Murphy's system

by Unknown

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Unknown2006-08-04 03:50:16
Ok well I've been trying to get in contact with Murphy about this but he hasn't gotten back to me. Is anyone proficient enough with his system to help me fix he autosipper? I have absolutly no idea what is wrong. I've reloaded the system a couple times, gone through and done the checks he instructed me to do, no dice so far. I don't know enough about coding to redo it.
Torak2006-08-04 03:52:27
You need to be specific, what is it doing, or not doing? Also paste the script.
Xenthos2006-08-04 03:54:26
QUOTE(Quidgyboo @ Aug 3 2006, 11:50 PM) 314701

Ok well I've been trying to get in contact with Murphy about this but he hasn't gotten back to me. Is anyone proficient enough with his system to help me fix he autosipper? I have absolutly no idea what is wrong. I've reloaded the system a couple times, gone through and done the checks he instructed me to do, no dice so far. I don't know enough about coding to redo it.

My question- what is your EXACT prompt? You can PM it to me if you want. You may have things included that his sipper doesn't- for example, willpower and endurance.
Athana2006-08-04 04:10:38
Could it be that you have CONFIG PROMPT ALL?..I know it doesn't work because the willpower and endurance show messes it up for me so you have to use CONFIG PROMPT STATS
Xenthos2006-08-04 04:14:14
QUOTE(Athana @ Aug 4 2006, 12:10 AM) 314711

Could it be that you have CONFIG PROMPT ALL?..I know it doesn't work because the willpower and endurance show messes it up for me so you have to use CONFIG PROMPT STATS

It's really easy to convert the prompt, but this is an issue with pretty much any zMud system- if you change the prompt line, it will stop working. If you want willpower / endurance to show, I can get you what the line should change to, however. Just send me a PM.
Forren2006-08-04 04:16:37
You don't want CONFIG PROMPT ALL if you have Murphy's system. CONFIG PROMPT STATS works. Make sure you use SCORE and SETCOL.
Xenthos2006-08-04 04:17:16
QUOTE(Forren @ Aug 4 2006, 12:16 AM) 314715

You don't want CONFIG PROMPT ALL if you have Murphy's system. CONFIG PROMPT STATS works. Make sure you use SCORE and SETCOL.

Repeat: if you want it configured to you can CONFIG PROMPT ALL, send me a PM.
Unknown2006-08-04 04:29:00
I've got config prompt stats, and have tried a few others to see if it could change anything. I've done setcol and check score all the time too. Murphy couldn't figure it out when we did a little testing a few weeks back.
Forren2006-08-04 04:35:07
That's odd. Hmm.. try clicking the purple flask thing a few times, to make sure that part is really on - sometimes the button will be white when it's really off. Other than that, I'm not sure. RESET too. Hmm.
Unknown2006-08-04 04:40:54
I've done the button thing and I've reset it too. Bah. I've also tried reinstalling the prompt trigger, since that was a problem the first time I installed the system.
Xenthos2006-08-04 04:49:06
QUOTE(Quidgyboo @ Aug 4 2006, 12:40 AM) 314732

I've done the button thing and I've reset it too. Bah. I've also tried reinstalling the prompt trigger, since that was a problem the first time I installed the system.

On the OPTIONS tab, is it set to Trigger On "newline" or "prompt"?
Unknown2006-08-04 04:55:35
Newline as far as I can see.
Xenthos2006-08-04 04:59:12
QUOTE(Quidgyboo @ Aug 4 2006, 12:55 AM) 314736

Newline as far as I can see.

Then that is your issue. The prompt needs to be "prompt," not "newline".

(I've run into this problem before myself. smile.gif )
Unknown2006-08-04 05:03:11
Sorry my mistake I was looking at the wrong one (he has a couple things there with prompts as the capture, some gagging it some doubling it up...dont ask me why) but the actual prompt is triggered to fire off prompt.
Xenthos2006-08-04 05:05:50
QUOTE(Quidgyboo @ Aug 4 2006, 01:03 AM) 314739

Sorry my mistake I was looking at the wrong one (he has a couple things there with prompts as the capture, some gagging it some doubling it up...dont ask me why) but the actual prompt is triggered to fire off prompt.

The doubled up one would be to make it so if you have a prompt, a gagged line, then another prompt, it gags the next one as well as the gagged thing between them. It's a way to reduce spam... but really, I'd just disable that one. Hate excessive numbers of gags, myself. Could you paste your prompt as-is and the trigger line for the prompt trigger here, please?
Unknown2006-08-04 05:15:43
(*)h, (*)m, (*)e, (*)p (*)

2894h, 3765m, 3576e, 10p exk-

This is frustrating, though I spose it's forcing me to harvest and make some gold.
Xenthos2006-08-04 05:18:44
QUOTE(Quidgyboo @ Aug 4 2006, 01:15 AM) 314745

(*)h, (*)m, (*)e, (*)p (*)

2894h, 3765m, 3576e, 10p exk-

This is frustrating, though I spose it's forcing me to harvest and make some gold.

What exactly happens when you take 2894h, 3765m, 3576e, 10p exk- over to the Test tab and paste it in there for testing purposes?

And is the Perl Regex box checked?
Unknown2006-08-04 05:20:23
The pattern matches. And no the perl box isn't checked, should it be?
Xenthos2006-08-04 05:23:24
QUOTE(Quidgyboo @ Aug 4 2006, 01:20 AM) 314747

The pattern matches. And no the perl box isn't checked, should it be?

Well, the pattern matches as is-- so no, don't change it. wink.gif In the options, tab, list ALL the boxes that are checked?

Further, just for the sake of my curiosity, right click and disable *all* the other prompt triggers.
Unknown2006-08-04 05:26:42
Trigger on trigger is the only box checked. I'll turn off the other prompt things and test now.