influence triggers

by Phoebe

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Phoebe2006-08-02 00:41:21
err HELP! whats the best way i could do triggers for mush client i havent the slightest idea should i go triggers and do the half autobash kindof thing or keybind?
Phoebe2006-08-02 20:14:04
please somebody help me all i need is what should i use triggers or keybindings for influencing if its triggers help me with how to?
Forren2006-08-02 20:30:42
Just make aliases. I have aliases for a few different influence modes.

beg1, beg2, beg3 are aliases for begging, supplication, and wheedling for me. Just have a target variable and have it reference the target. Works well for me. No need for triggers, just rotate.
Natarm2006-08-02 21:13:50
Alternatively, if you were trying to speed the process, you could set the "You regain equillibrium" message to trigger, scan through a list of aliases, and pick the next one in sequence. Though I think that would qualify as autobashing, and get you shrubbed.

*shrug* Manual influencing FTW smile.gif
Phoebe2006-08-02 21:30:52
actuley aslong as you initiate it it doesent include auto bashing and could you explain how i would do this stuff?
Richter2006-08-02 22:42:14
QUOTE(Natarm @ Aug 2 2006, 02:13 PM) 314138

Alternatively, if you were trying to speed the process, you could set the "You regain equillibrium" message to trigger, scan through a list of aliases, and pick the next one in sequence. Though I think that would qualify as autobashing, and get you shrubbed.

*shrug* Manual influencing FTW smile.gif

Nah, at one time I had a similar almost autobasher for myself. I'd push one button, go nuts on a mob for a while, and stop when it died. Sadly, I didn't code it, and I messed up the code when I played with it.
Natarm2006-08-02 22:59:28
Well, I don't know Mushclient syntax, so you'd have to do that all yourself. but the basic idea would be as follows...

influence attack one
set variable for influence attack one to False; set EQ variable to 0; set variable for influence attack 2 to True
set EQ variable to False
Regain EQ message; set EQ variable to True
check influence attack variables
perform next influence attack with variable set to True

Rinse. Wash. Repeat.

Like I said, not the actualy code, but thats the general idea for it. If I knew MUSHClient syntax, I'd actually bother putting something up.

Silly Question: Anyone know a MUD Client that accepts code in VB.Net?
Phoebe2006-08-02 23:06:38
well is the same as vbscript if so thats mushclient well what most people use
Unknown2006-08-03 07:26:58
In reply to the question on automatically gaining xp through influencing. If you have something that catches eq and cycles through attacks untill you win a battle it's fine.

If you however would hop over to Tosha, and have a system set up that would walk you around and influence all the monks in the area without any keystrokes, that is not fine.
Phoebe2006-08-03 08:13:12
could somebody help me with the cache thing?