Using Nexus

by Mira

Back to Mechanic's Corner.

Mira2006-09-21 22:00:14
Before anyone tells me to switch to another client - I can't. I'm stuck with java nexus. But I'm sure there are other people who use it too, and they might appreciate what I'm asking for.

I have no idea how to code stuff, for any client, although I can set it up in java nexus so that when I "t" something, it sets them as my target. And then whatever alias I use for attacking (or in this case, influencing) will do it to the set target. I had to have a friend in Achaea help me figure out how to set up the target thing to start with.

But what I'd like to know is, how do I set up an auto sipper in java nexus? When my ego gets to a certain level, I want to sip bromide... And I need it to wait until I'm able to sip again so I'm not wasting potions by sipping it all down.

Does anyone know how to do this? I've looked at the nexus help file and since I have no clue when it comes to coding, it's all mostly gibberish to me.

Thanks in advance!
Daganev2006-09-21 22:08:50
I pretty much only use nexus now... although I wish I could use my zmud that I paid nicely for.

If you search the forums you will find many scripts (do a search for Nexus by topic, not by posts)

If you have specific questions PM me or Shiri. (Though Shiri knows more than I do on the subject)
Vix2006-09-21 22:53:14
Hm, I'm not sure if that's possible with Nexus. Sounds like a bunch of complicated #ifs and I'm not sure if it's possible to capture your max ego on Nexus with the way it works with spacing and single words. You can't capture things like 100/100 because it just reads it as one word rather than {w}/{w}.
Daganev2006-09-22 00:29:37
The code

Health {} {d:ch}/{d:mh}

Put into the "Trigger" box, will create two variables,, ch (current health) and mh (max health) and will update them when you type score
Mira2006-09-24 01:42:13
Umm... Thanks, Daganev, but... How exactly will that help me? I don't understand what it's supposed to do. I now have a variable for health that tells me what the health is, and a variable for my mana that tells me what my mana is... Nothing for Ego, though... And now how do I tell it to sip health, mana or bromide for when something is lower?
I think I need a full script set up.
Daganev2006-09-24 01:48:14
You don't have to put anything in the box for that trigger, thats just a way to store variables.

On your prompt, you might want to do something that if your current health is less than some percntage of your max health you sip... however I would cuaution against running a trigger in nexus on every prompt.

I personally don't have an autosipper on nexus, I don't trust them.
Mira2006-09-24 01:52:07
Right now I have it set up with keybinding to just hit a button when I want to sip Bromide, maybe I'll just keep it like that. It's if I have to take my eyes off the screen for a second that it becomes a problem.
Unknown2006-09-24 03:04:27
Unknown2006-09-24 07:07:49
QUOTE(Mira @ Sep 23 2006, 06:52 PM) 334830

Right now I have it set up with keybinding to just hit a button when I want to sip Bromide, maybe I'll just keep it like that. It's if I have to take my eyes off the screen for a second that it becomes a problem.

Thats how I do it. I don't really see the point of an autosipper when keybinding is just easier, at least on Nexus.
dayan2006-09-24 10:43:11
I did autosipper for nexus. It is not too complicated but harder then on ZMud since your prompt trigger will work strange (you'll always be one prompt behind, so to speak). Basically you'll need several triggers and aliases and variables:

variables: MaxHealth, MaxMana, MaxEgo, SpiHealth, SipMana, SipBromide
first three with your max value and last three with your medium sipping value for each

pattern: {d}h, {d}m, {d}e, {d}p {*}-
script: #if ($1<$MaxHealth-$SipHealth)&($HasHMEBalance=2) {dhalias}
#if ($2<$MaxMana-$SipMana)&($HasHMEBalance=2) {dmalias}
#if ($3<$MaxEgo-$SipBromide)&($HasHMEBalance=2) {dbalias}

script: drink health
#set HasHMEBalance 1
#wait 1000
#if $HasHMEBalance=1 {#set HasHMEBalance 2}
(make dmalias and dbalias in same fashion for mana and bromide (just change what you drink))

several triggers that will track sipping balance:
pattern: You can drink another bla bla..
script: #set $HasHMEBalance 2
#wait 5000
#if $HasHMEBalance=0 {#set HasHMEBalance 2}

pattern: Your mana/health/ego goes up message
script: #set HasHMEBalance 2

This all can be done a bit better but this is simple and failsafe way. Try it and let me know. It is probable I made some bug.
Shiri2006-09-24 12:17:25
It's likely to lag the hell out of you. That trigger fires on -every- prompt. And it's pretty lengthy too. Wouldn't recommend it, I've had my entire system of triggers die for using less. dry.gif
dayan2006-09-24 13:33:23
It's not laggy at all. there are only 3 #if lines in prompt (and one alias eventually with 3 commands inside). I used it a lot without any problems.
dayan2006-09-24 14:24:14
QUOTE(Dayan @ Sep 24 2006, 10:43 AM) 334969

I did autosipper for nexus. It is not too complicated but harder then on ZMud since your prompt trigger will work strange (you'll always be one prompt behind, so to speak). Basically you'll need several triggers and aliases and variables:

variables: MaxHealth, MaxMana, MaxEgo, SipHealth, SipMana, SipBromide
first three with your max value and last three with your medium sipping value for each

pattern: {d}h, {d}m, {d}e, {d}p {*}-
script: #if ($1<$MaxHealth-$SipHealth) and ($HasHMEBalance=2) {dhalias}
#if ($2<$MaxMana-$SipMana) and ($HasHMEBalance=2) {dmalias}
#if ($3<$MaxEgo-$SipBromide) and ($HasHMEBalance=2) {dbalias}

drink health
#set HasHMEBalance 1
#wait 1000
#if $HasHMEBalance=1 {#set HasHMEBalance 2}
(make dmalias and dbalias in same fashion for mana and bromide (just change what you drink))

several triggers that will track sipping balance:
pattern: You can drink another bla bla..
#set HasHMEBalance 2

pattern: Your mana/health/ego goes up message
#set HasHMEBalance 0
#wait 5000
#if $HasHMEBalance=0 {#set HasHMEBalance 2}

This all can be done a bit better but this is simple and failsafe way. Try it and let me know. It is probable I made some bug.

I just fixed few typos and few bugs.
Shiri2006-09-25 12:13:18
Maybe it's just me then. I only had ONE #if thing capturing three variables in my prompt before it got upset.
dayan2006-09-25 12:58:27
Hrm, might be computer. I heard that on Mac Nexus is terribly slow. I'm on Athlon 2GHz. Otherwise I don't see why. On #if shouldn't do that however. I used it with lots (not too many) other triggers and stuff, and was working fine. I also helped few people implement it. Noone complained ... yet biggrin.gif. Perhaps update your Java?
Mira2006-09-25 15:52:49
Could anyone help me with a script that allows me to follow a targeted denizen?

I keep losing my targets when they walk off on me while influencing, and then when I find them again they get the better of me.
Unknown2006-09-25 15:59:39
QUOTE(Mira @ Sep 25 2006, 05:52 PM) 335330

Could anyone help me with a script that allows me to follow a targeted denizen?

I keep losing my targets when they walk off on me while influencing, and then when I find them again they get the better of me.

That's kind of impossible, because each type of denizen has a different message when leaving the room, and in some cases it even doesn't tell which direction it's leaving.
dayan2006-09-25 16:11:34
But for those you know the leaving messages, maybe best is just to make color trigger. You take the message and use #color (I think it's same for ZMud and Nexus).
Shorlen2006-09-25 16:43:46
QUOTE(Cuber @ Sep 25 2006, 11:59 AM) 335332
That's kind of impossible, because each type of denizen has a different message when leaving the room, and in some cases it even doesn't tell which direction it's leaving.

Not only is this true, if you are influencing in a place like Tosha, you don't know if it's the one YOU are influencing that moved or another one. In the delay between an influence, recovering balance to influence again, and trying only to find that your target has left, eight monks could have left your room in eight different directions. The only way to find out is run around looking for one with the same number.

The best way to do this is have a highlight trigger for the number of your influence target, and run around using IH looking for the bright colours. I don't know how to write a highlight trigger in Nexus though.
Vix2006-09-25 22:15:02
Hm... I just tested highlighting ID numbers and it doesn't work on Nexus. I think it's because the default for IDs is green making it unchangeable or something.