Unknown2006-07-22 16:43:46
I was wondering what archtype is better for bashing and pvping gaurdians or mages, specifically Celestines or Aquamancers. Im awaiting approval to join Celest, (I used to be a mag geomancer) and Ive heard alot of good things about guardians. Im not quite sure about them though, any advice would be greatly appreciated!! 

Rauros2006-07-22 19:31:18
Aquamancers are the way to go as far as bashing is concerned. I doubt you'll see much argument on that.
Trakis2006-07-22 19:34:44
Mages are better than guardians at bashing - especially if you choose telekinesis as your specialization skill.
Guardians are a lot of fun, but they have a weaker bashing skill, and it's probably harder to be a good guardian fighter than to be a good mage fighter.
If you want the best combination of bashing and combat, I'd choose Aqua.
Guardians are a lot of fun, but they have a weaker bashing skill, and it's probably harder to be a good guardian fighter than to be a good mage fighter.
If you want the best combination of bashing and combat, I'd choose Aqua.
Ethelon2006-07-23 01:39:38
Aquamancers all the way. They also have their staff which heals them real nice.
Sylphas2006-07-23 01:55:33
Telekinetic Faeling Aquamancer bashing ftw! Very tanky against mobs, and twirl staff is very nice.
Clise2006-07-23 02:12:51
Actually Imperial Merian Aquamancer with telekinesis. You have 18 int and 17 cha I believe and works better than faeling since you do more damage too.
Sylphas2006-07-23 03:09:38
Merian have that much charisma?
Even then, I'd prefer faeling. The sip bonus makes them far tankier than they look, except to massive burst damage.
Even then, I'd prefer faeling. The sip bonus makes them far tankier than they look, except to massive burst damage.
Forren2006-07-23 03:33:55
I forgot about the sip bonus. Merian aquamancers are extremely nice. I have 20 int and 18 cha with karma blessings for int and cha and a throne. I love it. Bashing is just plain groovy.
EDIT: Groovy with forcefield, in telekinesis. Don't burn out though.
EDIT: Groovy with forcefield, in telekinesis. Don't burn out though.
Acrune2006-07-25 03:07:24
Yeah, merian Aquamancer all the way. Reflections, forcefield, huge damage in bashing, its the way to go. Cosmic fire takes about twice as long to kill things, and you actually have to use health instead of ego when bashing