Unknown2006-11-09 03:00:34
Alrighty, now that I've thought a bit about it, I'll give you the first "chapter" to read. Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.
-- You know what's funny about this, is this is all I've really got right now. And I started this about a month ago... :\\ I had an idea for this story but it's gotten lost on me... also anyone who's in Magnagora, especially the Geos, if you see something hideously wrong with this please correct me. Thank you!
“Why are we down here again?†A young, high pitched voice squeaked out into the darkness of the tomb.
“To find the secrets of the d’Sharni family,†growled the Ur’Commandant.
Poor thing, Niri though. She’s just arrived and she’s forced to parade about in tombs. The apprentice shook her head, throwing her mass of curls about her pale face. The Archmage raised an eyebrow at her, and she gave a sheepish look.
“The d’Sharni family was known for burying their secrets with them, and Traskara was the last of their line, though she did have two children and was adopted into the line.†The Heresiarch stated flatly. “Traskara’s children where bastard children thus they were not apart of the family.â€
“Now younglings, fear not. There is little in these tombs that will harm you.†The warlord murmured in a kind tone. Niri looked at the man who led them. He was rather tall, and extremely good-looking, though single still.
Such an unusual thing! Any woman would give the chance to be the wife of a warlord, and one so fine as he! She thought. She felt a hard nudge to her rib cage and looked to find her fellow apprentice, Kriiss, glaring at her.
“Stop day-dreaming! We’re here to find lost records, not to ogle at the warlord.†He hissed at her. She flushed as several members of other guilds, young and old, glanced their way.
“Oh shut up! I’m not ogling at the warlord, it’s like asking for a death sentence, you numb skull,†she snapped back. “Anyway why should you care what I do?†She practically stomped her way to the Maker of Mountains, and began to sulk. The administrator glanced down at her but, gratefully, did not say a thing.
“The Geomancers will take Traskara’s and Nikirath’s halls. The Ur’Guard will take Timort’s and Loorkill’s while the Nihilists will follow Dvark’s and Reaal’s. Everyone else will follow me down the last hall, which is Vroka’s and Woreks’.†Warlord Baekos murmured in his soft, dream-like voice. Each Guildmaster then broke their members into smaller groups.
Niri gave a sigh of relief when Archmage Asorath assigned her to Ksora’s, the Marker of Mountains, group. She smiled up at the older female viscanti who in return gave a faint smile. No one had expected Ksora to raise to power as the administrator of the Geomancers; the viscanti noblewoman rarely spoke but she cared deeply about young geomancers and did her best to see them well. It was one of the reasons why Niri liked her so much as well as many of the other novices and apprentices. Kriiss was also in their group. Damn, Niri thought. I have to put up with him? Niri felt a hand gently rest on her shoulder. She looked up at Ksora, who gave her a look of worry.
“Something be wrong, apprentice Niri?†She asked, her voice quiet and strangely low for a female.
“No,†she replied, shaking her head. “Just a bit irate about having -certain- people in your group.â€
Ksora watched her for a moment before giving a slow nod. Turning she addressed the members of her group, which were ten members in total. “We be taking Traskara’s hall itself, that we be. If wish you take another hall, speak then with Archmage Toorath or Earthen Ire Carif. Lord Toorath be taking Nikirath’s hall itself and Count Carif be twix us. So…change wish you?†They looked at each other and then shook their heads in unison.
A faint smile touched her lips. “Good, to our place let us move then."
-- You know what's funny about this, is this is all I've really got right now. And I started this about a month ago... :\\ I had an idea for this story but it's gotten lost on me... also anyone who's in Magnagora, especially the Geos, if you see something hideously wrong with this please correct me. Thank you!
--Chapter 1--
“Why are we down here again?†A young, high pitched voice squeaked out into the darkness of the tomb.
“To find the secrets of the d’Sharni family,†growled the Ur’Commandant.
Poor thing, Niri though. She’s just arrived and she’s forced to parade about in tombs. The apprentice shook her head, throwing her mass of curls about her pale face. The Archmage raised an eyebrow at her, and she gave a sheepish look.
“The d’Sharni family was known for burying their secrets with them, and Traskara was the last of their line, though she did have two children and was adopted into the line.†The Heresiarch stated flatly. “Traskara’s children where bastard children thus they were not apart of the family.â€
“Now younglings, fear not. There is little in these tombs that will harm you.†The warlord murmured in a kind tone. Niri looked at the man who led them. He was rather tall, and extremely good-looking, though single still.
Such an unusual thing! Any woman would give the chance to be the wife of a warlord, and one so fine as he! She thought. She felt a hard nudge to her rib cage and looked to find her fellow apprentice, Kriiss, glaring at her.
“Stop day-dreaming! We’re here to find lost records, not to ogle at the warlord.†He hissed at her. She flushed as several members of other guilds, young and old, glanced their way.
“Oh shut up! I’m not ogling at the warlord, it’s like asking for a death sentence, you numb skull,†she snapped back. “Anyway why should you care what I do?†She practically stomped her way to the Maker of Mountains, and began to sulk. The administrator glanced down at her but, gratefully, did not say a thing.
“The Geomancers will take Traskara’s and Nikirath’s halls. The Ur’Guard will take Timort’s and Loorkill’s while the Nihilists will follow Dvark’s and Reaal’s. Everyone else will follow me down the last hall, which is Vroka’s and Woreks’.†Warlord Baekos murmured in his soft, dream-like voice. Each Guildmaster then broke their members into smaller groups.
Niri gave a sigh of relief when Archmage Asorath assigned her to Ksora’s, the Marker of Mountains, group. She smiled up at the older female viscanti who in return gave a faint smile. No one had expected Ksora to raise to power as the administrator of the Geomancers; the viscanti noblewoman rarely spoke but she cared deeply about young geomancers and did her best to see them well. It was one of the reasons why Niri liked her so much as well as many of the other novices and apprentices. Kriiss was also in their group. Damn, Niri thought. I have to put up with him? Niri felt a hand gently rest on her shoulder. She looked up at Ksora, who gave her a look of worry.
“Something be wrong, apprentice Niri?†She asked, her voice quiet and strangely low for a female.
“No,†she replied, shaking her head. “Just a bit irate about having -certain- people in your group.â€
Ksora watched her for a moment before giving a slow nod. Turning she addressed the members of her group, which were ten members in total. “We be taking Traskara’s hall itself, that we be. If wish you take another hall, speak then with Archmage Toorath or Earthen Ire Carif. Lord Toorath be taking Nikirath’s hall itself and Count Carif be twix us. So…change wish you?†They looked at each other and then shook their heads in unison.
A faint smile touched her lips. “Good, to our place let us move then."
Mirk2006-12-20 02:54:38

Is this ever going to be continued?
Unknown2006-12-20 02:58:59
>.< Hopefully...if I can get my creative muse working. Thank you for reminding me.