Tarot tarot tarot

by Malarious

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Malarious2006-12-28 09:54:58
Ok so naturally all tertiary skillsets of the same name have the same skills.. but would liek to add some flavour to different skills and everyone loves tarot so that is why it got the title..

Example.. Tarot is the exact same.. could use some more room wide cards... like something for celest to mass heal.. and magnagora ot either damage or afflict.. or maybe both afflict just different ailments! Yes I know tarot may be one of the most powerful skillset in the game due to aeon, moon, and hangedman combat use.. empress summoning.. etc etc.. but some more flavour to it would be nice. Even if the new tarot skills had like.. hallucinations and kneel as the ails still would be more flavourful.

Also post ideas on other ideas for changes! like maybe new totem in Seren and Glomdoring?

Post and make ideas!
Shorlen2006-12-28 10:39:21
What's wrong with it as is? I personally don't see a need for room wide tarot. That's the advantage of ecology over tarot - weaker effects and delayed and slower to use, but room-wide. Tarot is far from being a "boring" skillset - it has massive offensive use, utility use, defensive use, and travel use. It's one of the most well rounded skillsets in the game in that regard. It even has an instakill! Sure it needs passives (angel/demons and songs) to back it up, but it's still really solid for active skills.

If you want to see a worthless skillset with no flavour and no utility, look at Runes. However, Runes will never change, as the Admins have decreed it so, and vetoed EVERY SINGLE envoy suggestion to change it that has ever been presented, as far as I've heard. sad.gif (not bitter, honest! Gods, I loathe skillsets that are only useful for a single guild (blacktalon in this case))
Unknown2006-12-28 11:43:25
Nah, Tarot's fine, more or less. Some skills could probably use looking into (f.e. Princess), but it doesn't seem like high priority...
There are many more urgent issues with other skillsets.
Acrune2006-12-31 20:36:22
Tarot's fine, but it is kind of boring. I like the idea of making skillsets a little different between the orgs, though its true that there are other things that should be done first.