Gandal2006-11-05 05:04:19
Sorry for another one, but here's the fix...Gandal (lvl 72) will probably trans Aquamancy soon, but what else should he do? Right now, it's bash/sit around/raid/fail at quests. Keldor (lvl 63) is more of an issue. Right now, he's a pacifist influencing faeling paladin taking jewelry, switched from herbs. What made me unsure about his future was also because I got a free field plate (Thanks Tully :wub). Should he reincarnate into human so he can bash? Go bard? Stay? Discuss, please.
EDIT: Oh yes, and Gandal has around 33,000 gold, and Keldor has around 110,000.
EDIT: Oh yes, and Gandal has around 33,000 gold, and Keldor has around 110,000.
Unknown2006-11-05 11:41:45
I'm against switching class, or reincarnating (unlesss you still have your free reincarnation). I just find it a waste of credits. If you do it once.. fine, but once you've done it a few times you realize just how many credits you lost that way.
Unles the class is something you totally don't agree with / can't play properly for whatever reason, I really wouldn't switch and instead rather work on getting more skills / arties on that character. In the end, you'll have more that way than if you left, lost some lessons and had to relearn.
And yes, that's my -personal- opinion because I'm still grumbly that I somehow managed to have Aesyra switch guild three times now. If I think of all the arties I could have bought instead....
Also, if you need goals: Level 80 is really worth it. Each time I make a newbie I keep starving and falling asleep.. annoying.
EDIT: Aside from what however, I'd so do whatever you -want- to do. It's a game after all. Where's the point playing if you don't do something you enjoy?

Unles the class is something you totally don't agree with / can't play properly for whatever reason, I really wouldn't switch and instead rather work on getting more skills / arties on that character. In the end, you'll have more that way than if you left, lost some lessons and had to relearn.
And yes, that's my -personal- opinion because I'm still grumbly that I somehow managed to have Aesyra switch guild three times now. If I think of all the arties I could have bought instead....
Also, if you need goals: Level 80 is really worth it. Each time I make a newbie I keep starving and falling asleep.. annoying.

EDIT: Aside from what however, I'd so do whatever you -want- to do. It's a game after all. Where's the point playing if you don't do something you enjoy?

Soll2006-11-05 11:49:22
QUOTE(shadow @ Nov 5 2006, 11:41 AM) 351017
I'm against switching class, or reincarnating (unlesss you still have your free reincarnation). I just find it a waste of credits. If you do it once.. fine, but once you've done it a few times you realize just how many credits you lost that way.

Aayyeeaah.. After 11,000 credits, Soll has less than a quarter of that on him via lessons/artifacts/whatever. I wish I could beg Estarra to undo a little of my stupidity.

Shaeden2006-11-05 11:52:00
I've guildhopped a few times, 1: I hated Serenwilde and couldn't stand it. The next was Celestine to aqua, and there was a lot of RP reasons behind it. Last I went to Bards 'cause again fairly good RP reasons. I don't mind the lesson loss, as long as it's still fun. But guildhopping won't change it from boring to fun. Dive into your guild rp! Every guild I've seen has wonderful a background and culture. Another thing I think is under rated is the library. There's a lot of neat books and again... you can add a lot to RP by reading the scholarly and literary works. Some are really good!
Ashteru2006-11-05 13:06:59
QUOTE(Soll @ Nov 5 2006, 12:49 PM) 351019
Aayyeeaah.. After 11,000 credits, Soll has less than a quarter of that on him via lessons/artifacts/whatever. I wish I could beg Estarra to undo a little of my stupidity.

That's the reason why I started investing into artifacts instead of skills. Skils can be bashed up, arties can't. Now, Ash has 3400 credits worth of arties on himelf, and about....the same or so amount of credits in skills.
If I think how many times I switched, though.....

Gandal2006-11-05 13:48:04
As an addendum, Gandal reincarnated to merian from lucidian, and Keldor has stayed a faeling.
Shaeden2006-11-05 14:50:05
QUOTE(Soll @ Nov 5 2006, 06:49 AM) 351019
Aayyeeaah.. After 11,000 credits, Soll has less than a quarter of that on him via lessons/artifacts/whatever. I wish I could beg Estarra to undo a little of my stupidity.

Daganev2006-11-05 17:47:30
Join glomdoring!
Forren2006-11-05 18:12:06
Gandal - Stick with the Aquamancers. Trans Aquamancy, Telekinesis/Telepathy, and you'll be fine. Put those lessons into psionics.
Gandal2006-11-05 23:13:07
Thanks! But still undecided about Keldor...should I get better weapons for him? Right now, all I have is a crappy wooden training katana, and he could probably afford fancy swords.
EDIT: And I think I'm going to change tradeskill from jewelry. Deciding between forging and herbs again :/ herbs is probably better gold, but then I need to forget highmagic and learn lowmagic...and I like Netzach
EDIT: And I think I'm going to change tradeskill from jewelry. Deciding between forging and herbs again :/ herbs is probably better gold, but then I need to forget highmagic and learn lowmagic...and I like Netzach

Unknown2006-11-07 06:53:45
QUOTE(Gandal @ Nov 6 2006, 12:13 AM) 351199
EDIT: And I think I'm going to change tradeskill from jewelry. Deciding between forging and herbs again :/ herbs is probably better gold, but then I need to forget highmagic and learn lowmagic...and I like Netzach

Ok.. the truth about herbs: Yes you can make a killing with it but -only- if you invest hours upon hours harvesting herbs (very boring) and possibly replanting (equally boring) and possibly ranting about newbies who strip harvest (annoying). At least those were the experiences I've made with my herbalist alts so far.

If you get enough gold to buy herbs, being an alchemist is not too bad. At least the money is -fast-.
And I'm not sure if I'd bother with forging if you can't straight transcend it. I -think- you get better stats the better you are in the skill, so anyone who places those big (forge me sword x for 100-200k gold) orders will want a trans forger at least. Likewise, forging takes forever if you take the reforgings into accounts and is equally boring.
EDIT: And yesod in high magic is really neat. Unless you're a mage with illusions you won't find a comparable skill anywhere (yes blend, night and camouflage don't count *mutter* I want yesod back trice damn it!)
Anarias2006-11-07 07:52:04
QUOTE(shadow @ Nov 6 2006, 11:53 PM) 351713
And I'm not sure if I'd bother with forging if you can't straight transcend it. I -think- you get better stats the better you are in the skill, so anyone who places those big (forge me sword x for 100-200k gold) orders will want a trans forger at least. Likewise, forging takes forever if you take the reforgings into accounts and is equally boring.
I'm not sure how much skillrank effects what stats you get but if you don't trans forging it won't matter much anyway since you won't be able to make masterwork weapons. Forging and herbs are boring but I think I like forging better because at least you don't have to keep moving rooms. Its nice to be able to just sit and do something boring rather than having to make tiny adjustments to it every other minute.
Ixion2006-11-07 12:07:01
QUOTE(shadow @ Nov 7 2006, 01:53 AM) 351713
Ok.. the truth about herbs: Yes you can make a killing with it but -only- if you invest hours upon hours harvesting herbs (very boring) and possibly replanting (equally boring) and possibly ranting about newbies who strip harvest (annoying). At least those were the experiences I've made with my herbalist alts so far.

If you get enough gold to buy herbs, being an alchemist is not too bad. At least the money is -fast-.
And I'm not sure if I'd bother with forging if you can't straight transcend it. I -think- you get better stats the better you are in the skill, so anyone who places those big (forge me sword x for 100-200k gold) orders will want a trans forger at least. Likewise, forging takes forever if you take the reforgings into accounts and is equally boring.
EDIT: And yesod in high magic is really neat. Unless you're a mage with illusions you won't find a comparable skill anywhere (yes blend, night and camouflage don't count *mutter* I want yesod back trice damn it!)
*bops sis upside the head with passive perma-shroud*
Unknown2006-11-07 12:19:41
QUOTE(Ixion @ Nov 7 2006, 01:07 PM) 351757
*bops sis upside the head with passive perma-shroud*

Gandal2006-11-09 01:02:29

Gandal2007-01-15 20:25:22
Ding ding ding! Necro time!
With the telekinesis nerfs and such, is it still useful for Gandal to take telekinesis?

Unknown2007-01-15 20:29:17
QUOTE(Gandal @ Jan 15 2007, 02:25 PM) 373689
Ding ding ding! Necro time!

What race is Gandal? Telekinesis is amazing for bashing as a high charisma race (I'm faeling, and can tank two of just about any linked astral mob). It's pretty useless for fighting at the moment, but there is still hope for that improving with envoys.
Gandal2007-01-15 20:30:15
I'm a squishy fishy merian. Forcefield is at...mythical, right?
Unknown2007-01-15 20:38:15
QUOTE(Gandal @ Jan 15 2007, 02:30 PM) 373693
I'm a squishy fishy merian. Forcefield is at...mythical, right?
I think so. Psionics also has psiarmour and ironwill, which work nicely with forcefield for hunting.
Telepathy is much better for PVP at the moment, hands down. Still, I enjoy telekinesis so far just because it has flair. It's a bit frustrating sometimes, but some abilities (forcefield, barrier, etc) still make it worthwhile, and things like daggers make it entertaining and give it style.
So, it's up to what you want. If you will probably spend more time hunting and bashing, I'd go telekinesis. If you want to be a better PVP fighter, telepathy looks like the better choice for the moment.
Zalandrus2007-01-18 15:09:49
My personal experience with guild-switching is that in any guild now, I heavily miss some of the skills from old guilds...everything is just too cool (darn them gods). Once you enter the guild-hopping trend, it seems like you can't get out of it.
Herbs is boring, yes, and takes a whole lot of time for gold, yes, but at least you don't have to worry about comms or powerstones
Herbs is boring, yes, and takes a whole lot of time for gold, yes, but at least you don't have to worry about comms or powerstones