
by Joli

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Joli2006-10-13 00:46:06
My roommate found this.. very strange band.. and I decided to share since it drives everyone else up the wall. tongue.gif My neighbors are probably wondering wtf is wrong with us now.

No one will look at it if I post the name of this song..

Summer Love - don't really like this one that much

Christmas Time - Best christmas song ever.. biggrin.gif

Teeny Weeny String Bikini

I think all of his videos are mini pornos.. unsure.gif
Taika2006-10-13 01:07:18
After a summer of experiance, I can tell you that for sure, the Ding Dong Song is AWESOME driving music.
Sylphas2006-10-13 01:25:36
Wow. I always thought that voice would belong to someone without the crappy glasses and stupid mustache.
Cairam2006-10-13 02:34:32
That guy needs to lay off the bronzer.

And cut off his mullet...

And shave! Good grief.

Edit - Dammit, I used to like this song when I was younger, but now it's ruined for me. Ruined!! mad.gif
Joli2006-10-13 03:04:36
I hate the guy's chin.. That's all I'm going to say and THEY KEEP DOING CLOSEUPS OF THE DAMN THING.
Sylphas2006-10-13 03:43:27
You have to give the guy credit. Even looking like that, he can apparently make money putting out songs about how hot and sexy he is and how everyone wants to do nothing but touch him all day.
Sylphas2006-10-13 04:11:59
And he can't even sing. He just poses and goes "ah..." a lot.
Ixion2006-10-13 04:32:22
First saw those Gunther videos a couple years ago.. they are indeed funny. laugh.gif
Joli2006-10-13 04:34:05
I think Verithrax is going to kill me if I go "Ooh, you touch my tralalala" one more time..

I might record it just for giggles..