State of Project L?

by Unknown

Back to Project L.

Unknown2007-01-02 20:44:46
From the looks of things, I probably already know the answer to my own question, but uh... is Project L dead? I got a PC running on my Mac now (yes yes, the horror) and am trying out zMud. The graphical interface was one of the things that most interested me in it, and I think that's what Project L is/was trying to develop. But... it looks like things have come to a sudden halt, and I don't see any downloads or tutorials. Which is really too bad, it would've been cool :/ Maybe some people are still doing it behind the scenes or are keeping it quiet? I don't know :shrug:

Well, I guess in that case then... does anyone know if there's anything on the net that can point me in the direction of making a pretty GUI for zMud?

Edit: Sorry, going off on a tangent now... just opened zMud and got a little pop-up window for cMud. What is that, is it better? Should I use that instead before pouring all my effort into zMud?
Unknown2007-01-04 13:43:57
As far as I can tell, Project L is dead in the water. There are inexpensive systems available, but nothing that's completely free (or officially sanctioned by Lusternia admins).

Making a GUI in zMUD isn't too difficult, but it does take time to design and get working well. It's easy to fall into traps of making an inefficient (i.e., slow) GUI. Here's a snapshot of the major part of my own system GUI (a bit old, but still fairly accurate):

CMUD is new and is now publicly released, but it still has just enough bugs that you'll want to wait to use it as your primary MUD client for a little while yet. I've been developing scripts/packages in CMUD for a little while now, and I'm finding it frustrating when I run into something that doesn't work because CMUD won't execute it the way it should. Also, Zugg has big plans to overhaul the GUI elements, mapper, database module, etc, so there's much more good stuff on the way.
Unknown2007-01-04 16:10:35
Thanks for the advice smile.gif I'll stick with zMud for now then, and try to build my own system from scratch.