MUSHclient Timestamp

by Unknown

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Unknown2006-05-27 21:40:34
I was wondering if it is possible to add a timestamp to the prompt with MUSHclient? I thought I'd found the syntax, but it doesn't seem to work for me.
Unknown2006-05-28 22:13:52
Unknown2006-05-29 06:01:32
I've asked on the MUSHclient forums about this and gotten a negative answer from Nick Gammon. Has something to do with the fact that triggers fire after the text has already been written to the screen. The only way you could do it is to make a trigger than omits the prompt from output and calls a script subroutine that colournotes the prompt plus timestamp. If you still want details... I could supply them.
Unknown2006-05-29 13:51:50
Ask administration for server-side timestamps available for prompt. Do it nicely, and it might just happen! smile.gif
Unknown2006-05-29 18:12:59
Actually, you can achieve this by using the OnPluginPartialLine()-function.
Unknown2006-11-17 01:35:19
Not that anyone really care, but I did just workout how to do something rather similar. It's a modified version of a script Nick made. It triggers off of a full prompt (but you can modify the regexp_match ENTITY to match whatever you use. Then you just need a similar trigger that matches your prompt and gags it.

This one doesn't actually print a timestamp, but could easily be modified to do so. It stamps, on the same line, any changes to your health, mana, ego, endurance, and willpower. You should be abel to tell how much power you're using. I find it useful while bashing to be able to tell how much I'm taking each hit and mentally average it.

The only downside is that it strips the normal colouring from your prompt, so I have IF statements that roughly follow what you're used to. You should adjust the red and yellow portions to suit your needs.


   author="Nick Gammon"
   purpose="Updates the status bar from the prompt"
   date_written="2004-02-13 16:41:24"