Lesson pools

by Unknown

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Unknown2006-09-27 03:38:04
OK, I asked about this in IRC already but the help file for lesson pools still confuses me, so I just wanted to get some official clarification on it...


If you transfer lessons between sibling lesson pools, there will be a
further 20% loss of lessons. For instance, transferring 80 lessons from
mysticism to spirit will have a net loss of 16 lessons in the transfer.
Sibling pools share the same parent lesson pool (i.e., spirit and
mysticism pools share the mind pool

I thought spirit was the parent pool, but in this section it's described as a sibling pool? And how are spirit and mystical sharing the mind pool? Also look at the next section:


Finally, transferring lessons from a secondary (or sibling pool) to the
parent will have a further loss of 30% of the lessons transferred, so
transferring 80 lessons from the mysticism pool to the spirit pool will result
in a net loss of 24 lessons. There is no lesson loss when transferring
lessons among the parent pools (i.e., body, empathy, mind, artistry, and

This part makes more sense, but it contradicts the previous paragraph. Notice how the bit about transferring from mysticism to spirit is repeated (bolded here, italics in the first one).

So mainly I'm wondering... is this a typo? Or are lesson pools just that abstract? O_o

Here are the pools for reference:


Lesson Pools:
BODY           0
  FITNESS      0
  MELEE        0
EMPATHY        0
MIND           0
  ARCANA       0
ARTISTRY       0
  FINEARTS     0
SPIRIT         0
Daganev2006-09-27 03:45:41
You are correct, it is a typo... Wierd that nobody caught that...