar with rumors}
  {#if (@idis=3) {Influence @itar with Flattery}
  {#if (@idis=4) {Influence @itar with Teasing}
  {#if (@idis=5) {influence @itar with Compliments}}}}}
The syntax for #if in zMUD is:
#if (
Note there are parentheses around the expression and curly thingies around the statements to execute if true/false.
Asarnil2006-05-19 04:21:19
Osheri read that. It would be quite easy to take the script I shared there and just add a few triggers to automatically target the mobs with the right type of influencing to make it easiest for yourself.
Osheri read that. It would be quite easy to take the script I shared there and just add a few triggers to automatically target the mobs with the right type of influencing to make it easiest for yourself.
Osheri2006-05-19 08:23:32
Well i got it to work thanks Everyone! heres the script if anyone want to use it.. also included is the auto target the Named mobs in Estelbar, Shanthmark, Rockholm, and Stewertsville, ANA will analyze the target and set the disposition, then all you have to di it ALT+1, ALT+2, and ALT+3 and it will use the best influeneing for the disposition
#CLASS {Influencing}
#ALIAS idis {#var idis %1}
#ALIAS itar {#var itar %1}
#ALIAS ana {analyze @itar}
#VAR itar {miakoda}
#VAR idis {1} {}
#TRIGGER {displays a friendly disposition} {idis 1}
#TRIGGER {Bessie Blande} {itar bessie}
#TRIGGER {Albert Dimple} {itar albert}
#TRIGGER {Montgomery Estenborough} {itar montgomery}
#TRIGGER {Fennela Estenborough} {itar Fennela}
#TRIGGER {Ujana Diamondclaw} {itar ujana}
#TRIGGER {Morachi Proudpaw} {itar morachi}
#TRIGGER {Gazali Swiftpad} {itar gazali}
#TRIGGER {Gimbya Sharpclaw} {itar gimbya}
#TRIGGER {Taji Swiftpad} {itar taji}
#TRIGGER {Swiftpad prowls} {itar taji}
#TRIGGER {Odongo Strongheart} {itar odongo}
#TRIGGER {Chiku Swiftpad} {itar chiku}
#TRIGGER {Adaeze Longtooth} {itar Adaeze}
#TRIGGER {Zareb Boldleaper} {itar zareb}
#TRIGGER {Wiciwen Falgirn} {itar wiciwen}
#TRIGGER {possesses an intimidating demeanor} {idis 2}
#TRIGGER {Thoril Falgirn} {itar thoril}
#TRIGGER {is a greedy bugger} {idis 4}
#TRIGGER {Grianna Cleaver} {itar grianna}
#TRIGGER {Drulda Werdottir} {itar drulda}
#TRIGGER {an extremely sensuous disposition} {idis 3}
#TRIGGER {Gosil Glamson} {itar gosil}
#TRIGGER {Lloyd Brown} {itar lloyd}
#TRIGGER {Dirk Hodgkinson} {itar dirk}
#TRIGGER {Giles Wainwright} {itar giles}
#TRIGGER {Nell Wainwright} {itar nell}
#TRIGGER {Winnie Wainwright} {itar winnie}
#TRIGGER {Butch Duncan} {itar butch}
#TRIGGER {Gretchen Nickleby} {itar gretchen}
#TRIGGER {Norton Nickleby} {itar norton}
#TRIGGER {Archibald Prescott} {itar prescott}
#TRIGGER {Countess Cecelia} {itar cecelia}
#TRIGGER {Rickatee Talltail leans} {itar rickatee}
#TRIGGER {Teenie Springle sits} {itar teenie}
#TRIGGER {Sandy Sawtooth works} {itar sandy}
#TRIGGER {Tomtom Hardshell} {itar tomtom}
#TRIGGER {Delatini Pufftail} {itar delatini}
#TRIGGER {has a brave soul} {idis 5}
#TRIGGER {Roundmuffin stands here} {itar deb}
#TRIGGER {Chik Roundmuffin is here,} {itar chik}
#TRIGGER {Yojimbo Buntz stands behind} {itar yojimbo}
#KEY ALT-` {drink bromides}
#KEY ALT-1 {
  #if {@idis=1} {influence @itar with begging}
  #if {@idis=2} {influence @itar with Rumours}
  #if {@idis=3} {Influence @itar with Flattery}
  #if {@idis=4} {Influence @itar with Teasing}
  #if {@idis=5} {influence @itar with Compliments}
#KEY ALT-2 {
  #if {@idis=1} {INFLUENCE @itar WITH SUPPLICATION}
  #if {@idis=2} {INFLUENCE @itar WITH Distrust}
  #if {@idis=3} {INFLUENCE @itar WITH Charm}
  #if {@idis=4} {INFLUENCE @itar WITH Mockery}
  #if {@idis=5} {INFLUENCE @itar WITH Admiration}
#KEY ALT-3 {
  #if {@idis=1} {INFLUENCE @itar WITH Wheedling}
  #if {@idis=2} {INFLUENCE @itar WITH Conspiracies}
  #if {@idis=3} {INFLUENCE @itar WITH Beguiling}
  #if {@idis=4} {INFLUENCE @itar WITH Derision}
  #if {@idis=5} {INFLUENCE @itar WITH Praise}
#CLASS {Influencing}
#ALIAS idis {#var idis %1}
#ALIAS itar {#var itar %1}
#ALIAS ana {analyze @itar}
#VAR itar {miakoda}
#VAR idis {1} {}
#TRIGGER {displays a friendly disposition} {idis 1}
#TRIGGER {Bessie Blande} {itar bessie}
#TRIGGER {Albert Dimple} {itar albert}
#TRIGGER {Montgomery Estenborough} {itar montgomery}
#TRIGGER {Fennela Estenborough} {itar Fennela}
#TRIGGER {Ujana Diamondclaw} {itar ujana}
#TRIGGER {Morachi Proudpaw} {itar morachi}
#TRIGGER {Gazali Swiftpad} {itar gazali}
#TRIGGER {Gimbya Sharpclaw} {itar gimbya}
#TRIGGER {Taji Swiftpad} {itar taji}
#TRIGGER {Swiftpad prowls} {itar taji}
#TRIGGER {Odongo Strongheart} {itar odongo}
#TRIGGER {Chiku Swiftpad} {itar chiku}
#TRIGGER {Adaeze Longtooth} {itar Adaeze}
#TRIGGER {Zareb Boldleaper} {itar zareb}
#TRIGGER {Wiciwen Falgirn} {itar wiciwen}
#TRIGGER {possesses an intimidating demeanor} {idis 2}
#TRIGGER {Thoril Falgirn} {itar thoril}
#TRIGGER {is a greedy bugger} {idis 4}
#TRIGGER {Grianna Cleaver} {itar grianna}
#TRIGGER {Drulda Werdottir} {itar drulda}
#TRIGGER {an extremely sensuous disposition} {idis 3}
#TRIGGER {Gosil Glamson} {itar gosil}
#TRIGGER {Lloyd Brown} {itar lloyd}
#TRIGGER {Dirk Hodgkinson} {itar dirk}
#TRIGGER {Giles Wainwright} {itar giles}
#TRIGGER {Nell Wainwright} {itar nell}
#TRIGGER {Winnie Wainwright} {itar winnie}
#TRIGGER {Butch Duncan} {itar butch}
#TRIGGER {Gretchen Nickleby} {itar gretchen}
#TRIGGER {Norton Nickleby} {itar norton}
#TRIGGER {Archibald Prescott} {itar prescott}
#TRIGGER {Countess Cecelia} {itar cecelia}
#TRIGGER {Rickatee Talltail leans} {itar rickatee}
#TRIGGER {Teenie Springle sits} {itar teenie}
#TRIGGER {Sandy Sawtooth works} {itar sandy}
#TRIGGER {Tomtom Hardshell} {itar tomtom}
#TRIGGER {Delatini Pufftail} {itar delatini}
#TRIGGER {has a brave soul} {idis 5}
#TRIGGER {Roundmuffin stands here} {itar deb}
#TRIGGER {Chik Roundmuffin is here,} {itar chik}
#TRIGGER {Yojimbo Buntz stands behind} {itar yojimbo}
#KEY ALT-` {drink bromides}
#KEY ALT-1 {
  #if {@idis=1} {influence @itar with begging}
  #if {@idis=2} {influence @itar with Rumours}
  #if {@idis=3} {Influence @itar with Flattery}
  #if {@idis=4} {Influence @itar with Teasing}
  #if {@idis=5} {influence @itar with Compliments}
#KEY ALT-2 {
  #if {@idis=1} {INFLUENCE @itar WITH SUPPLICATION}
  #if {@idis=2} {INFLUENCE @itar WITH Distrust}
  #if {@idis=3} {INFLUENCE @itar WITH Charm}
  #if {@idis=4} {INFLUENCE @itar WITH Mockery}
  #if {@idis=5} {INFLUENCE @itar WITH Admiration}
#KEY ALT-3 {
  #if {@idis=1} {INFLUENCE @itar WITH Wheedling}
  #if {@idis=2} {INFLUENCE @itar WITH Conspiracies}
  #if {@idis=3} {INFLUENCE @itar WITH Beguiling}
  #if {@idis=4} {INFLUENCE @itar WITH Derision}
  #if {@idis=5} {INFLUENCE @itar WITH Praise}