Reincarnation Advice

by Unknown

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Unknown2006-06-16 10:44:16
I made a trill character when I started, and about 90% of the reason was flying...but very recently I learned the first skill in nihilism gives you wings regardless, so I'm looking for a better race (as you probably guessed, I'm a nihilist).

Right now I have my eye on 4, for various reasons
Lucidian, because of the outside health/mana regen and reasonable con, and I'm in a clan that's lucidian/trill only as far as I know
Human, because of the faster exp (and I'm banking on some nice stat increases past level 50)
Mugwump, because of the 1 higher int and the faster equilibrium recovery
Viscanti, because I'm in magnagora and I can get 1 more int while keeping a reasonable con (the elixers are an issue though...a big one)

So, any advice would be greatly appreciated. I only have one reincarnation and don't feel like starting over, so I'd like to get it right.
Unknown2006-06-16 10:59:30
For pvp, mugwump or aslaran (if you've taken Tarot). Speed race is almost a requirement in Nihilist combat.
For bashing, human or mugwump (lucidian shouldn't be bad too).
Unknown2006-06-16 11:06:23
Cross off Aslaran if you took hexes or astrology, for those two it's pretty much down to Mugwump or Human maybe.
Unknown2006-06-16 20:29:21
I took hexes...I'm just worried that the mugwump's low con will be a problem when I'm getting hit (or while bashing), or I'd go ahead and choose it.
Unknown2006-06-16 20:33:43
I don't really have much advice, but I just want to do this real quick to protect you:

Verithrax, I think you're an expert on the subject, and would welcome your opinion.

There ya go.

Mugwump is the traditional "uber" guardian/wiccan/mage race, but they are definitely squishy. Human is a good choice if you enjoy bashing, and even later on in PvP, since their stats become quite insane.

But it really all depends on what you plan to do.
Unknown2006-06-17 09:55:39
I went with mugwump
Unknown2006-06-17 10:14:36
QUOTE(Zededarian @ Jun 16 2006, 11:55 PM) 299206

I went with mugwump

Good choice my man, I spend the majority of my time as a Mugwump.

I actually prefer to bash as a Mugwump. I kill things faster so the low constitution doesn't come into play really.
Narses2006-06-17 17:22:27
I still feel it's negotiable. I find Aslaran Nihilists far better than Mugwumps. And some preffer being tanky as Guardians. But still, Mugwumps are insane tongue.gif have fun
Verithrax2006-06-17 17:46:01
QUOTE(Fallen @ Jun 16 2006, 05:33 PM) 298913

Verithrax, I think you're an expert on the subject, and would welcome your opinion.

Fallen, I wasn't even going to post, but since you've gone out of your way to be a jerk (Well, not out of your way, but still...)

Personally I think picking races based on which one is more overpowered is silly and pointless, but that's me. I don't have anything against people switching races or skills for combat reasons, I just can't stand the people who come ask 'lol axelord is teh suck which one is overpowered right now' in the forums because those people are teh suck.

Personally, for PvP, go with Mugwump or Lucidian. For hunting, Viscanti or Human. But I personally would rather have you pick a race based on what you want to play, not on what is currently perceived as the best race for your class (Even though picking one of the big/dumb races is just stupid, unless you're thinking a fast bal race with Tarot). Oh, and if you go human and switch races again when you reach level 80, I'm coming after you.
Unknown2006-06-17 18:00:04
QUOTE(Narses @ Jun 17 2006, 05:22 PM) 299292

I still feel it's negotiable. I find Aslaran Nihilists far better than Mugwumps. And some preffer being tanky as Guardians. But still, Mugwumps are insane tongue.gif have fun

Depends whether you prefer hexes or tarot, really. Overall the Mugwump is the better choice because necromancy and nihilism are also equilibrium-heavy.

QUOTE(Verithrax @ Jun 17 2006, 05:46 PM) 299299
Personally, for PvP, go with Mugwump or Lucidian. For hunting, Viscanti or Human. But I personally would rather have you pick a race based on what you want to play, not on what is currently perceived as the best race for your class (Even though picking one of the big/dumb races is just stupid, unless you're thinking a fast bal race with Tarot). Oh, and if you go human and switch races again when you reach level 80, I'm coming after you.

Viscanti? They're alright for bashing in tainted areas, but the sip penalty can be a killer and the low int can be annoying; it's decent, though the other spec races are all better.

Amen to the human comment, though.
Ashteru2006-06-17 18:30:38
After you reach 80 with a human you'd be dumb to are as good as all other races at that point, at 85/90 you'll beat specced races..
Verithrax2006-06-17 19:05:36
QUOTE(Temporary_Guido @ Jun 17 2006, 03:00 PM) 299305

Depends whether you prefer hexes or tarot, really. Overall the Mugwump is the better choice because necromancy and nihilism are also equilibrium-heavy.
Viscanti? They're alright for bashing in tainted areas, but the sip penalty can be a killer and the low int can be annoying; it's decent, though the other spec races are all better.

Amen to the human comment, though.

Yeah, but the main bashing area for Nihilists during most of the time is Spectre island and Earth, both of which are Tainted... And you can always bring a Geo along. tongue.gif
Unknown2006-06-17 22:33:45
For PvP... go changeling, no one can argue that.
Tervic2006-06-18 03:15:08
QUOTE(Anonymous @ Jun 17 2006, 03:33 PM) 299388
For PvP... go changeling, no one can argue that.

Only people who are too poor to afford a cameo.... crying.gif
Unknown2006-06-18 20:35:12
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Jun 17 2006, 03:05 PM) 299319

Yeah, but the main bashing area for Nihilists during most of the time is Spectre island and Earth, both of which are Tainted... And you can always bring a Geo along. tongue.gif

Earth and Spectre Island are also awesome hunting grounds, if you aren't around lvl 50-60 before you graduate from novice hood, then you weren't trying at all.
Unknown2006-06-20 10:14:56
This is what a level 92 Aslaran looks like.

Health : 5766/5766     Endurance : 20180/20180
  Mana   : 2995/3020     Willpower : 18171/21560
  Ego    : 4532/4532

Strength     : 15(+3 Flex/Geburah)   Dexterity : 16  Constitution : 13(+1 Weathering)
  Intelligence : 14   Size      :  9(Shrunk)  Charisma     : 14(+1 Netzach)

With 260 speed battle hammers i'm looking at like.. 2 second combos. It's so wicked it isn't even funny. sleep.gif
Ashteru2006-06-20 11:56:35
Weren't you saying you'd stick to Igasho? blink.gif
Unknown2006-06-20 12:55:29
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Jun 20 2006, 11:56 AM) 300247

Weren't you saying you'd stick to Igasho? blink.gif

Murphy broke me.

Jahan2006-07-06 21:22:54
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Jun 17 2006, 05:46 PM) 299299

Oh, and if you go human and switch races again when you reach level 80, I'm coming after you.

Why would you switch out at 80? Its those later levels that you'll really feel the xp advantage and evolution stats. Hell, I'd say stay with a race that has damage reducing advantages until 80 and then switch to human if you're going to do that.