by Gandal

Back to The Real World.

Gandal2006-11-25 00:29:05
Umm, the Lusternia page for TMC says that it was 'Sexually Oriented and Adult-Level Violence.' WTF?
Ialie2006-11-25 00:30:07
QUOTE(Gandal @ Nov 24 2006, 07:29 PM) 356694

Umm, the Lusternia page for TMC says that it was 'Sexually Oriented and Adult-Level Violence.' WTF?

Well there is Adult-level violence and some of the events do have sexual themes. Like the Lyreth Morgfyre thing and Rowena fae rape thing.
Verithrax2006-11-25 00:42:52
Gandal2006-11-25 00:54:43
QUOTE(Ialie @ Nov 24 2006, 07:30 PM) 356695

Well there is Adult-level violence and some of the events do have sexual themes. Like the Lyreth Morgfyre thing and Rowena fae rape thing.

Hrm, what happened then? Wasn't here.
Jigan2006-11-25 01:12:15
Pretty much, Morgfyre in the guise of Hajamin grabbed and pretty much kissed Lyreth. A forced kiss which is a good example of how NOT to kiss.

Unless you're into that kinda thing and trying to steal essence from other people.
Aiakon2006-11-25 10:24:11
Well the violence is fairly adult. It's really really disgusting at times. I love it.
Unknown2006-11-25 11:23:45
I wouldn't say that it's sexually oriented though. dunno.gif
Jigan2006-11-25 16:44:37
People tend to be idiots when rating games and such.
Unknown2006-11-25 16:54:47 do have Mudsexers y'know.
Gandal2006-11-25 17:19:11
I mean, if custom emotes are allowed, doesn't that always happen?