Illuminated Written Works

by Unknown

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Unknown2007-01-09 01:04:27
So I'm a huge renaissance/english romance fan (William Blake being a god in my eyes), and I recently wrote a simple little Lusternian poem/fable, and before I knew it I had gone overboard and turned it into an illuminated piece of work.

I've never seen this sort of "art" submitted in artisinal contests before in any of the IRE muds, but I thought it was kind of a cool idea combining artistic and written works. So my question is if I submit the poem for artisinal judging, will the quality of the poem also be judged, and do I have a fair chance of getting a prize? Or should I just go ahead and submit an artisinal work, and the poem seperately for bardic?
Daganev2007-01-09 01:06:50
You can only submit one at a time, however you are more likely to win artisnal with a nice page and a bad poem than you are to win bardic.

People have won by submitting dance steps in the past.
Vix2007-01-09 01:37:26
EDIT: Misread. >_<
Unknown2007-01-09 01:55:34
Do you mean "Illustrated"?

Or am I just showing my lack of refinement when it's a common poetry/literature term? unsure.gif
Unknown2007-01-09 02:47:51
You can actually submit one bardic and one artisinal per month, but only the highest amount of credits from either is won, rather than both combined. So go ahead and try both.

Unless they changed the rules recently.
Unknown2007-01-09 02:49:22
Vix2007-01-09 03:22:02
Yeah, you could definitely submit that to artisanals. People have submitted things like illustrated (yeah, think you mean illustrated) sheet music before and even maps (just plain boring rectangular room maps). One of these poem things should be good no matter how bad the poem is. There will always be an admirer for some poem - good or bad. smile.gif
Noola2007-01-09 03:36:14
No, he means Illuminated.

See the sixth definition Illuminated.

And for a more visual definition...Google Images: Illuminated Text

And he should totally submit it for artisanal!
Anarias2007-01-09 04:06:23
Illuminated (not illustrated, take an art history class!) manuscripts are very nice. I started one a few years ago that turned into several and then was going to become a real book but then they all got lost when I moved.
Daganev2007-01-09 05:10:26
my god... I hope everyone was joking about the "illustrated" part.... it makes me cry to think otherwise.

Can anyone find that bardic entry about the dance steps? I can't seem to find it.
Unknown2007-01-09 05:35:29
QUOTE(daganev @ Jan 9 2007, 05:10 AM) 370863

my god... I hope everyone was joking about the "illustrated" part.... it makes me cry to think otherwise.

Not joking, but glad I know now.

Edit: This one? wub.gif
Kharaen2007-01-09 05:37:34
Hrm, what's interesting about illuminated manuscripts is that they were created by the church to teach illiterate pagens the teachings of God. It's why so much emphasis went into illustration.

Manuscripts are VERY nice, I can't see how they wouldn't be good artisanal submissions. Calligraphy is an artform too wink.gif
Daganev2007-01-09 05:53:58
QUOTE(Avaer @ Jan 8 2007, 09:35 PM) 370875

Edit: This one? wub.gif


Thanks. Thats what I was talking about, I think its very arty and bardic at the same time.

Illuminated manuscripts arn't just church things.

Here are some links of other such pieces of art.

I remember being told however that illuminated manuscripts was more about adding worth to the book and having them last longer and to be pieces of art, rather than a means to teach illiterate people. The best illuminated scripts I've seen don't have literal pictures but just play with the art of the words.
Aiakon2007-01-09 12:31:44
QUOTE(Kharaen d'Attai @ Jan 9 2007, 05:37 AM) 370876

Hrm, what's interesting about illuminated manuscripts is that they were created by the church to teach illiterate pagens the teachings of God. It's why so much emphasis went into illustration.

Illuminated manuscripts, especially pre-printing press were staggeringly expensive, and no one without great riches would have been allowed near them. It's a pretty idea, but highly unlikely. I assume you're all referring to medieval manuscripts, if you're not I'll ssh.

Edit: Bah! Entirely ninja-ed by Daganev. Serves me right for posting on the forums while nominally at work.
Vix2007-01-09 23:35:27
Oh psh. When have I ever come across an illuminated manuscript? tongue.gif

I'm curious to see how Folken's turned out though. smile.gif