
by Accalia

Back to Common Grounds.

Accalia2006-12-23 20:30:24
Looks like I'm back into Lusternia. Accailia woke to some big changes, and seems to be changing a lot herself. Biggest change being losing Lord Lacostian, which caused some serious soul searching. I was surprised at the decent welcome she received (and thankfully she didnt have to deal with much "You're married to Argilent? He killed a Moon Avatar!"). Also surprising are the new friendships she's made, she's never been great at keeping up with those. wink.gif

Just a simple hello.

Oh and P.S. Its funny, I've never posted, but for kicks I did a forum search of my character... I recommend trying it sometime, interesting to see what people remember or noticed.

P.P.S Contact me in-game if you have any unwritten information about The Enigma eating my.. umm.. about Lord Elostian's presence. Well thought opinions are welcome too.
Unknown2006-12-24 00:41:44

Good to see old players back.

Sorry for being so cold as Aerenna when you as a mentor were telling me to cheer up.
(Don't take this part seriously.)

I'm not active at the moment, but from what I read there's an awful lot of strange and cool things going on. Ah, and Elcyrion and Lacostian performed a DBZ-style fusion. But I think you already know that.
Accalia2006-12-24 00:58:54

Yes that was a weird relationship. First time I couldnt connect with a protege, actually always felt bad about that!

Cuber hmm... does the name have anything to do with the rubik's? I solved the cube for the first time recently (and do it about once a day since then)

Nice to hear from you!
Unknown2006-12-24 01:07:25
Welcome back! That's a neat avatar btw... did you make it using Photo Booth by chance? smile.gif
Unknown2006-12-28 18:35:49
Shou, Photo Booth's pictures aren't nearly that quality. Besides, it looks like the kind of thing that's hard to do in a room at home.
Unknown2006-12-28 22:35:46
Stay away from Elostian. He killed Laco and Elcy. crying.gif