Unknown2006-10-17 04:57:12
It's what, 300 credits to go from inept to Trans in any skill correct?
So, 300x6=1800 lessons to go from Inept to trans.
I think that going from level 1 to 100, without ever buying credits, you can't trans even if you just pour all of your lessons into one skill tree:
You start off with 150 lessons.
99 levels gained with 5 lessons per level=495 lessons from leveling.
We thus now have 645 lessons.
Getting credits by leveling results in a total of 100 credits. That's 600 lessons.
Therefore, you only get 1245 lessons total, therefore, if you never ever buy credits, you cannot get Trans in any skill, even if you pour all of your lessons in one skill, and one skill alone.
So, 300x6=1800 lessons to go from Inept to trans.
I think that going from level 1 to 100, without ever buying credits, you can't trans even if you just pour all of your lessons into one skill tree:
You start off with 150 lessons.
99 levels gained with 5 lessons per level=495 lessons from leveling.
We thus now have 645 lessons.
Getting credits by leveling results in a total of 100 credits. That's 600 lessons.
Therefore, you only get 1245 lessons total, therefore, if you never ever buy credits, you cannot get Trans in any skill, even if you pour all of your lessons in one skill, and one skill alone.
Ista2006-10-17 05:06:23
QUOTE(Fireweaver @ Oct 16 2006, 10:57 PM) 343504
It's what, 300 credits to go from inept to Trans in any skill correct?
So, 300x6=1800 lessons to go from Inept to trans.
I think that going from level 1 to 100, without ever buying credits, you can't trans even if you just pour all of your lessons into one skill tree:
You start off with 150 lessons.
99 levels gained with 5 lessons per level=495 lessons from leveling.
We thus now have 645 lessons.
Getting credits by leveling results in a total of 100 credits. That's 600 lessons.
Therefore, you only get 1245 lessons total, therefore, if you never ever buy credits, you cannot get Trans in any skill, even if you pour all of your lessons in one skill, and one skill alone.
How do you mean buying, though? OOC buying or IC? I'm assuming both.
Unknown2006-10-17 05:15:39
She meant both
Unknown2006-10-17 05:42:14
I have heard that you can never trans even 1 skill without buying either IC or OOC credits.
Richter2006-10-17 05:49:11
There's no way you can trans a single skill without buying credits. However, that's what the in-game market is for. There have been a number of people that didn't buy credits and transed one or more skills (like Aesyra, save for when someone bought credits on her to keep the character permanent). Also, I have a friend that's actually ratted several trans skills across several characters over the years. Is he crazy? Yep. Doable? Yep.
So, can you never trans a single skill without buying credits IC -and- OOC?
Can you become omnitrans without spending any real money?
So, can you never trans a single skill without buying credits IC -and- OOC?

Can you become omnitrans without spending any real money?

Laxinova2006-10-17 06:04:25
You used to be able to trans skills without buying credits at all, Gambling!
Unknown2006-10-17 06:24:38
If you're lucky enough to win thousands of lessons through gambling, I mean. WOW. It's as if you bought credits 

Volgrant2006-10-17 13:33:44
Inept to Trans is actually 1716 lessons, which is something like 286 credits if memory serves correct.
Anarias2006-10-17 13:56:59
Its only around 200 since you get bonus lessons when you bind your first 1000 credits.
Soll2006-10-17 16:48:09
QUOTE(Richter @ Oct 17 2006, 05:49 AM) 343509
So, can you never trans a single skill without buying credits IC -and- OOC?

Naw. Artisanal/Bardic competitions. If you reach High Bard, which is the highest rank in Bardic, you will have earned 4200 credits. And you can do this for both.
Nementh2006-10-17 17:08:36
You can always get the the point where guards become a private bashing ground, and you ransom a few years of not beating up guards and not creaming defenders...
At least that worked for me in Achaea with my monk.... no class in Lusternia is really that potientally abusable though...
But yeah, there are plenty of ways to get trans skills without every paying for a credit. Builders, Guides, etc...
At least that worked for me in Achaea with my monk.... no class in Lusternia is really that potientally abusable though...
But yeah, there are plenty of ways to get trans skills without every paying for a credit. Builders, Guides, etc...
Verithrax2006-10-17 17:10:26
Then there's 'extracurricular activities' like guiding.
Richter2006-10-17 17:54:32
QUOTE(Soll @ Oct 17 2006, 09:48 AM) 343636
Naw. Artisanal/Bardic competitions. If you reach High Bard, which is the highest rank in Bardic, you will have earned 4200 credits. And you can do this for both.
Well, pfft, things like that. Sure, you can win them, or earn them from being a volunteer.
Simimi2006-10-17 17:57:59
Yea, and the artisnal and bardics are very competative, be sure to bring loads of skills to the table (photoshop skills or real skills for artisnal, English skills for bardic... lol)
Unknown2006-10-17 18:08:46
QUOTE(Fireweaver @ Oct 17 2006, 12:57 AM) 343504
It's what, 300 credits to go from inept to Trans in any skill correct?
So, 300x6=1800 lessons to go from Inept to trans.
I think that going from level 1 to 100, without ever buying credits, you can't trans even if you just pour all of your lessons into one skill tree:
You start off with 150 lessons.
99 levels gained with 5 lessons per level=495 lessons from leveling.
We thus now have 645 lessons.
Getting credits by leveling results in a total of 100 credits. That's 600 lessons.
Therefore, you only get 1245 lessons total, therefore, if you never ever buy credits, you cannot get Trans in any skill, even if you pour all of your lessons in one skill, and one skill alone.
Correct, you can get mythical in 1 skill with level-gained lessons alone. (realistically though, if you've gotten to lvl 100 you've gained hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of gold along the way, even if you weren't trying to, you would have had plenty of it to use on in-game credit market credits)
However, for your credit calculations, since we are assuming a lvl 1 freshman novice, you're ignoring the 2000 bonus lessons you get, in that each credit would be worth 8.5 lessons not 6, 300 credits to start would get you 2550 lessons, and 1715(trans) would only need 202 credits.
Ekard2006-10-17 19:38:40
And you can get a lot of skills only from IC credits.
Im fine example for it. No single credit bought OOC.
Aqua Adept Ekard Peulus
Sex : Male Race : Faeling Titan
Level : 99 (48%) Rank : Titan
Common Skills Rank Pool
------------- ------------ ------------
Combat Transcendent Melee
Influence Transcendent Magnetism
Discernment Transcendent Intellect
Arts Transcendent Finearts
Planar Transcendent Mysticism
Discipline Transcendent Willpower
Environment Fabled Communion
Magic Gifted Arcana
Riding Inept Magnetism
Resilience Transcendent Fitness
Highmagic Transcendent Arcana
Aethercraft Capable Mysticism
Dramatics Adept Performance
Trade Skills Rank Pool
------------- ------------ ------------
Jewelry Transcendent Finearts
Guild Skills Rank Pool
------------- ------------ ------------
Elementalism Transcendent Mysticism
Illusions Transcendent Intellect
Psionics Transcendent Intellect
Keep in mind that i switched to 3rd guild now. Celstine -> Paladin -> Aquamancer
Changed a lot of skills during this. Ouch those lessons lose at begining of game, its much easier now.
Reincarnated 4 times and had to use Dagger of Reincarnation for that (100cr for each).
Dracnari -> Merian -> Igasho -> Human -> Aslaran -> Merian -> Faeling
a gem of cloaking 400cr
This small, white translucent gemstone has a flat top and a multi-faceted sides. The gem doesn't seem to be worth much, and you cannot identify what sort of gem it is. From the looks of it, the gem merely looks like white-colored quartz. The only
clue that the gem is perhaps something more is the soft white nimbus that is emanating from it. The word 'Tulahuar' is etched into it in minute script.
It weighs 4 ounce(s).
It bears the distinctive mark of Aqua Adept Ekard.
It is imbued with 0% esteem.
a golden paintbrush 400cr
The paintbrush has a thin handle of delicate blond wood. Bound by a platinum band, the bristles are very fine golden hairs that are cut into a very sharp point. Small etchings are along the shaft of the handle, and the entire paintbrush glows with a
soft ambient power.
It is strangely weightless.
It bears the distinctive mark of Aqua Adept Ekard.
It is imbued with 0% esteem.
And a one room aether ship.
Im fine example for it. No single credit bought OOC.
Aqua Adept Ekard Peulus
Sex : Male Race : Faeling Titan
Level : 99 (48%) Rank : Titan
Common Skills Rank Pool
------------- ------------ ------------
Combat Transcendent Melee
Influence Transcendent Magnetism
Discernment Transcendent Intellect
Arts Transcendent Finearts
Planar Transcendent Mysticism
Discipline Transcendent Willpower
Environment Fabled Communion
Magic Gifted Arcana
Riding Inept Magnetism
Resilience Transcendent Fitness
Highmagic Transcendent Arcana
Aethercraft Capable Mysticism
Dramatics Adept Performance
Trade Skills Rank Pool
------------- ------------ ------------
Jewelry Transcendent Finearts
Guild Skills Rank Pool
------------- ------------ ------------
Elementalism Transcendent Mysticism
Illusions Transcendent Intellect
Psionics Transcendent Intellect
Keep in mind that i switched to 3rd guild now. Celstine -> Paladin -> Aquamancer
Changed a lot of skills during this. Ouch those lessons lose at begining of game, its much easier now.
Reincarnated 4 times and had to use Dagger of Reincarnation for that (100cr for each).
Dracnari -> Merian -> Igasho -> Human -> Aslaran -> Merian -> Faeling
a gem of cloaking 400cr
This small, white translucent gemstone has a flat top and a multi-faceted sides. The gem doesn't seem to be worth much, and you cannot identify what sort of gem it is. From the looks of it, the gem merely looks like white-colored quartz. The only
clue that the gem is perhaps something more is the soft white nimbus that is emanating from it. The word 'Tulahuar' is etched into it in minute script.
It weighs 4 ounce(s).
It bears the distinctive mark of Aqua Adept Ekard.
It is imbued with 0% esteem.
a golden paintbrush 400cr
The paintbrush has a thin handle of delicate blond wood. Bound by a platinum band, the bristles are very fine golden hairs that are cut into a very sharp point. Small etchings are along the shaft of the handle, and the entire paintbrush glows with a
soft ambient power.
It is strangely weightless.
It bears the distinctive mark of Aqua Adept Ekard.
It is imbued with 0% esteem.
And a one room aether ship.
Unknown2006-10-17 19:42:14
Ekard is the perfect example of what I was talking about. Aesyra comes to mind as well.
Acrune2006-10-17 19:46:34
Now lets see Ekard's play time 

Tervic2006-10-17 20:07:14
QUOTE(Acrune @ Oct 17 2006, 12:46 PM) 343707
Now lets see Ekard's play time

approximately 3 years, 2 months, 29 days, 12 hours, and 6 seconds.
Simimi2006-10-17 20:39:41
Ekard, you are a machine!!
I'm so envious...
I'm so envious...