Music script

by Unknown

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Unknown2006-08-22 16:17:53
I kinda miss music that changes with the ambiance of a game (i.e. MMO's)

Is it at all possible to create a script that works with a music player like Winamp, or something the user chooses upon setup, where you input coordinates, for example, enter Pool of Stars and a specified song will start playing in the running music player... specify the radius or in which room(s) the music would change to something else, etc. I have in mind computer music (mods, s3m, xm, it) because they have some underrated high-quality game music.

Anyway... I just wanted to know if this is do-able? Or is it a fool's dream.
Unknown2006-08-22 22:52:08
It is do-able. There is a plugin for controlling WinAmp from zMUD, I believe.
Sybl2006-10-24 16:48:48
There is a plugin for WinAmp meant mainly for IRC control of winamp, but it can be adapted to zMUD using the %dde function, if I remember correctly. I'll find my info on it and post it when I get home.
Laysus2006-10-24 19:31:05
QUOTE(Zarquan @ Aug 22 2006, 11:52 PM) 323120

It is do-able. There is a plugin for controlling WinAmp from zMUD, I believe.

...where? >.>