Unknown2006-09-21 15:29:13
Okay so, there are a lot of questions out there concerning skills, plant growth, damages, etc.
So... why don't we put them all here? If any of you had a question about something, some of us (including myself) might able to test it out and post the results so that we'll all know if it's confirmed, plausible, or busted?
And yes we might be looking for some people who can act like Jaime and Adam
So, post your questions and let's test them!
I'll start about the "Herb being destroyed by a Mage Demesne's" Myth.
We all know that a mage's demesne slows down plant growth in the room, however there are rumors that herbs are completely destroyed (edit:/die faster) in the room once a Mage makes his/her demesne.
People working on this Myth:
Busted, Plausible or Confirmed?
So... why don't we put them all here? If any of you had a question about something, some of us (including myself) might able to test it out and post the results so that we'll all know if it's confirmed, plausible, or busted?

And yes we might be looking for some people who can act like Jaime and Adam

So, post your questions and let's test them!
I'll start about the "Herb being destroyed by a Mage Demesne's" Myth.
We all know that a mage's demesne slows down plant growth in the room, however there are rumors that herbs are completely destroyed (edit:/die faster) in the room once a Mage makes his/her demesne.
People working on this Myth:
Busted, Plausible or Confirmed?
Diamondais2006-09-21 15:32:52
It isnt that theyre completly destroyed, its that they die faster. 

Xenthos2006-09-21 21:16:53
QUOTE(Lightzout @ Sep 21 2006, 11:29 AM) 334101
Busted, Plausible or Confirmed?
It's confirmed, I've done more than enough "tests" on it in Paavik over very long periods of time (ie, not 3-4 hours like Ekard can put in, but 3-4 days), as well as on the mountain ranges, and other places.

Verithrax2006-09-21 21:32:17
Everyone knows Taint makes the plants grow faster...
I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
Xenthos2006-09-21 21:38:11
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Sep 21 2006, 05:32 PM) 334208
Everyone knows Taint makes the plants grow faster...
I reject your reality, and substitute my own.

Richter2006-09-21 22:44:29
You get that over there? 

Unknown2006-09-21 23:56:45
We all know that a mage's demesne slows down plant growth in the room, however there are rumors that herbs are completely destroyed (edit:/die faster) in the room once a Mage makes his/her demesne.
People working on this Myth:
Ekard and Xenthos
It's confirmed, I've done more than enough "tests" on it in Paavik over very long periods of time (ie, not 3-4 hours like Ekard can put in, but 3-4 days), as well as on the mountain ranges, and other places.
As Diamondais said, it's not an immediate effect, and you often won't notice it over a short period of time. It's only as days go on that you'll see some places grow, others don't as much, and the herb total gets uneven. (It remains even without the wasteland / flood, so if you had 6 juniper in one location, twenty-four game days later you'd have 30 juniper in every room. If it's flooded/tainted, you'll have 12, 26, 22, 30, 29, 24, etc. etc.)
Busted, Plausible or Confirmed?
Keep them coming guys, I'll try to keep this updated ASAP so that we can work on other Lusternian Myths, any other things we need to look up?
We all know that a mage's demesne slows down plant growth in the room, however there are rumors that herbs are completely destroyed (edit:/die faster) in the room once a Mage makes his/her demesne.
People working on this Myth:
Ekard and Xenthos
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Sep 22 2006, 05:16 AM) 334203
It's confirmed, I've done more than enough "tests" on it in Paavik over very long periods of time (ie, not 3-4 hours like Ekard can put in, but 3-4 days), as well as on the mountain ranges, and other places.

Busted, Plausible or Confirmed?
Keep them coming guys, I'll try to keep this updated ASAP so that we can work on other Lusternian Myths, any other things we need to look up?
Estarra2006-09-22 00:09:05
I love Mythbusters and this is a great idea!
I've moved this to Survival Guide and pinned it....
Hmmm... need emoticons for "Busted" and "Confirmed" and "Plausible"......

I've moved this to Survival Guide and pinned it....
Hmmm... need emoticons for "Busted" and "Confirmed" and "Plausible"......

Verithrax2006-09-22 00:33:51

There you go.
Daganev2006-09-22 00:37:48
Turn the thumb in Busted upside down.
Unknown2006-09-22 00:49:03
Hmm... other than the Herbs die faster Myth, anyone else might want to add something for us to work on?
Estarra2006-09-22 02:16:15
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Sep 21 2006, 05:33 PM) 334277

There you go.

Unknown2006-09-22 03:02:38
Yay, now to find a Myth...
Any other ideas?

Any other ideas?

Richter2006-09-22 04:12:47
I just busted a myth the other day, but we shan't talk of it, for fear the nerf stick will strike.
Unknown2006-09-22 04:29:06
Jack possesses more raw sex appeal than Guido.
People working on this myth:
Jack possesses more raw sex appeal than Guido.
People working on this myth:
Ekard2006-09-22 06:26:20
Update to my herbs observation.
Its 8th Juliary now.
Herbs in my demesne still works 1 per day. And i repeat they are not guarded.
Herbs in ethereal forest in oleanvir valley works just as good as in my demesne.
And now in flooded room herbs act weird.
For total of 20 in game days.
1 one of flooded rooms yarrow grow 20 as in demesen and in forested room.
But in 2 other flooded rooms herbs numbers are weird.
In one of them i flooded when there was 28 yarrow, after a day there was only 19 yarow, then it was growing 1 per day up to 31 herbs then next day it was 23, two days later it was 20 and from that point it start growing 1 per day up to 26 in 25th Klangiary. I went to sleep, i checked it now and there is 24 herbs, 8 in game days later.
Second flooded room that act weird i flooded a bit later cose in noticed that colewort was inseason and wated to see how it will grow. So i flooded it in 19th Klangiary. There was 34 yarrow and 31 colewort at that time. For five days those herbs grow at rat 1 per day. (Colewort most likely should grow 2 per day as inseason month.)
25th Klangiary there was 40 yarrow and only 34 colewort (2 colewort died?)
8 days later in 8th Juliary there is 39 yarrow and 34 colewort.
Dotn think that someone have harvested those herbs when i was sleeping cose he would most likely strip ot to more around 5 or so.
So from my tests so far.
In demesne herbs grows ok, in 1 of 3 flooded rooms, herbs grows ok but in 2 other they are not.
And initial flooding/melding dont kill plants.
So seems that Xenthos haev right how herbs grow in flooded rooms, but why then in my demesne they works fine?
Ahh yes my magic is full of life and thats keep herbs growing !
So myth is
And i love Mythbusters too! My favourit is when they put 2 dead pigs in Corvette or when they tested if it was possible to run from Alkatraz.
Its 8th Juliary now.
Herbs in my demesne still works 1 per day. And i repeat they are not guarded.
Herbs in ethereal forest in oleanvir valley works just as good as in my demesne.
And now in flooded room herbs act weird.
For total of 20 in game days.
1 one of flooded rooms yarrow grow 20 as in demesen and in forested room.
But in 2 other flooded rooms herbs numbers are weird.
In one of them i flooded when there was 28 yarrow, after a day there was only 19 yarow, then it was growing 1 per day up to 31 herbs then next day it was 23, two days later it was 20 and from that point it start growing 1 per day up to 26 in 25th Klangiary. I went to sleep, i checked it now and there is 24 herbs, 8 in game days later.
Second flooded room that act weird i flooded a bit later cose in noticed that colewort was inseason and wated to see how it will grow. So i flooded it in 19th Klangiary. There was 34 yarrow and 31 colewort at that time. For five days those herbs grow at rat 1 per day. (Colewort most likely should grow 2 per day as inseason month.)
25th Klangiary there was 40 yarrow and only 34 colewort (2 colewort died?)
8 days later in 8th Juliary there is 39 yarrow and 34 colewort.
Dotn think that someone have harvested those herbs when i was sleeping cose he would most likely strip ot to more around 5 or so.
So from my tests so far.
In demesne herbs grows ok, in 1 of 3 flooded rooms, herbs grows ok but in 2 other they are not.
And initial flooding/melding dont kill plants.
So seems that Xenthos haev right how herbs grow in flooded rooms, but why then in my demesne they works fine?
Ahh yes my magic is full of life and thats keep herbs growing !

So myth is

And i love Mythbusters too! My favourit is when they put 2 dead pigs in Corvette or when they tested if it was possible to run from Alkatraz.
Verithrax2006-09-22 06:50:19
Gotta love Adam's little snippets of narration:
"Please pay attention to the Hyneman. Jamie's people have been track straighteners since the middle ages."
"Please pay attention to the Hyneman. Jamie's people have been track straighteners since the middle ages."
Unknown2006-09-22 11:14:34
Okay, I think of one, and it's about the "allheale potions heals all" Myth where the allheale cures from the simple insomnia to aeon to pinleg.
So... let's start?
So... let's start?

Unknown2006-09-22 11:48:54
ummm..it does not 

Unknown2006-09-22 12:18:50
QUOTE(lynx @ Sep 22 2006, 07:48 PM) 334374
ummm..it does not